Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 6 – A Day in a Life (skippable)

My name is Ralph a guard for the new duke. I just joined the guard so I was not sure what to expect. What I got was to watch a group of 7 teens carrying a little girl up to our manor. Weird I know but the other guards do not even bat an eye at it. They just give a nod and tell them to carry her upstairs. I was assigned to follow them to make sure nothing went missing while they were inside. As they carry her I can see their free hand grabbing and pinching the girl in places no gentleman would never touch. I glare at them when they look at me and they quickly stop. Where the hell did these scum come from and who is this girl?

I take them up to the third floor and they toss her without regard onto the bed. That is when the duke comes rushing in. He was sweating like a pig but still has a huge smile on his face. "ah, you got her!" I could hear the excitement in his voice and the lust in his eyes that everybody can see. He walked over to the bed and without a care took off her closes while we looked on, took a chain from under the bed and clamped it on her ankle. I think I am going to be sick. The duke then haphazardly tossed the quilt over her and turned to leave. I barked a simple "out" at the 7 gangsters and followed them all out. I had to think of a way to save her from this man.

I spent the rest of the day trying to come up with a plan. The problem was I did not have a way to free her from that chain. The key to the lock was surely on the duke and he was guarded all the time. I sat downstairs with the other guards on break when we heard a loud cracking sound coming from upstairs. This might be my chance! I shout "I will go check it out" and run out of the room. I heard some chuckles and the comments of "newbie" before I was on the stairs taking them two at a time. I could now hear scraping noises that was getting louder the closer I got to the girls room. I heard a thud just as I was opening the door.

The door slammed into something and then I slammed my nose into the door when it stopped. Son of a bitch that hurt! I look into the room and see the naked girl standing behind the bed that is now blocking the door. How did she even manage to do that? I took a closer look and see scratch marks across the cobble stones they used on the floor. She dragged it through the room?

"Open the door!" I shouted. I knew as soon as I did I made a mistake. I wanted her to open the door so I could take her out of here but she took a step backwards instead. Damn it! She was not quiet and I can hear others coming. Flustered, I try the nice approach, "if you open the door I will let you go." It was the truth but I heard her mutter something about a puppy dog and that gave me an idea. Maybe I can scare her into opening the door. I was getting desperate the other guards were coming. "Open the door or I will feed you to the dogs!" I try to be as scary as I can be. I saw her come forward and I thought thank the gods but all she did was grab the sheet off the bed, wrap it around herself and without a second thought ran towards the window. Oh my god she is going to kill herself. "NO DON'T" I screamed but it was too late as I see her feet disappearing from my view. The door banged open at that point as the guard with earth magic just slammed into it almost hitting me.

I rushed to the window and looked down. I did not see her but I did see other guards in the yard pointing up. I looked and I saw her silhouette against the sun. She now had wings but I knew it was her because a chain was still on her ankle. Who is this girl? Did they steal a princess? Only the royals have this type of magic. The old duke and the new one come up next to me without me noticing until I hear the new duke yelling at me. The other guards wisely left leaving me to my fate. I saw the guards at ground level shooting at her but she was just hovering there. I want to scream at her to run but that would end in my death. I stood there watching her as the duke chewed me out for incompetence, docked my pay and then sent all the guards to "get her back".

I saw her get hit in the leg and that seemed to wake her up. She took off and we watched as she headed into the forest. We were paired up and sent to find her. I got an old timer that lived more in the brothels than his home where his wife was living. This place is full of these types of people and I knew I would be looking for a new job tomorrow. The only reason I did not leave right away was I still hoped to help as best I could. I knew these woods. My father took me hunting here so I knew I few hiding spots that others might not. It didn't take me long before I noticed a corner of a sheet in a tree up ahead. I kicked up a conversation with my partner doing everything I could to distract him. I turned in a direction that would make it harder to see her and moved all the while talking more animatedly.

For the rest of the day I did my best to keep others away from that area. I gave a silent prayer for her to be safe and headed home with the others. Nobody found her; it was the best I could do.

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