Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 68 – Do I Know You?

With a mace in one hand and a short sword in the other, I ran into the mansion glowing like the sun from all the spells I had up. I had watched where they had dragged the ‘Shifter’ so I knew which direction to take to get to her. She was currently fighting it out with the guards and I let her have free reign with the only cravat being not to hurt Lily. I left Victoria outside to deal with any reinforcements they might have coming.

There were guards that tried getting in my way but the hordes of little devils overwhelmed them well before they got close to me. Their little chitters were soon drowned out by the blood curdling scream of the men, as they were torn to pieces. I tried to not think about it, ‘How those men didn’t have a choice’ and ‘How they were being controlled by something’ but it was hard. I was pretty sure I would hear those screams in my dreams. Still, I didn’t have the ability to save them all and if I stopped here, then Lily would be the one to suffer or so I kept telling myself.

I was finally stopped just one room away from where she was being held. My Devil horde had dwindled too almost nothing. Some had died, but most were feasting happily in the rooms I had run through and I didn’t have the concentration to pull them from their feast. I didn’t have enough left to fight the six guards and the two teens behind them. The teens did look oddly familiar, like I had seen them before but when I tried remembering I failed. They were probably just students I saw in passing. Could I heal them since there were only two and a few guards. I wondered if bantering works on these things? If so maybe I could buy enough time. Did I even have it though?

I was brought back to reality when the one teen on the right started speaking. “I bet you never thought you’d meet us again.” They must have seen my confusion because he spat out, “You wrecked our lives and you do not even remember us?!” What could I say? As far as I know I hadn’t hurt anybody enough to wreck their lives. I just shrugged as the guards began to move in on me. The one glared at me like I killed his mother while the other began to chant. “I am Bishop! Bishop Prescott!”

“Sorry, do I know you?” I asked while my tendrils began to move toward the men. He lost it at my question and screamed for the men to kill me. The hate in his voice was, well, weird. So far, these things showed very little emotions. Even the boy that came into my room was just acting cocky. He didn’t seem to care about anything, when I thought about it afterward. These two definitely hated me and I wondered why. I had no idea who this clown was or why the worms were letting him act so freely. It was just weird. I frowned and pulled up my diagnostics. Weren’t these guys under the worms control? There were worms in him, but only one or two and not enough to control him from what I have seen. It was far less than I had expected to see in anybody that was inside this mansion.

I didn’t get to check out the other teen as the guards rushed at me. They fought like a trained team and I was soon surrounded. As the first one got too close to me, I took a swing and batted the guard across the room with a bang from my mace. I had increased my strength with a spell but still I was surprised by it. Even the spark potion I had fixed to the mace shouldn’t have done that. Since it was to my advantage I didn’t waste my time questioning my luck. I could do that later if I survived. I dropped another potion to the ground and smoke soon billowed up around us.

I grinned and using the smoke as cover, I began to move like lightning through them. In my excitement, I failed to notice that the blood from all the fallen guards moved and had latched onto my skin as I fought. Even the warmth that I felt before, while there, was too small to distract me from the brawl I was in. I was doing pretty well. It wasn’t that I had more skill then they had. In fact, a few were better than me but I seemed to be hitting harder and moving faster then I should be. ‘These druid spells were truly impressive,’ I thought as I downed another guard.

I saw a tiny rocks flying at me quicker than arrows. It was too late to dodge because of the smoke. I felt their slight impacts as they hit me but, between the spells ‘Skin of the Plain’s Beast’, ‘Golden Armor’ and the druid’s Salve of earthen skin, they didn’t really do anything. I waited for them to explode or do something else but they just pinged off my armor and fell to the ground. The boy that cast gasped and then I could hear him running away.

“What can you expect from a Winchester,” the other boy sniffed. “I will not let you live. You… you are going to pay for ever resisting me. For hitting me! For …”

I cut off his rant because I finally remembered this kid. “Were you the idiot that tried to have his way with me in the forest?” I asked. His scream of rage was the only confirmation I got before he rushed at me. He was fast, as fast as me! I felt his dagger pierce into my side as I sliced him across his chest with my sword. It hurt a bit but most of my spells minimized his damage where I saw his blood coming out fast from his. I stabbed him again and saw the look of shock on his face as my blade entered. His blood gushed out as he fell to the floor. The blood slowed as he neared death and a faint golden glow could be seen slowing its flow. I didn’t know if he would live and I didn’t care.

I ignored him as I walked by. I opened the door to the room that held Lily and saw a blood bath. The shifter was gone. Between everything I was controlling, she must have died without me noticing. There were bodies of the guards everywhere, but the fat man and Lily were missing. I saw a blood trail leading deeper into the mansion. I quickly ran in that direction but stopped as the blood all around me latched onto my legs. It clung to me and even as I pulled it away it slipped through my fingers. In desperation I cast ‘Smite’ and pain spread through it, to the crystal and then ran right through my nervous system. My vision swam as I fought to not pass out. What the hell was that?

Some of the blood crystallized and broke apart but more of it crawled up my legs when I was in a stupor. All off it vanished by the time shook off the pain. My crystal hummed and a warmth spread through me making me feel comfortable. I refocused. I didn’t have time for this right now and began to go deeper into the mansion. The trail was now gone, so I tried listening for her or him.


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