Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 87: Synergistic Inputs

As the Creeds were playing out on opposing extremes on their minds, the Jovovich ladies were still reeling at the unexpected news.

It was supposed to just be a visitation and a chance to know more Hollywood people, how could Galina have thought that a better outcome has been waiting.

Milla wasn't even downcast with studying the aspects of filmmaking anymore and was even roaring to go.

Her motivations were kickstarted as her dreams of stardom would finally start. Meanwhile, Galina felt herself tearing up for the fact that they were finally on the race.

The past few years had taken a toll on her and the fact that they reached this point without her unreliable husband was something to cherish.

Good thing she was a former actress so she bottled it up to maintain decorum and not embarrass herself at this studio filled with people.

The back and forth of gratitudes and all that went on with it finally crescendo-ing when Galina took Milla to her duties to learn about the filming process and its aspects.

Even Sullivan considered such things for the betterment of this nominal granddaughter of his. With the little girl getting to know more about a lot of things related to movies, it should be conducive to the progression of her dreams.

Stars shouldn't just be caught up in vanity and acting work. They have to expand their knowledge to open up a lot of avenues.

It should be a gradual process for anybody and Sullivan simply gave little Milica a comprehensive lesson in all of it.

Everyone in the studio was more or less in his control as a producer, so having these experts teach a little girl shouldn't be too troublesome.

As such, Milla and Galina went on with their duties to get acquainted with everything behind the scenes.


Meanwhile, the old and young Creed had much more serious matters to converse about.

"If you were just going to give Milla a role, why the need to bring me here?" Alexander had to ask as his grandfather wouldn't disturb his established workflow for no reason

"Well, as the film producer, I should tell the story booker about how things are going on with the adaptation of his work." Sullivan pointed out. "Also, the changes we are making to the script have been done and the others want your insight on it."

"I thought you already started filming last month, did something happen to have a kid like me present, grandpa?" Alexander was a bit ruffled. Changes meant trouble and the many troubles of the original trilogy were the plausible reason for everything.

He should have insisted more on joining his grandfather with overseeing stuff. Although his manipulatively baffling input may be dismissed by the adults, he could still influence a lot of things by virtue of his spoiling grandfather.

"Both the director and screenwriter wanted to ask for your advice or whatnot." Fortunately, Sullivan's words eased his worries. "That Rob and Bob duo pulled rank on me and said it was all for the betterment of the film, they said."

Alexander could only feel weird at the twosome's request to meet. He had to look around the place and didn't notice the acquainted Curious Bob so he could only ask. "Where are they then?"

"They are picking up some things for special effects and they should be here soon." Sullivan and handed him some papers. "Why don't you give this a read while we wait for the two? It doesn't have pictures that you are so fond of but it should do the trick."

The old man knew that his grandson wasn't one to idle so he did the task that the requesting duo wanted from the kid.

Old Sullivan could only smile as he saw that Alex didn't even dawdle and read quite seriously. His old bones could only lament at the fact that the boy grew too fast.

Even at this conversation, Sullivan felt like he was talking to an adult and little Alex's iteration of 'kid like me' was to give his old heart some bit of comfort.

Sullivan already noticed such a trend whenever he mentored the boy about business matters. The more Alexander knew about his strategies, the more Sullivan got the feeling that he was talking to a peer.

The old Creed's consolation about such progress is the talent that has been honed and led to incredible feats.

Every Creed Comics operation doesn't go unnoticed by Sullivan's radar and he could only nod repeatedly at the decisions that were made to bolster product and brand.

Sullivan could see Tina in his grandson and a lot of himself. While his wife was incomparably focused on refining her clothing line, he was the one responsible and skilled on marketing and the business front.

Alexander simply had to be both Tina and him. Responsible for ensuring product quality and business-ing it out with great methods.

Everyone grew up at some point and Sullivan had readied himself for that, he just didn't think it had arrived already.

Whatever worry or pride he is feeling for it all, Sullivan could only guide him forward to the greater potential that is yet to be tapped.


Alexander was unaware of his grandfather's dilemma about his maturity, overwhelming growth, and greatly untapped potential.

He was still invested in reading his storybook work in script form. As far as he had observed so far, a lot of story aspects have been moved around but that is probably because Mr. Zemeckis and Curious Bob had their input on it.

Nothing much was really a cause for worry overall. If anything, the first film was much more coherent with the sequels.

The most notable and perfect addition to the first story were scenes that showcased Marty's baffling overreaction to being called 'Chicken' and the early addition of his rival Needles.

For a lot of detail hounds and film buffs, the abrupt addition of the Chicken taunt and rival Needles had been a point of contention.

Alexander's picture book version never really did that correction as he was still fairly new to being a pirate. It was also now that he realized such a noob mistake.

Fortunately, the original creators did that work for him and it serve to bolster the timeline logic and make the overall trilogy a bit better than what it had been.

As he clued them on the ideas of the sequels, it would seem that they also inadvertently auto-corrected a plothole that they made in the past timeline.

Alexander could only be amused at the synergistic effect of pooling together his future hindsight and the input of original creators who has a much greater heart towards their creation.

This led him to realize a benefit of such a collaboration but Alexander wouldn't act more forward on it.

Besides, there was no telling if the others were as beneficially cooperative as the Back to the Future duo.

As the so-called Rob and Bob duo were looking forward to meeting him, Alexander was now reciprocating of that feeling as he looked forward to how their clash would be.

Perhaps plunderer would produced sparks with the unaware plundered.

Would a knowing plagiarizer and clueless originals be able to pull great feats?

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