Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 14 – Place Your Bets

I woke up to a notification. My dad was just about to shake me awake but a chime sounding in my head beat him to it.

Mission: Survival Quest

Make it to the caravan alive.

Rewards: 25xp and Aura of Calmness

'Well that was not ominous or anything' I thought and motioned to my dad that I was awake. I carefully got out of the bed and let him take my spot. My mom was sleeping next to me and I did not want to wake her. We had ended up in their room since their bed could fit two people. That was after I ransacked my room for everything that I found valuable. It was mostly books, a few trinkets, and a silk sheet I had begun to cut up into usable pieces. It was all packed into two sacks. 

As my dad fell asleep, I contemplated what I should do. The caravan was at noon in the middle of the town. As I saw it I had a few options; I could leave now and get to a spot that is close to the pickup area before they are ready, I could go with my parents or I could try to convince them to let me go alone.  Every one of them had issues. First, I had no idea if the caravan would be there on time, if the Duke's men were even ready to attack us or if it was even the Duke. What if it was a hidden threat?  For all I knew, if it were the Duke, his men could be busting down our doors any second. Second, since I did not know when or how they plan to attack, if I left, my parents may die in their sleep. I was the person on watch. How could I abandon them? Third, would my parents even agree to me going there alone? Of the options, the third seemed the most likely to not get them killed but posed the highest risk to me.

I contemplated my choices as I cut the cloth that I had bought today. I focused on getting it to be the right size pieces for my cloak. I was making it slightly bigger because in a month I should have a minor growth spurt. My final height was only a little under five feet. When I was making my character, I figured that smaller targets were harder to hit so I made it tiny. I planned on using the Duke's silk sheet as the lining for the cloak as a reminder that I needed to repay his 'kindness' when I got the chance. That is how I spent the next four hours; snipping away, muttering about blowing up a castle and finally deciding on letting my parents know that I planned to go alone.

Nothing happened that night. I was expecting our house to be fire bombed and archers waiting to shoot us as we fled the fire. It would have been my plan if I was the evil mastermind. My mom woke up like clockwork and we headed off to make breakfast. My mom made so much food that there was no way we could finish it all. "For your trip," she said when I looked at her uncertainly. "I will pack you a bag so you will have decent meals on the road." What could I say? Nothing! I hugged her tight. Being put into that pod was the best decision of my life. All the pain, uncertainty, and horny boys of this world were all worth my new parents. I tried to convey my feeling through that hug.

"I'll go wake up dad," I hurried off. I was not good at expressing myself, so I was feeling a little overwhelmed. After I woke up my dad and we sat down for breakfast I broke the subject that has been on my mind all night. "Dad, I expect trouble today." I started, "Because of this I was thinking of different plans. I am sure you have as well." I paused and saw him nod.

"Go ahead and tell me yours first. I would like to see how well my daughter can plan." He smiled and waited.

"Ok, but hear me out. I think we should split up."

"NO!" My mom cut me off before I could continue and only calmed down when my father took her hand into his. He made a go-ahead motion and so I did.

"I think we should separate because as a group we are more obvious. Not just that but they are targeting me, so there will be less focus on you. While they are focused on me you will be able to aid me without drawing too much attention. Anyway, I do not think they will be expecting one girl walking through the market to be who they are looking for." I finished and saw my father had a proud smile on his face.

"I was thinking along the same lines. Very good but I will add a few things to your plan." My father added and while he looked proud and confident my mom looked afraid and pale.

I got up and went to her. Giving her another hug and whispered, "Don't worry I will be fine." I did my best to sound confident. After that, we got busy.


The market was bustling. As people moved back and forth between the stalls and stores, dozens of men holding a picture of a little girl stood glaring at any child that got close to them. If one looked close enough, they would notice that the men stood in such a way that anybody ultimately had them passing at least two of them. As they watched, more and more shabbily dressed children appeared making their way to the center of town. They ignored the glares from the scary men as if they were not there. A few of the men had even grabbed up the kids that had gotten close to them only to be smeared in a brown smelly substance they had been holding. In disgust they tossed the kids away; with a thud you could hear them landing hard, but they would just get back up and limp toward the center of town as if their lives depended on it.

Frustration was etched on the Duke's guard's faces. There were too many to check and as they mixed into the already crowded streets. It was obvious that if their target was mixed in, they would have no problem getting through.


I watched as the children moved toward the large wagons that were parked near the center of town. They had showed up around a half hour ago and time was running out. I had spent most of my morning talking to the younger street urchins.  The money I got yesterday was now done getting their help and I had also spent some time healing those they cared about. With a promise of more money and healing, they were all willing to help me. I watched grimly as the guards mistreated the kids and people that were around them ignoring it. I know it was me who put them in harm's way and guilt and anger struggled within me to see which would be greater.

So I watched, my perception was active and the Duke's men became crisper; while the rest of the crowd became dull. I now saw a few men I missed before because they were not wearing uniforms.

With the children's distraction I saw my opening. It was now or never. I moved into the crowd now dressed in rags. I was tense. The closer I got the more nervous I became. Holding my breath I moved past the first guard. The other seemed distracted so my confidence rose. While there were others about, they had their own sections to look over so I was not too concerned about them. As I edged passed the other one in a guard's uniform and one without, I heard a small girl's voice say, "Brother I found her! See I told you I saw her earlier." A shrill scream could be heard over the hustle and bustle on the street. My head whipped around to see the same girl from the alleyway. She looked at me and then looked over to the right and as I followed her gaze, I saw the man that had clubbed me moving quickly in my direction. I saw his gang moving in the crowd as well but they were in different positions.

The girl grabbed a hold of my leg. The guard was also reaching out to grab me now that my cover was blown and I had seven teens and two guards rushing to get to me. My plan was falling apart. I looked at the guards and smiled. Men that were standing close to the guards turned around and slugged them so hard I sawt their teeth hitting the ground right before they did. I saw other guards also being assaulted. Lucky for me, my father had another plan and was friends with a lot of people. I reached down and smacked the girl off my leg. She started howling like I broke her limbs and her brother charged me bellowing, "You hurt my sister." What the hell?! Was he a sis-con or something? I did not even hit her that hard. She just sat there and wailed which did not help at all. I moved around to use her like a shield. I saw no reason to battle it out with him.

The guards hit the ground from the surprise attacks and then the men faded back into the crowd. It was beautifully done. I ran toward the caravan. There was a limited window before the guards regrouped so I needed to hurry. I saw those on the wagons just watching the show. Some were making exaggerated hand gestures or handing coins to a chubby man. No matter what they were doing; it was not helping me. The crowd wasn't moving anymore because the people were much more interested in the show. They watched us like avid wrestling fans waiting for somebody to be hit. My progress was now hindered by the stationary obstacles they had become.

Why the heck were the bad guys moving so well and I was moving like I was in molasses?! The teen gang moved in on me. Rubbing their hands, "That reward is ours. Billy no need to be gentle this time. Make sure she does not get back up. You guys help him." The leader gave orders and Billy, now with his sister standing behind him,  pulled out two daggers. The others moved around behind me so I could not see them.

A window saying 'Luck Activated' Flashed across my vision. Not bad, I could definitely use some. I felt a hand grab the back of my cloak lifting me up like a baby kitten and I struggled about as effectively. 'So much for luck!' I thought.

I heard a booming voice in my ear, "How-eee, I found her!" I was waved about and I saw the teens looking for an angle to stab me. "How-eee, where'd you go?!" The way he said Howie was as if the 'E' was being gnawed upon. Wait a minute, I know that gravel filled voice. It sounded like that brute Goliath. Was he here to kill me because I did not want to be punched or was he after the reward money?

A squat man walked over. I guess that must be Howie. Why the hell can everybody but me move through this crowd? I felt like a comic relief in a movie just dangling here. He didn't even look tired. JERK! The youth in front of me took this opportunity to beat me like a piñata only to be met by a huge foot. "Young punk, can't you see I am recruiting here?" The teen collapsed onto the ground and did not get up. I did not blame him, that foot was bigger than the kid's chest and he flew like he had wings up until he crashed into the bystanders. Ouch was all I could think. Wait recruit? Shit, I'm going to die by a giant's fist! I squirmed and wiggled as if my life depended on it; because it did. And got… nowhere. I felt like a worm on a hook as I swayed in the air helpless. Oh my god, he is the hidden danger!! I'm doomed!

I lost track of what was going. A gruff voice sounded from beneath me, "Goliath! What are you doing? Put her down." I did not know who it was but I already was his fan. I felt hope with that voice. I had a brief thought of yay I'm free and then I landed on my face. The big lug dropped me without a thought!

"Ok, I let her go." He seemed so pleased with himself. I glared at him and then quickly looked around. I saw the other youths laying on the ground and a dwarf, at least I think he was one, standing a few inches from where I landed face first.

"Ummm, Howie is it? No need for us to fight it out, right?" I babbled on and on in my nervousness. One giant brute was enough and now I had a dwarf that took out six people while casually walking over. "After all I am just a little … I mean tin…girl." I finished lamely. I cursed myself. What if he had height sensitivity? I am such a moron. I mean even I was taller than he was, and I was still growing. He was wide and muscled out. Did the whole school do nothing but work out?

"Your name is Alice correct?" His voice was rough like he did not use it often. He did not look or sound angry at least.

"Yes, that is me." I know stranger danger, but I'm already outclassed so saying my name is not going to change that.

"I've been looking for you." I must have looked pale because he added, "I am not here to hurt you. I am here to recruit you."

I was not sure what the difference was but if I was going to be hit I suppose it would be better to be pummeled by a guy smaller than me. "Fine, but I already joined a school." I figured I would put that out there just in case I could avoid a beating.

"OH? Dang it, I have been looking for ya since that big lug wanted to hit you. Any chance of reconsidering? We really are not that bad, and I promise you do not need to be hit to join." He glared at Goliath, who seemed to not notice his glare. "You really are a hard person to track down."

"I already promised to join the Royal Academy and they are waiting over there." When I pointed, I saw the guards forming a line between me and the carriages. They were not getting close to where I was, probably, because of the two muscle bound men that were beside me and there was not anything I could do.  "Ummm, maybe we can go over together and...  you can protect me." That was not what I wanted to say! I wanted to trick them into going over to "negotiate" but since I really was not planning on backing out from the Royal Academy that sentence did not come out of my mouth.

"Bahahaha, what a funny child you are. So, you need our help to join a different school while the school you want to join watches you struggle?" He looked at the noble children on the carriages and the few adults in the blue and white uniforms standing around them that were staring at us.

Well if he was going to put it that way it seemed ridiculous.  I tried to think of options. I could try flight, but they all had mini-hand crossbows. I imagine that I would be a pin cushion if I tried flying to them. A straight up charge would be suicide, and from their actions so far, I was pretty sure that they would leave me behind if I did not reach them soon. He watched me thinking it over. "So, Howie is it? Any chance of helping me? I'll owe you a favor in the future."

His smile did not make him any prettier just for the record but smile he did. "Ha ha, a favor from a possible top tier healer?" His voice got quieter as if he was debating with himself. "It would take a few years but might be worth annoying that man." He paused to look me up and down and finally said, "Goliath do me a favor and help this little lady to that wagon over there."

"Of course." He smacked his chest, "Who else could be better at that than me?"

'Probably the dwarf,' I thought but did not say anything.

"YIPE!" I exclaimed as the big man grabbed me up and charged the wagons. In my now swaying vision, I saw a guard or two turn pale and I heard loud cracks and then I was dropped AGAIN! I landed on my butt this time at least. I looked up and saw a bunch of children looking at me. Some looked upset that I was there; while others were beaming and holding out their hands to the chubby kid that held all the coins that were handed over earlier. Were these little bastards betting on my survival?! In my stunned state I heard the heavy foot falls of Goliath leaving and Howie saying "Job well done. Let's go back."

Mission: Survival Quest

Rewarded: 25xp and Aura of Calmness

I got up and dusted myself off. The guards that were in the path of Goliath were crushed under his feet. Their limbs twisted into strange angles. The ones that still stood were afraid to move any closer to me. One pulled out his crossbow, aimed and then a beam of pure white light hit him. When I could see again that guard was not there. No body, no ash, no nothing; he was simply gone. That was enough to rattle the already nervous guards. They turned and ran away.

The children I had asked to help came up to me and I began to hand out money and heal any that needed it. After I finished handing out the remaining money my father had handed me this morning, I turned to the caravan and asked, "Who do I need to talk to so I can finish my enrollment?" I really just wanted this over with at this point.

"That would be me." An average looking man with a beard spoke up. He seemed so plain that in a crowd I do not think I could pick him out of it. His beard was his most defining feature.

"Fine, I am now under your protection, correct?" I was a tad bit blunt but in all honesty, I was miffed that they just stood around watching an thirteen year old fight it out with men. Who does that?

Once he said, "Yes." I felt all the tension and anxiety I had been holding in leave me. My body was feeling weak. Thank the Gods, it was over.


I finally found employment. It took me some time but guarding some nobles after leaving the Duke is bound to be better and I even get to work for a school. If I happen to settle down my children can go there for free. Things sure are looking up.


The boss is going to kill me. I can't believe she made it to the carriage. The only options were to join the caravan and hope I can slit her throat before we get to the capital or run.

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