Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 59: Same Situations

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

A summer Monday came into the picture.

Summer break or not Sullivan would be busy with his boss work while Alexander would have much more leeway on being a little boss.

Before their busy days could commence though, they had to wait for their guests to come.


As they wait for the arrivals, Sullivan was guiding his grandson on how to interact well with people.

Of course, he knew that the boy already knew these things but his old bones just can't help but worry.

He had just gotten word from the first-grade teacher about how weirdly managing the boy is with school tasks. It was a miracle that the Hansen girl didn't give the boy some punishment for such blatantness.

Sullivan also heard about the boy's fearful class moniker which is possessed Creed. Every classmate didn't dare to disturb his drawing frenzy, even the supposed class bullies that previously troubled the boy were affected.

Old Creed could only feel sorry for his resting daughter-in-law to be caught up in her son's art craze.

He also knew about Alexander's effects on his Creed Comics employees and knew that they were subtly influenced by their little boss's mannerisms in a way that they couldn't grasp.

All that Sullivan could grasp from these separate examples is whoever would interact with Alexander for an extended amount would have varying reactions.

The teacher had become lenient, the classmates had become spooked, the employees were worshiping, and even Sullivan himself was getting influenced.

He just didn't want the new and somewhat long-term Alex interactor to develop into the weird types that their predecessors had been.

Sullivan decided to do some adjustments on the source while also considering to brief the Jovovich ladies more about the boy's quirks.

Alexander could only methodically give his understanding to his grandfather's socializing 101 lectures.

He would try his best to be positively interactive but it wouldn't be his fault if all his grandfather's fears would still come to fruition.

Perhaps him being talkative would soften the blows that would come but it is highly doubtful.


Elsewhere on the Los Angeles road. Mother Galina and daughter Milla were also doing their own preparations as they cruised through with the car.

"Milla, what did I tell you last night?" Galina asked sternly while keeping her eye on the streets.

"Be good and be behaved girl while try hard to be friends with the boy named Alex." The girl exasperatingly recited the phrase she had to reluctantly memorize. "But why do I have to be friends with that boy? I like grandpa Creed better than him."

"Milla, what did I tell you about being disobedient?" Galina glared through the rearview mirror. The girl's camaraderie with Mr. Creed was good enough but everything would be better for her plans to have Milla befriend little Alex.

Milla could only pout with reason. "What if he doesn't want to be friends with me? Forcing someone to be friends with you isn't good."

"Don't worry about that? Mommy would be there to help." Galina assured the girl as she doesn't want things to come to that. It shouldn't be that hard to make little kids become friends. "Just remember that this is our secret mission for this job okay?"

"Mommy, why do you always say it's a secret mission?" The little girl was quite worried about this as she hesitantly added. "Are we really Russian spies, mommy?"

Galina was perplexed at this. "Russian spies. Why would you even say that, Milla?"

"My classmates always tease me about that. They say I'm Russian and so I'm a secret little spy plotting to take down America." Milla was sniffling when she recounted that and this 'secret mission' stuff seems to enforce her imagination on that possibility. "Does this mean that little Alex is a target to be eliminated?"

"Who are your classmates that said that?! I'll have a word with your teacher about this!" Galina vowed with anger. No matter how manipulating she is with her daughter's life, she is still a mother who cares.

"Will we eliminate my teacher and classmates too?!" Milla was still caught up on spy fantasies and can't help but gasp. "Were we exposed and would be hunted by the police?"

Galina wanted to palm herself but had to stop since she was driving. She had to patiently guide her daughter's thoughts into the right path.

Being labeled spies was bad enough, she didn't want to make it worse with her daughter being drawn into that fantasy.

Milla was thus calmed down and got rid of her 'elimination' thoughts. Her thoughts were mostly looking forward to meeting kind grandpa Sullivan again while hoping that Alex kid wouldn't be too difficult to get along with.

Eventually, their car parked by the Creed residence and their mother-daughter secret mission has commenced

Milla was truly actress material that took inspiration from her as Galina noticed that she was now smiling sweetly and didn't have the traces of the wilfulness she had in the ride.

This time, the streetly greetings didn't have to happen again as the Jovovich duo directly met their targets inside the house.


"Good morning, Mr. Creed, and hello little Alex." Galina greeted the Creeds while also excusing herself. "I hope it wouldn't be too much trouble but I had to bring Milla along again."

"Haha! It's no trouble at all. Little Milla is always welcome here. If she didn't, then my title as grandpa Sullivan would be useless." Sullivan welcomed them and waved to the little smiling lass. "Hello again Milla."

"Hello, grandpa Sullivan." Milla smiled sweetly. No matter how mission-esque her mother would treat this visit, she always felt good around the old man who reminded her of her grandpa.

Alexander 'interacted' as much as his grandfather had briefed him to do.

While the adults were doing their first day briefings, he was quota'd to befriend little Milla and keep her company in the meantime.

"What is fun to do around here, friend Alex?" Milla seems to have the same goal as him. As such, the two of them had to be stuck with each other.

"Nothing much really. It's an old man's house, so there isn't much for kids except the television." Alexander went host mode as his grandpa's stare compelled him to. "If you want a tour of the whole house, I'd be happy to show you around?"

"Sure, friend Alex. I look forward to it." Milla also noticed a stare from her mother and internalized her mission mantra.

No matter how obviously weird 'friend Alex' was, Alexander had to be gentlemanly and gave her the tour.

They noticed the adult's relief as they traveled together to explore the rooms of the Creed residence.

When outside the range of those compelling stares, they both sighed relief.

It just so happens that they did it at the same time and it made them chuckle towards each other with knowing glances.

"You have a mission, right?" Milla whispered.

"Probably the same as yours." He had no idea about some mission but he didn't deny it.


Their tour went on with both of them finding solace in being forced to be in the same situation. Perhaps it was the blossoming of a friendship.

What do you guys think of little Miss Milica "Milla" Jovovich?

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