Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 70: Mail Reading

"Little boss, would you like to read some of them now?" Ms. Mail asked as a suggestion since his intrigue was apparent for everybody.

Alexander had no reason to decline, so he picked one up from the piles and prepared himself with the interesting contents he would come upon.

He started with the DC pile to sample the hate first.


/Dear Creed Comics,

Superman and Batman always wins. Your uninteresting stories had better scatter from the stores before DC heroes can show you what they're made of.

I guarantee that you'll wet yourself and be forced to leave the comic market. We don't need you at all.

I'm also pretty sure that those lines of people that always fill up the counters are paid by you, cheaters. Your cluttering up the stores with your fakeness.

DC is always number one and your no-good monkey boy, ugly turtles, and cat people have nothing that can change that.

I hate you,

- Alvin Barry/


Alexander really had no better solution for these DC fans as they seem to antagonize everyone that they feel like a threat.

This Alvin guy probably flamed Creed Comics because he was jealous of the crowds hounding at the Creed section and ashamed at the relative quietness of the DC sector nowadays.

Such reasoning could probably be similar for another superhero publisher in the same boat. As such, it was just perfect to pick something from the Marvel fan mails and get some comparison going.


/Dear Creed Comics,

Why don't you just choose to be an imprint of Marvel? Marvel is way better than you could ever be.

I know you know that. If you didn't, then why would your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rip off Daredevil?

You may be leading the sales market now but mark my words, I will call upon my Marvel brethren and have them buy so many Marvel comics that it will make your numbers weep.

You, DC, and Eclipse should just bow under Marvel's glory and kneel before Stan Lee!


- Marvin Logan/


As far as Alexander could compare between the two samples of Big Two fanatics, they are both pissed that Creed is doing better than the company's they are rooting for.

He could also see Barry and Logan in their names, so their attraction towards the respective comic book companies may have something to do with them being alike to DC's Flash and Marvel's Wolverine.

The mailers had these piled quite neatly and the relative 100 letters in each pile meant that Creed Comics may have 200 diehard haters.

200 may just be the start though as there is a pile that is labeled as general complaints to add to that number.

Alexander simply picked one complaint to read.


/Dear Creed Comics,

Your comics along with all the other comics in this world are a vulgar creation that rots the mind of the youth.

Repent for your sins and burn the devilish doctrines that you disguise as colorful drawings.

Do so now for your salvation or everything will be too late. As for the so-called Alexander Creed leading everything, you should burn yourself in the stake so that you'll be ready for what you'll be meeting in hell.

Yours Truly,

- An Envoy of Youth and Prayers/


Alexander could only shake his head at this religious nut and prototype 'Karen'. Also, this specific letter must have strayed from the extremists' pile or this may be relatively tamer compared to what's in there.

Of course, the Karens can't be the majority of the haters so he picked another complainer.


/Dear Creed Comics,

I am a concerned parent asking for you to tone down the vulgarity. This Bulma character is so promiscuous that you should consider removing it on further issues.

P.S. My son loves Goku and he inspired him to train self-defense classes against his bullies.

P.P.S. His bullies were also inspired by Goku so they trained in self-defense as well.

P.P.P.S. The cycle of violence has gone on long enough and needs to be stopped.


- Agatha Pierce/


Alexander has nothing but condolence for the child of this parent. He could already imagine how heartbreaking it would be to train yourself only to find out your bullies are training as well.

It was up to the truly skilled to rise against the other.

However valid the complaint was, Alexander washed his hands off it as he had already asked for all issues printed to have disclaimers.

Whatever happens in real life is no fault of any comic book under the Creed Comics banner at all. Of course, this is the easy way out and probably won't stop the accusation in any way.

Alexander did however get a glimpse of Dragonball's influence on society from that. Violence wasn't ideal but he did take pride in urging kids and bullies into martial arts classes.

Americanizing Goku and extending his martial arts scenes did bring unexpected trends.

Of course, he didn't get that generalization from that hate mail as he picked from the commendation pile to balance the complaints.


/Dear Creed Comics,

You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work and I'll probably buy every issue you'll publish.

I'm also happy to let you know that my buddies and I are starting our own Ninja Turtle dojo and I am Splinter the sensei.

I even heard that there is a Goku dojo around our community and we'll probably be exchanging wisdom with each other soon enough.


- Ralph Rodriguez/


Ralph's letter is just one of the many that Alexander had read on from the commendation pile. They mostly hover on fans who love Dragonball, TMNT, and ThunderCats.

There are even letters addressed to Alexander Creed which was all about asking for a comic signing event. Too bad that he wouldn't be doing that anytime soon.

These commendation letters along with the suggestion pile letters are the true amassed fans of this comic book company.

This meant that he could care less about the naysayers and just focus on cultivating goodwill with them.

There are still mail piles that need to be glimpsed at. Unfortunately, their labels are under death threat and arsonist which is probably traumatizing to go through.

The mailers were also quick to persuade their little boss to not get close to those scary letters. Even they, as adults, were quite afraid of these crazy people's threats of extremism after all.

Alexander as their 9-year-old boss had better stay away from those monstrosities.

Of course, Alexander knew what they were concerned for and just consider sending the dangerous letters to the authorities for reporting.

He could also have Mr. Legalities come up with legal pushbacks to serve as a warning against future offenders.


Nonetheless, the mail reading was quite insightful to go through for Alexander.

Hate letters, fan letters, or not. They are one of the same in his opinion and that they are under the feedback that the company is in need of.

It came to him that this mail problem may have just given him the solution for his previous inclusivity problem.

This discovery can be leveraged to Creed Comics' advantage and Alexander would be stupid to not act on this unexpected finding.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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