Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 59 – Uncharted Territories NSFW (Skippable)

Please note my GF will not be correcting this for obvious reasons 😆 NSFW


I looked at the bracelet and smiled. Who knew she'd turn to be so nice? I leaned against my door thinking about Amy. How did she really feel about me?  I ran my hand along my tattoo where her hands just were. It tingled as if I could still feel her touch. 

I locked my door and as I got into my bed, pulled off my underwear. This was the first time I had alone time since I've awakened. I wanted to... But it felt so wrong. It was like I was doing something naughty. I pulled my blanket to my chin as if that could block my guilty thoughts. Thoughts of her perky chest and smooth stomach. I used one hand to pull the blanket as the other began to explore my uncharted territory. 
I actually wasn't sure what to do. I slipped into my fantasy of what could have happened if I were perhaps a bit braver. I imagined it was Amy's hand that was slowly moving along my hooded area. It felt nice so I moved my hand up and down. Soon I found that if I moved my hand in a circular motion it felt much better. 
I began to quicken my pace as I imagined Amy being a little more forceful and my hips began to move as if on autopilot. My breath quickened as my hand sped up, I felt my leg muscles tightened and I let out a soft moan. It felt really good. As I continued, I used my other hand to playfully pinch and tease my nipples adding to my pleasure.
I felt myself get wetter down there as tiny pulses of pleasure rocked my body. My hips began bucking as my fingers glided over my clitoris and I began to leak a little bit of liquid. I was letting out louder moans more often. Unlike my male body, it wasn't just soft tingling with a burst of pleasure at the end. No, this pleasure built slowly and was becoming more intense as I continued. 
The Crystal that lay beneath my skin began to softly hum and as my pleasure built it also began to vibrate. Slowly at first, but soon it felt like a vibrator was pressing against the opposite side of where my fingers were playing. My clit seemed to be trapped in the middle of the two and all it took to send me over the edge was imagining Amy replacing her fingers with her tongue. 
I felt all my muscles suddenly tighten and my body started twitching as if I was being electrocuted... In a good way. The pleasure slowly ebbed as my body relaxed and I found myself laying in a big wet spot that I had just created. I was too weak and lazy to move a lot so I just shifted a little to the side. I'll fix it in the morning.
It was as the pleasure faded that guilt and worry took over. What I just did began to enter my thoughts. I was pretty sure Amy was straight and her family was looking for a new fiancé for her. I mean what if she can tell I was fantasizing about her? Would she be upset? Never talk to me again? I knew how this nation viewed women that liked other women. This was horrible! My final thought was before I feel into a troubled sleep was, 'How insulated are these walls?' 
I woke up tangled in the blanket from shifting too much. My body was slightly sore as if I had exercised muscles that I normally wouldn't. I stretched, felt my tender nipples as they rubbed against the blanket and remembered that I had slept naked last night. I decided to go get a quick shower, get food and then work on redesigning that spell. I wrapped two towels around me and went to shower. I wasn't alone as I showered but that wasn't anything new since I stopped showering late at night. It just wasn't anybody I was close to. I was in my own little world as I rubbed and cleaned myself, enjoying the aches and pains certain places gave me like a guilty pleasure that only I knew about. 
It wasn't until about noon that I actually started though. I began to review Peter's book as I ate and time just slipped by. My friends were doing their own thing today, so it was just me. I hid away in my room, that I was currently airing out, as I got ready to try to remake this spell.

Have you ever tasted sound? That was what it felt like when I first started. I had read the book, so I understood the concepts of how this was supposed to work, but still my first try was less than spectacular. There was no big explosion because it was all mental. Instead, I ended up bleeding out of my eyes, nose, and ears from the backlash. I was too disoriented to even heal myself and it took me a few hours before I was coherent enough to pick myself off the floor.

I spent the next week working on the spell between classes. I was making progress but it was really an excuse to avoid Amy and the others. I was still feeling a bit nervous about meeting her for a long period of time. I managed to get over the sensations as I practiced and finally understood that it was all basically built on a form of higher math and metaphysics. It created a bridge between, in this case, a concept of nature and me. Or to put it another way, 'casting chant' plus 'magical power', plus a strong 'mental image' equaled the spell. I imagined this was what song writers went through except I was plagiarizing a bit to save time and effort. The lyrics of the song was the chanting. It translated the math into syllables to make words, and the words created imagery that helped the caster to think of what they were doing. They might just blow themselves up if they used a word that created the wrong image.

By the end, I had my spell that would give me the forms I wanted. I wouldn't have their abilities but I would have their scent and appearance. I could also maintain it indefinitely at the cost of my magic energy regeneration going from five to one per second. It wasn't the best structure and I was sure a more knowledgeable person could have got the cost down or added an ability or two for the same cost. It was something worth knowing and I figured I would continue to practice it and get better. 

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