Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 16 – Flower Thieves Beware

The sun was beginning to set by the time we finally set up camp about a half mile outside of the forest. That was when I found out that there was a whole carriage full of workers. Each noble seemed to have a sycophant that would follow them around and do all the menial labor while praising the nobles for how well they did it. I watched for a while out of simple awe at their ability to spout nonsense. With nothing much to do, I went to check up on the injured and was surprised to see most of them still there. The old man was moving between them. I saw him pick up a stone that was by the leg of Phillip and place a new one down. Shaking his head, he moved to the next person wounded. He would then look at the stone next to the wounded person and either replace it or just move on. I had no idea what he was doing. Why didn't he just heal them if he was a healer?

Figuring I would lend a hand I moved to the most wounded person, which was Phillip. His leg was mangled and while my healing helped, it still needed some tender loving care if he was going to use it again. I selected Minor healing light for my healing spell and cast. I had noticed the difference between Minor healing and minor healing light during the last battle. They seem to cost the same, but the regular healing was instant while the healing light did more but took longer to work. Phillip needed all the help he could get so the choice was obvious.

The butterflies appeared again around his leg, their golden light pulsing. I saw one of them flutter near the stone and disappear in a flash. The stone glowed a little. That damn rock ate my butterfly?! It happened again and again until they were all gone, and the stone glowed brightly. Sighing I went to where the old man was checking on one of the guards. "Excuse me. Umm…," I stopped I did not know his name and I did not even know if 'doctor' is a term used in this world. He turned around and blinked at me like he was looking at a foreign creature.

"What are you doing here girl?" It was said calmly like he was speaking to a toddler.

How to start? "Your rock ate my healing spell," I said it like the world had done me wrong. I pointed to the now glowing rock. He looked at the rock and then me. "Can I remove it?" I asked after he did not say anything. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to Phillip. 'I can walk damn it!' I thought but the guys grip was like iron and I could not free myself.

"You did this?" He pointed at his stupid rock.

"Your rock did that after it destroyed my spell." I did my best to look innocent. I was broke. Was he was looking for me to replace that magic rock? I saw others were now looking at us from their makeshift beds. I just wanted to leave at this point. It was not like I could do anything without knowing what the rocks actually did. He let go of my arm to pick up the rock and I began to back my way out of the tent. It was time to go. The last thing I saw before I exited was him holding the rock up to get a better look at it. Whatever happened to it, his total attention was on it and not me.

When I got back to our carriage it had sheets of leather attached to both its sides. It formed two makeshift tents. I made my way quickly over. I planned on hiding myself away just in case the old coot came looking for me. There was no need for me to look for trouble.

On the bright side, I did finally find out the blonde's name; Bella Stormbringer. The Stormbringers, I was told, were a long line of weather controllers. Once she found out I had no idea about her family, she took it as her duty to inform me of their greatness, in detail and in great length.

Trying to hide out I made my bed on the top of the carriage. The roof was sunken in a little so they could put luggage up there. Most of that was down below so I had room to make a little nest. It was a bit early, but I had food so hunkering down for the night seemed like the thing to do.

It was late into the night when I heard noises coming from below me. I was supposed to be in the carriage because I did not bring any materials to make a tent. I focused on the noises but by the time I was awake enough to focus I could not hear anything. I peeked my head up and did not see anything either. It was probably Bella or Lilly just moving around. I put my head back down and went to bed.

In the morning, I found the greatest issue of sleeping on the top of the carriage! The bright sun light was right in my eyes and the thin blanket I had did nothing to really help. Getting up early is not my thing so, silently cursing at the sun and its brightness, I reluctantly got up. I debated if I should go look around by flight but with us so close to the forest, I let my imagination of flying monsters get the better of me. I just used my wings to glide down instead. I will exercise with them some other time.

The rest of the morning was boring. When we went to eat, I met the doctor again. The old man was looking around and even though I hid behind Lilly, I saw him approaching us when I peeked my head out. "Girl, I have been looking for you."

I thought of running. It was not like I could avoid him since he was traveling with us and how much could a rock cost. "Ah, I have been trying to avoid you, old man." His advance stalled as soon as I spoke.

"I need you to come with me." Before he even finished speaking, he made a grab at my arm again, but I used lily as cover. She still owned me for the shoe attack. I expected her to freak out as he grabbed in her direction but instead, she just moved out of the way instead. Exposed, he easily grabbed my arm again! What the heck Lilly? What happened to our bathroom bonding time? I look at her like a beat puppy as I was dragged into the medical tent.

"Can you cast your spell again?" He pointed at a few rocks that sat on a table. Ok, so the last rock probably was not destroyed, or they were dirt cheap. There was no reason he'd risk more of them otherwise.

"I can." I said hesitantly. "Are you sure?" It does not cost me anything, so I cast it one more time. I watched as the butterflies appears just to be sucked into the rocks sitting there. I really am beginning to hate those rocks. He looked super excited and quickly went to scoop up the rocks. "Can I leave now?"

"Amazing. Amazing! Her spells can do that? It takes decades to charge these stones, but she can do it. I wonder what family she is with. Do I have a nephew or male cousin to.." I did not like where he was going and by the time, he got to cousin I bolted. Nope! I shot Lilly a look as soon as I rejoined her, but she ignored me. I need better female companions.

After I ate, I went to mingle with the boys. They seemed to be more in the know so if I wanted to learn anything I needed to be here. Unlike last time the older boys did not have a problem with me being around. They did not say much but at least they did not shoo me away this time. I heard that we would be picking up more carriages. The closer we get to the city the more that will join us. We already passed the last dangerous area, the woods, so I did not have to worry. They made sure to say that last part as if I was worried.

I watched the workers they brought pack up as we talked and when it was all done, we were told to go back to our areas. I noticed a few of the boys watching me as I left but at least I did not see the doctor again.

Most of my trip was spent listening to how somebody's mother created a storm that flooded a city of 'evil people' while gazing out the window. The excitement of watching the scenery had worn off and now every hill looked the same to me. We took our regular breaks and then set off again. As night approached, we could see a town up ahead. We stopped outside of it and I got my first good look. This town had four roads going out of it. The walls were tall, and I could see it manned with bowmen because of how well-lit it was.

We set up a basic camp because we were told that "We will be setting out early" by one of the lead guards. So, my little nest above was still full of luggage. I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible. As small as I was, I still could not fall asleep easily wedged between the seats. I finally got comfortable and got some sleep only to half fall out as the door I was leaning on opened.

I thought it was Lilly or Bella but when I opened my eyes, I saw two boys standing there. I cast flash straight off. As far I was concerned, there was only one reason boys would be on our side. I had thought of this scenario a few times. Grabbing up my mace that I had been using almost like a teddy bear at this point and while they were still trying to see, I swung it as hard as I could. I was pissed and aimed LOW. I got one of them and a high-pitched wail echoed my cry of fire.

'Talent – Nutcracker' Unlocked

I did not care why they were here at this point, which girl they were after or if they were here to 'just' talk. I wanted to send a message. I and the girls around me were not easy targets.

Lilly and Bella started screaming after that and I went after the other boy. His aura burst out around him. It was brown and hovered about a foot way from his body. "What are you doing here?" My voice was full of more menace than I thought it could hold. I could hear men approaching but so did he and he turned to run away.

When he turned to run, he started to meld into the ground as he moved away, slowly disappearing. The other guy was still whimpering on the ground. I did not have any way of stopping the one running but I seen his face. Even if he left today, it did not mean he will be safe tomorrow. Messing with a healer is just signing a death warrant.  The last battle we fought was a good example. If Phillip had wronged me, I could have just let him bleed out.

I moved to the down guy and clocked him upside his head. I wanted to send a message and being nice was not going to cut it. I did not plan on this issue repeating my whole school life.

I stood over the downed man and waited for the guards that were coming to get to me. Lilly and Bella stopped screaming once the man stopped moving and came over to watch what was going on. I released my aura to use it as a light source and turned him over. I wanted to get a good look at his face. I would do my best to remember him. I saw this kid earlier with the other nobles. I think he was called Bishop something but could not remember.


When the guards finally got to us, I saw a few of the other nobles trailing behind them. Maybe they were in on it or just here to watch the show, but I might as well say my piece since I had an audience. "Guards, while I am not blaming you, would you please remove this trash from the girl's area. He seems injured and I will not offer my healing to him," I paused to look at the other nobles, "..or any other person that thinks it is ok to attack women in the night." I was pretty sure that was what those two were up to at this point. There were no screams of "We were lost" or "Wait it was a misunderstanding" and the girl's wagon was placed away from the boys so even those claims would be ridiculous. I just was not sure which of us was their target.

One of the younger nobles spoke up from the back, "You cannot do that! He is a Prescott!" as if that meant something to me.

I looked at him and in a voice devoid of  any emotion, I said, "I do not care. I joined the school to get away from this nonsense, not to deal with more of it."

I heard soft clapping and when I turned, I saw a lady. She was about twenty and had curves that my male body would have loved. She was dressed in a modified school uniform that seemed tailor made just to show off her body. I kind of hope my lack of interest is due to my young age but I did notice that my fighting style also seemed to have changed. When I was a male, I felt more fury. I would have bested the downed guy not because of a message I wanted to send but because I wanted him to feel inferior. I am not sure if that was testosterone or if I was a jerk in my earlier years of life. In this fight, it was more calculated and while I was angry it was more indignation that drove it and once he was down he was almost forgotten.

"And you are?" I tried to keep my voice gentle. No reason to make enemies without reason.

"I am Annular. I am in charge of this caravan and overseer of its protection. I offer my apology for this incident and will guarantee that the two that trespassed tonight will be dealt with by tomorrow. Our school is not a place where this type of thing happens without consequences" She looked at the younger nobles, "You might want to ask the older ones about such things if you get those ideas in your head. Our protection is for ALL students. Which those two are no longer fit to be."

The next morning, we picked up a few new students and much to my surprise dropped off the two from last night. They were dressed in luxurious clothes but not the school's uniforms. We left soon after, leaving them standing in the town square.

The rest of the trip was as long as it was uneventful. We would go from town to town collecting the nobles in the area. Once, we picked up another peasant like myself except he was a boy. I was unclear what he could do because he was very quiet and always scurried away any time we gathered. We also collected more carriages that had gone in other directions of our province, so the caravan was getting to be quite long. No other boys attempted anything. I heard it was very shameful to be kicked out of The Royal Academy so none would willingly risk it, and nobody wanted to bring dishonor to their family name.

The last thing to note was that I got my first talent other than the starting one. In the heat of the moment, I had let my anger get the better of me and now I had this "talent". Being a man at heart, I could only hang my head in shame.


Nutcracker – While holding a weapon you will give off a slight intimidation affect to males in the area

Looking at it I can see my socialization with men and just being 'one of the guys' was going to be a bit harder. On the bright side, their wayward thoughts seem to drop while I was holding my mace.

The trip took a little over two weeks and my map had a lot more detail even if it was pretty much in a straight line. As we got closer to the capital, the roads got better. Dirt roads became cobble stones that had more people on them. Merchants could be seen more often and if they were close by when we stopped the nobles would go to trade.

On the fifteenth day a grand city came into view.


"Madam, a message came from the Royal Academy. It seems young master Prescott was expelled, and he can be picked up in the city of Bountiful Crossings" an old butler stood ramrod straight while delivering the message. The only hint that showed his nervousness was a faint sheen of sweat.

A middle-aged lady whose beauty could still be seen even if it was a bit faded, looked like she wanted to kill the messenger. She fumed in anger, "Expelled! Preposterous! Send a letter demanding an explanation and some of our soldiers to protect him on his  journey back."

"Yes, Madam Prescott."  And with that one sentence the butler quickly left this deadly woman.


"The Prescott's and the Winchester's were informed about their children's expulsion. Are you sure we should not heal the Prescott boy? His wound may leave him unable to bear an heir in the future."

"It is what he deserves for treating our school as his playground. I will let them pay the price so the others do not have similar ideas." Annular said. "Pass on this news to the dean."

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