Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 84: Subvertive Entryway

Galina really had no standard way to read close into this babysitee of hers.

At first impression, having Milla befriend Alex was just a chance to get into the good books of old Mr. Creed. The old man was her most optimal chance to gain entry into Hollywood after all, with Alex as the ticket.

As a subversion through the second impression, she was set out to her job well but only to find out that the kid was not someone easy at all.

How could she have prepared herself when her first day on the job was to send a little boss into a real working company?

Suddenly, Alex wasn't just a ticket of entry but became another entryway for something she hadn't even considered.

Still, Galina was sure that gaining the trust of such a talented kid would come a long way into the future.

Thus, her approach became two-way with tickets out of option. There were now two entryways with one into Hollywood and one into something that might even be better. She labeled them as Sullivan entryway and Alex entryway respectively.

Galina was hard at work ever since then but she realized that neither was easy to do.

Old Mr. Creed was away for most of the time while mostly just handing her with instructions and all that. Even when he was at the house, he was mostly invested in his study or interacting with Milla to spoil her so that he could feel what's it like to be a normal grandfather.

Galina was progressing ever so slowly with the Hollywood entryway but she never imagined that her daughter would beat her to it.

Who would've thought that Milla would innocently succeed by being Alex's substitute? Since old Sullivan didn't have a normal grandson ticket available, Milla simply morphed herself into a nominal granddaughter ticket.

Hence, the Sullivan entryway was successfully opened up and Galina was just waiting out on the Hollywood that she imagined to be inside.

Normally, she would already be jumping for joy but the mystery and allure of the Alex entryway made the Hollywood success seem irrelevant.

Alex's entryway that is represented by the indifferent Alex never really seems to have budged.

She couldn't even gain a foothold in the babysitting job as she only felt herself to be a placeholder so that there was an excuse to have an adult in the house.

Her only way of interaction with Alex was through chauffeuring him to work, preparing food, or be in place when Mr. Creed is busy. There were many chances but nothing really came from it.

It was fine and all if only the livelihood sustaining job was considered. After all, Alex was never really fussy, quite gentlemanly albeit in the bare minimum, and didn't really trouble them at all.

However, this was what troubled Galina. The lack of connection meant that her task of gaining his trust is rendered moot.

The boy was way too hyperfocused on one job that everything else that wasn't interesting was bluntly uninteresting.

As Milla had learned from Mr. Creed, everything outside comic books and Creed Comics at the moment was approached by Alex in a bare minimum or Milla's so-called 'per punk Tori'.

It was made clear from Milla's insider news that Alex's interaction with them was made mandatory by old Sullivan and that was why he even bothered to do it.

Although it was far-fetched to say that the boy was robotic, Galina was still worried as the Alex entryway may not be possible to open.

Even Milla's friendship status may not have amounted to anything and only allowed her to be able to come close to it.

Still, that close proximity already allowed her to have a somewhat popular identity by being a comic book character.

Galina's evaluation of the Alex entryway had only shot up further and she wouldn't be her when she backs down from the challenge.

She can't imagine how high its true value would be when it is finally opened.

It was also only at this until recently that she gleamed into another specialty that was hidden behind that mysterious entrance.

'Screenwritten' echoed to her as Mr. Creed mentioned it and when Galina connected it to the boy's enormous success through creativity, the entryway's importance was elevated even further.

This car ride conversation only served to prove her conjecture and her impression of Alex has changed for the nth time.

To think that she wrongly considered Mr. Creed as the main target when he is actually the relatively easy one.

Outward appearances truly can't be judged arbitrarily. Galina now knew the true lesson to be learned from never judge a book by its cover.

If the boy can make Milla somewhat popular by dedicating a character to her, then he could very well be the very thing she was looking for all this while.

Alex's identity as a screenwriter of an already in-development film was just the answer she had inadvertently run into.

There is even the bonus point of being able to run and head a business while still clearly being a grade-schooler. There may have to be a shadow of old Mr. Creed on the business part but that is already better than everyone else out there.

There is even an added caveat of bonuses that are yet to be discovered. Galina's impressions of the boy have been subverted so many times that she could only look forward for more.

She had already adjusted herself and her task now turned to finding a ticket into opening the indifferent, incredibly fortified, and extremely beneficial entryway that still withheld so many more.

At the crux of it all, Galina still knew that any of her self attempts are futile. She hadn't even done much in opening the Sullivan entryway so it was wishful thinking to tackle something much more difficult.

However, her options still aren't zero as she still has her beloved daughter to be the one to turn to.

Little Milica was her new shot in a luxurious life. Milica herself paved herself into a Hollywood grandpa backer. Also, Milica was the only one close to the distant Alex entryway.

If she didn't notice such an option, then she would be worthless. Now, all that she needed to scheme about was how her daughter could barge through that closed entrance.


While Miss Galina was figuratively scheming with tickets and entryway, the journey went on.

Alexander had no clue what was truly going on with his babysitter's thoughts but he at least kept up with a lot of things since their entry into his life.

Without doubt, Milla was just naively following through and Miss Galina was paving forward with tricks. This mother-and-daughter dynamic was clearly quite toxic and unhealthy.

But he wasn't in a position to intervene. It wasn't that he couldn't but he didn't really feel the need to.

Everyone in the world had their methods of getting ahead and the Jovovich ladies had their own course of life. The mother might seem controlling but it seems to be for the betterment of both of them.

Besides, Alexander was already marginally helping them out. As for how they make use of that, it was best to not meddle any further.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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