Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 9: Chaos Latches

Within expectations, the monitor eventually blasted into pieces along with any semblance of an electrical component within the CREED.

The turn of events seems to have made a localized but blinky type of EMP.

The California sun is supposed to bring light through the open windows but Alexander only saw darkness and flashes of green and red.

The chaos monster came unimpeded as the monitor imploded and its holographic mass latched itself unto its summoner.

Alexander could only stand still as he felt the amalgam trying to find the best entrance to invade him.

Its smoke-like figure could have used his mouth or nose, however, it was only when it intruded into his pupils that he knew his body wasn't its goal but his mind.

The eyes were the windows to the soul for a reason and Alexander could only open his eyes as characters of green and red sequenced itself unto him through his eyes.

To transfer, download, embed, and do what it's programmed to do.

If Alexander fumbled his way into the Superman program, then he would have gladly accepted the intrusion.

Unfortunately, it was a chaos program and he didn't know if his 47-year-old body could bear the strain of chaos.

Just like how the expression with eyes as windows, 'life flashing before your eyes as you die' also came into play with Alexander.

Just like how the eyes are one of the brain's major inputs, memory flashing seems to be the brain's ending sequence.

Alexander's sequence is mostly about the memories of his parents, his long loss over their deaths, moving on and moving forward with his grandfather, then his loss over his grandfather's death, immersing into work and adult life, and then the stable plateau as he lounged on CREED and computer freelancing.

Aside from the bland and boring major moments, there are also minor but special moments that pop up.

It was mostly achievements that he reached at various points of his life.

Learning to drive motorcycles and cars, learning a song with instruments; dating, turning into a man, and repeating the dating process; graduating education; completing a computer program whether it be game, website, or software; procuring new additions to his collections, and many more obscure memories he forgot but was still fond of.

What the dead or the near-dead hadn't exposed to the living would probably be how hours of entertainment seem to be compressed in the near-death moment.

Alexander just may have binge-watched or binge-read everything he ever watched or read in his life. Of course, it was only on the moments or passages he found impactful enough to register as something worth remembering.

There were also the ups and downs of his investment but that is not too important at the impediment of life.

He was normally stoic, introverted, and indifferent but there are still highs in his life that others can't understand.

The memories flashed onwards and so did the codes latching itself unto him. He couldn't feel anything on the physical side of his cranium but he could feel the character's imprinting itself onto his mind.

If Sherlock's Mind Palace was the basis, then his average Mind House was being graffiti-ed all over by the chaotic traces of the chaos program.

Graffiti was only the start of it as it tattooed and carved into his mind to catalyze a succession of pain.

A headache, migraine, or whatever skull earthquake eventually reached his physical head as he couldn't help but feel that the entire world is splitting apart.

The shaking pain eventually reverberated unto his body as what homeostasis and interconnectedness does.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" His life memories were still fresh and he can tell that he only screamed a handful of times like this in his life and this is the undisputed BIG one.

It was unfortunate that his neighbors had already closed down or someone could have heard his woes.

The pain ensued on but it eventually stopped as the chaos program successfully latched itself unto his mind and did its magic.


His Mind House warped into a chaos of darkness and flashing green-red characters which eventually translated itself forwards as to how the pain previously did.

Alexander had already lost himself at this point as his physical brain and onwards turned as amalgamistic as the summoned chaos monster.

Eventually, only his man-shape was left as his flesh was seemingly consumed by the chaos.

In successive eventuality, the chaos would then continue to spread itself to the surroundings and eventually the world but natural order is in place.

Chaos was natural but a dense concentration of it was unnatural.

Hence, natural order did its job, and chaos in the shape of Alexander Creed slowly dissipated like the projective smoke-ness it warped itself with.

Like smoke dispersing into nothingness, Alexander dispersed into nothingness as well.


It didn't take long for society to assume that Alexander Creed went missing.

This was what the police concluded after a week or so since the chaos incident.

In their investigation, the only thing strange about the store was the bustedness of electrical appliances and nothing else.

The computer set up was busted as can be with the monitor dispersing itself like a bomb.

Labeled storage devices were around the floor but they didn't investigate much into it. Even if they had, one of their computers turning whack was enough to tell them that it was nasty.

Alexander also changed the truly terrifying names of the ones he procured that did damage at a national or global level, he was quite prepared for such a contingency.

They could issue a warrant for the man hoarding some dangerous stuff but his virus-stopping freelancing job made them put a halt on that.

The man also had some vouchers and passes from the tech world, so he was as crimeless as can be.

The multipliers were still on the bed but it was of no interest to them as much as the labeled ones on the floor.

Perhaps some detective could investigate further but it was a waste of resources to do so since there isn't any inkling of crime that happened in their perspective.

How could any detective or high IQ investigator consider the forces of the known realities to be at play? Being murdered by a chaos program was not among their homicide profiles.

Even if Alexander Creed was murder into nothingness, they had much more important matters to take care of.

No further investigations were needed as they considered that the man may have gone for a reclusive trip given his reclusive reputation.

Sandra was the one to file the missing person's report in worry but she agreed with the police's conjecture as she knows that Alexander has quirks and the resources to do so.

Chubby Hackman already has the papers signed with the investment money in place so CREED would be maintained as it is.

The two were prime suspects however in case the man's dead body turns up or if a ransom call were to arrive.

Life went on with Alexander Creed being forgotten. Or maybe this life already turned inconsequential with what has happened or is about to happen.

This is a work of fiction with a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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