Alice Angel of Mercy

chapter 12 – Found Wanting

I woke up back in the red tent. Looking around everybody was there except for Clyde. It looked like the teacher could only save three of us. I felt sorry for Clyde's family. He was an idiot, but he meant well. The others were sitting on the chairs that were placed inside with gloomy looks on their faces. Once I was awake, I heard Leo mutter to himself, "it's all her fault."

"…" I was speechless. That little bastard! One of us was dead and he had the time to blame me? Fury rose in me but before I could act Clyde walked into the tent. "Clyde, you are alive!" I shouted before rushing over to give him a hug. I was so relieved that I felt giddy.

Cough, Cough, "Yes Miss Alice, I am fine. I am here to give you scores for the test. I suppose I should re-introduce myself. I am Professor Clyde Zymase." Once he finished telling us his name, his body shimmered and a man around thirty appeared in his place. I jumped back like a scolded cat. What the hell? Hugging a dead comrade and then finding out that he's some thirty something old man that played us was not a good feeling. "Anyway, as I was saying, I am here to give you your test scores. Each room tested you in different ways. Kevin, I will give you your grades first and then explain why they are like that. Please wait until I am done before asking any questions you might have."

Leadership: F

Support Aptitude: F

Power Level: D

Skill Level: D

Intelligence: B

Teamwork: C

Average Grade: D

"Kevin you never took charge. Your magic is not designed to be used in support and while it is impressive that you can use multiple elements, your spell power levels are too weak. Not that you said much or spoke out, but your actions show that you are intelligent. You go with the majority and try your best. My opinion is you would make a better crafter or rune smith than a dungeon explorer. I am afraid we will not be accepting you this time around. Do you have any questions?"

"Can I talk to you later about schools that would be a better fit?" Kevin looked more composed now than his entire time in the dungeon. No shock at his grades could be seen on his face. It was like he already knew this was coming.

Before I could think more about it the professor nodded and then continued "No problem, now Leo here are your scores."

Leadership: C

Support Aptitude: F

Power Level: C

Skill Level: D

Intelligence: C

Teamwork: C

Average Grade: D+

"WHAT!" Leo's shout cut off the professor. "I am better than that!"

The professor's eyes narrowed and with a sharp tone he said, "I said wait until the end." He said something in a different language and Leo's voice cut off. His mouth moved but nothing came out. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, you showed average leadership but failed to take in all your party members opinions." I saw Leo glaring at me once Clyde said that. "While you may be able to support others you never did. The dungeon is not a one man show. It would be good to remember that. You have regular magical talent but if you could combine it with your class skills you would have a good future ahead of you but at the moment your sword skill is severely lacking and your magic is under trained. Because of all that we will not be accepting you into our school. I recommend you join a regular school and train hard. Do you have any questions?" He ended his speech with a hand wave.

It took Leo a second to realize he could talk again but when he could he vented. "This is ridiculous! You handicapped my team with a girl and then blame me! I will complain! I will tell my father! I do not except this…" His voice trailed off and with a sob he ran out of the tent.

Without batting an eye, the professor turned to me, "Alice your grades are."

Leadership: C

Support Aptitude: A

Power Level: A

Skill Level: B

Intelligence: B

Teamwork: C

Average Grade: B

"Alice, while you tried to give suggestions you never took charge. An example of this was on floor two where you knew it was going to be a bad idea to continue but did anyway. Your power and skill are top notch already and with some training you could easily be one of the best support healers out there. It really will depend on the dedication you put into it. You are smart so try and take up some side professions. As for teamwork, do not think I did not notice your hesitation in the spider room. You are a support class and your feelings should not get in the way of that. You are welcome to go to the Royal Academy either here or the capital. I would recommend the capital since the resources are better, but you will not see your family except on summer breaks. It is up to you and your family to decide. Any questions?"

"umm yea, are room, supplies and food included or do I need to pay?" I tentatively asked. My family did not have a lot and if it cost money being close to home would be cheaper. "Also, I grabbed supplies in the dungeon. Can I keep them, or do I need to give them back?" If it was a standard dungeon run, I would need to pay a fee to cover expenses for taxes and schooling but since I have not gone to school yet I was unsure what applied.

"Well room and board are included. Board in case you do not know would be your school books, uniforms, and meals." He looked at my patched-up cloak and continued, "Supplies for the side professions are not. You can take out a loan for those supplies if you want. If you can sell them you may make more than you took and can pay it off. The risk is that you are the collateral. That is to say you will work for the school until you can pay it off. That is on top of the school fees you'll be working off. You should think about that. We have people that are so far in debt that they probably will work for the school for life. As for the materials you took, I would have taken them had you not brought them up. "Since you did" he again looked at my shabby patchworked cloak, "you can keep them as a gift." I guess looking like a beggar has its pros.

"Thank you. I will go talk with my parents and let the school know of my choice." I gave a curtsy and before he could change his mind about the materials I scampered off. I left the tent quickly and moved in the direction where my parents should be waiting. My dad had met some friends and decided to trade stories at a makeshift pub. It was really just some boards hammered together to make a long table and barrels for seats. I saw people looking at me as I made my way through the crowd. They would talk about something and point. I noticed it was not just me. After a while I saw them point out other children and gossip. It was then that I saw the big screen above the hill. It was currently just a black screen. How could I forget I was being broadcasted? Did they see everything? Did I flash the crowd going to the bathroom? Mortified I pulled the hood up to cover as much of my face as I could.

Like a thief on the lamb, I huddled in my cloak as I made my way to my parents. I saw them talking and laughing with a group of people I did not know. As I got closer, I could hear them praising my parents for having such a great child. My mother noticed me first and with a "my baby" came rushing up to me. She pulled back the cloak and inspected me from head to toe looking for injuries. I was completely fine when I awoke so her search did not find anything. She let out a sigh of relief and pulled me over to where my dad sat with a smile on his face from her antics.

I stood by my parents and halfheartedly listened to them talk. I wanted to ask about the screen but not in front of so many people. Instead I pulled up my information and reviewed it until they were ready to go. I was kind of surprised I did not get a mission or anything like that but there was so much I did not understand about this world. I was a bit saddened by it. I was so close to level three. I only needed eleven more experience.

I had been waiting to spend my stat points because I was unsure what the next level would give me and before the dungeon, I was unsure what I might need. I do not think I will need strength. It was not what my character was designed to do. Stamina would allow me to take more damage, but I would rather just not get hit. Seriously, I wonder about the people that sign up to be hit. There is something wrong with them. Intelligence would allow me to think faster which would be nice in coming up with plans or learning new things. If I were a mage class, it would increase my magic. Wisdom allows me to cast more of my holy magic and gives me insights into puzzles or problems.  Charisma just lets people like me more and increases my beauty. It also will allow me to do group healing at a greater level. I do not have it yet, but I think I can learn group healing at the academy. The higher my dexterity the more time seems to slow down when I want to block or dodge. I found that to be very useful when I was fighting the lizards. I think the slowing affect is offset by the others fighting skill level if I remember correctly. Perception makes things you are looking for more obvious. When I was looking for my parents they became 'more vivid' and that was all due to my perception. It really helps to find traps or sneaking monsters.

I cannot be good at everything, so I need to pick my path. I did not want to be a mainline fighter, so strength and stamina are secondary options at best. I plan to be the healer so I should maximize stats that allow me to be better at it. That would be charisma and wisdom. Since I do not have enough for wisdom, I increase my charisma. I feel a warm glow through my body and beneath my cloak my body became a little curvier. My cheekbones shifted slightly higher. My lips become a bit fuller. It was not a huge change, but it helped make me prettier. It was like I was wearing natural makeup and matured a bit more.

By the time I finished deciding and making my choice the sky was turning dark again. I quickly pulled on my mother's sleeve and whispered, "I need to talk to you both about the school." I do not even know why I whispered other than I was still a little worried about what others saw while I was in the dungeon. There were no conversations about it so maybe they censored the broadcast. She nodded and went to collect my father who at this point might not be in any shape to give a good opinion. The alcohol made his cheeks as red as if he had been slapped and the smile on his face never left. 'Well at least he is a happy drunk' I thought and tried to get them to a more secluded spot.

I talked with them or at least I tried. My father was ok with anything and once my mother heard I could go to the capital and be around the 'richer' nobles she was all for it. I do not even want to think about the reasons why. So basically, I was on my own to decide. I made my way to the signup tent and noticed the bubbly happy go lucky girl was no longer there. A pity really, she was so helpful earlier. I was helped by a boy wearing glasses and looking like he had not seen sunlight in a year. After letting them know my name and my decision to be trained at the capital; I was told that in two days there would be transportation arranged that would stop in our town to pick up any applicants that were going there. With a thank you, I headed back over to my family so we could make arrangements.

I did not get far when I saw Leo with an older man. The man had similar features and wore a sword on his hip. I was sure I had seen him before, but I could not remember where. I probably saw him in town. Leo was yelling and waving his arms about in front of the guy but at this distance I could not make out what he was saying. Probably nothing good about me. Ah the life of a scapegoat is not for me. I decisively turned in a direction that would hide me best from them and blended into the crowd as best I could. Once I made it back to my parents, I heard a ding and saw a window flash 'sneak +1' before disappearing. Nice, it is time to go home… or the Frog's farm. I was not really sure.


A quick update on stats feel free to skip ahead

Experience = 189 of 200

Stats: Points unspent = 0

Strength          9

Stamina          9

Intelligence    10

Wisdom          17

Charisma        15

Dexterity        11

Perception      11

Luck                +1



Mace: Beginner  114 / 200

Dodge Skill 38 / 200

Pain Resistance Skill 142 / 200

Camouflage Skill 1 / 200

Endurance Skill 75 / 200

Sneaking Skill 2 / 200


Enchanting – Talented  3 / 100,000

Herbalism – Journeyman 12 / 700

First aid – Beginner    3 / 200

Alchemy – beginner    30 / 200

Cleaning – 28 / 100

Tailoring – 18 / 250

Embroidery – 23 / 250

Cooking – 35 / 500

Poetry – 3 / 150

Painting – 3 / 400

Knitting – 10 / 150

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