Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 95: Schedule Conflict?

The enlightening studio visitation day eventually did come to an end. The three first-timers had different insights on what they had done and what they had observed.

Whatever and however different they may be from each other, there was no denying that it had bought a lot of refreshing things.

It seems that it always comes with the territory when it pertains to things that are 'new'.


For Milla, it was how every aspect of the film she sees has to be considered for every detail.

She got to see how costume workers plan out the character's clothing, she got to see how props people layout and coordinate designs, she got to see how cameramen take care of the camera and their filters, she got to see how light technicians bring help out in the recording of films, she got to see a dozen other people that showed her a dozen other ways why they are needed in the making of the movie.

Little Milica's only regret is that the actors are on break and she didn't get to see them in action, but she did however get some star gossip from the make-up artist in charge of their powdering sessions.

She didn't know why the make-up lady was squealing like her classmates whenever she talked about the actors but Milica just listened on and hoped for insights about her industry seniors.

Despite Milla's naivete, she knew that she wasn't as scary as Alexander when it comes to beating old people at what they're good at.

Every Creed employee has always told her to learn from those better than her and Milla was making sure to follow that advice.


Different from her daughter's film lessons, star-chasing, and star dreams, Galina's new learnings were much more on the state of American filmmaking and the Creed's film endeavor.

For someone from the Russian film industry, knowing how Hollywood operates on a lot of things has led her to compare and contrast. It was eventful nonetheless as Galina's penchant for making industry contacts has achieved great success.

Besides all that, Galina also happen to know now what Creed Pictures has been working on and what Mr. Creed has been trying to keep secret from Alex.

Putting the grandfather and grandson's surprise-unsurprised battle aside, the concept and film undertaking they were tackling was quite a shock to Galina.

With 3 time travel sci-fi films and continuous production, the former Russian actress perceptions have been subverted once again.

For her peers back home, sci-fi films are goofy but Galina knew that a certain space opera movie has elevated the status of such goofy films in America.

Creed Picture's decision to go with that genre is a great declaration of their ambition.

The fact that Alex made the fascinating story was a surprise she had mostly gotten used to but Mr. Creed's production capabilities were something she had no clue about.

Either way, Galina was slowly getting used to the Creed's weirdness but her instincts tells her that she wouldn't get the shock adaptation she hoped.


Among all the many things that mother-daughter duo realized from the visitation is that they also had to prepare themselves as well.

Mr. Creed had already informed Milla about her small role and despite the low screen time of it, they still wanted to heavily prepare for it.

Hence, their plan that Milla would be joining acting classes was already underway.

Mr. Creed had already given Milla film production knowledge but it had not much direct help with the acting skills.

Galina and Milla were thus convening amongst themselves about moving forward.

It had to be said that despite the manipulative push that Galina has on her decisions, Milla was still looking forward to what being a star has in store.


Different from the Jovovich ladies, Alexander was much more intrigued at the film practicality he has encountered.

Although he had not much input on what all the film production trio has planned out, he could still infer on things and correct most of his preconceived assumptions.

He has finally leveled up from being strictly theoretical from all the reading of Sullivan's old filming books and joining of Masterclasses due to boredom.

Still, he could surmise that filming matters are quite troublesome and taxing than most of what he is used to.

If he ever decides to go full force on Hollywood someday, he would probably be just a producer in name and an integral screenwriter. They were the most unexposed jobs which fit his liking but also quite important to every film... and could also be considered laidback if they want to.

Alexander was anything but lazy, however, his projected positions in the future would probably conflict a lot. Delegation and balanced management needed to be considered this early at everything.

Setting aside future goals, Alexander was quite convinced with all the back-to-back filming decisions that have been made.

Still, that is the bare minimum to know about the current version of Back to the Future and there was no doubt that Alexander wanted to get to know more of it.


Eventually, Alexander and the Jovovich duo had to head back as there was no overnight accommodation for anyone there.

While the mother and daughter duo were still wrapping up on the excitement when they arrived home, Alexander has a lot of fixing up and contemplations to do with his schedule.

The filming factors have just sprung up on him after all and he needs to consider what to prioritize. However, with how things are going with Creed Comics, Alexander might not need to worry at all.

It was only a day's break but he knew that he had not missed out on a lot of things as a he made a lot of effort these past months on making his Creed Comics be self-sufficient.

Outward operations are already set for the next few months since the many stockpiles of comic issues they had.

The same could probably be said for the rest of the company's internal operations as the people he had under his wing had already been cleared up on their tasks and responsibilities.

Creed Comics despite its great status in the comic book industry is still just a tiny company after all and not the troublesome corporate management and multi-level business model that big companies would fall into.

When Alexander listed all of that, he could finally be relieved for the next couple of days that he would be out.

Film production stuff still needs to be seen through by him and since the Rob and Bob duo was looking forward to his presence, all he could do is to return.

As much as the Rob and Bob duo want his semi-insightful input on the filming process, Alexander was still content with the fact that he would only be commentating spectator to all of it.

He didn't want to waste his time on simple viewing work though and decided to work on ensuring his comic booking work as well. RoboCop and Predator needs his important leg work after all.

It's a two birds with one stone kind of scenario and Alexander was looking forward to all the behind-the-scenes of Back to the Future he could oversee while multi-tasking with sketch works.

Alexander would surely be troubled with many faceted responsibilities in the future and he sure was already training himself with the makeshift resolution to his first major schedule conflict.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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