Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 90: Notable Third

As the more adult trio was grasping their own straws from the expense of his unconventional abilities, Alexander could only try to stop the urge from palming himself.

It is not like he cured cancer or really invented the time machine, it was better that they move on to important matters.

It was unfortunate that another round of questioning from the Rob and Bob duo commenced once again.

This time, BttF questions were pushed to the back and it was more on everything comic book and Creed Comics.

Aside from Curious Bob, it would seem that Innovative Rob should probably be changed to Curious Rob as well.

Bob, the more curious and avid comic book enthusiast of the two, spearheaded the questions this time around.

The mystery of Creed Comics has already been circulating in the industry and it was stupid to waste the chance to get to know the mystery-man at the center of it all.

Robert Zemeckis was still a filmmaker though and focused on the film adaptation potential of comic books.

For Zemeckis, who is among the most innovative in film technology like James Cameron, the scifi elements of Creed Comics was potential special effects movie to be developed.

Alexander commenced another wave of answering questions and quantified that his daily socializing quota from this interaction had long exceeded his quota of the entire week.

Fortunately, the wave of inquiries died down wit the Rob and Bob duo's eyes looking at Alex weirdly like he was some gem.

From his perspective, their eyes mirrored how old Gollum would gaze at the One Ring.

Alexander could only keep quiet and not attract their attention any further as they seem to be wanting to pry his head open.

He still had his grandfather to blame as he was having his crazy credentials out and it was making the Rob and Bob duo be drugged with admiration.


Sullivan finally found his chance to help his introverted grandson out as he asked the duo. "How was your trip to ILM by the way? Did they say they'll be able to do what we've asked for?"

Robert was still sighing from all the copings with recent revelations but he slowly got to answering the question. "Well, people at Light and Magic are quite looking forward to working with our film, so they've already worked out most of the specifics."

Sullivan gave a questioning look as he is still quite troubled by how he was pestered by that certain someone who wanted to join in on their time-traveling film. "Was that Spielberg guy there? Is he still adamant about being a part of this film project?"

"Director Spielberg is already busy with his new film, Mr. Creed. He wanted to say sorry for his pestering these past few months." Robert gave his mentor's message while whispering the next gossipy part. "Besides, I much prefer that he wouldn't be part of the production. I don't want to be under his umbrella for long and want to prove ourselves that even without a top filmmaker like him, we would still be able to make it."

"I get what you mean, Robert. It would be tough for anyone in your position." Sullivan voiced out his understanding and also his worries. "I was just worried that the Spielberg fellow would be petty and ask that Lucas friend of his disrupt our requested special effects."

"On the contrary, Director Spielberg is quite accommodating, Mr. Creed. He just wants to see a good film come to life as much as us." Robert still painted his mentor in a good light despite his selfish request earlier. Spielberg had helped him with starting out and it would ungrateful of him to not recognize that.

Like himself, many directors appreciate a good film and don't resort much to sabotaging. It is the job of the business people up the corporate ladder to be devious in their tactics.

Sullivan is part of that corporate top and this is why he sees potential sabotage attacks from Amblin Entertainment.

"Besides, Director Lucas has to maintain the integrity of his acclaimed Industrial Light and Magic." Bob Gale added on. "You should remember Mr. Creed that you were quite generous with our budget towards the special effects. It would be hard for those technicians and specialists to skimp out on our requirements."


Alexander, who was trying hard to not get the attention of the Gollum duo, was still listening in and could more or less infer what was happening.

Spielberg, pestering, have a good film come to life, ILM, Amblin, Lucas friend, and all those words being thrown around has clued him in on certain details.

In the original timeline, Spielberg was instrumental in the making of Back to the Future. He appreciated the concept and worked hard on having it greenlight.

Spielberg's input was even integral in making the original script as the creators were just jumbling with an incoherent time travel draft

In past-future's July 1984, Spielberg, Bob, and Robert should have just finished the final draft from many iterations.

It is unfortunate for Spielberg that Alexander already had that full script by February 1984 plus the unmade sequels. Which made the Jaws director out of the game before he could even notice.

It was however fortunate for the Creeds to have secured the BttF cooperation before even Spielberg had the chance to extend his goodwill to the Rob and Bob duo.

Before Romancing the Stone could make director Robert Zemeckis the center of everyone's attention, his next and most important passion has already been snapped and prepared by Creed Pictures.

Due to his re-life intervention, the rising E.T. director who finally caught wind of Zemeckis' next project and its amazing concept, could only request Creed Pictures to co-produce with Amblin Entertainment.

It was too bad that Old Sullivan doesn't want anyone interfering with his grandson-pleasing project unless necessary.

It was also too bad for the innocent Spielberg that his mentored Zemeckis wants to move out of his illustrious shadow and cement his own status without mentor intervention.

Hence, everything came to how it is today. At least, Alexander knew that Spielberg was a good sport for loss and old Creed's rejection.

If Spielberg wasn't nice to his core, his connections and status could very well spell doom for the Back to the Future trilogy. His other famous friend, Star Wars George, owned the special effects industry leader after all.

It was good to know that Sullivan's worry of special effects tampering wouldn't happen and the mentioned new film is probably the Goonies.

Still, it was important to take guard. Jaws director may just be playing nice to extend courtesy to his mentored Zemeckis and secretly harboring a grudge with Creed Pictures

In a sense, Spielberg was the third notable person that was plundered when Alexander chose to have Back to the Future as his credit.

When Alexander thought about it more, Universal was also another victim of his franchise plunder, which made it the notable fourth.

He felt it was between ironic and poetic that the new BttF version was being filmed in Universal Studios.

Fortunately, Universal hadn't placed Back to the Future in their attention and let it develop under their nose.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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