Alice Angel of Mercy

Chapter 70 – What lies Beneath Part 2 (Unedited)

I flew as fast as I could. Doing my best to get there as quickly as I possible could. Still, by the time I got there, I was too late to stop the fight from dissolving into chaos. The dead numbered into the hundreds but it was Gideon lying in a pool of his own blood that I noticed first. A princess was next to him. Her head was twisted around to face backward. Their resurrection timers were close to running out. But there were hundreds of timers ticking down. Whose life was more important? A child I didn't know? A holy priest with the power that might be able to help, or a friend I still had feelings for? Even if I kept telling myself those feelings were fake, it didn't make them magically go away. It just made me awkward around him. There were literally hundreds I could choose to save. I just lacked that power. Didn’t I?

I still felt as if I could do anything. The high of absorbing all that blood seemed to be messing with my mind. I kept trying to tone down my thoughts, as logic wrestled with my desire to unleash my full power. Even so my summonables didn’t fight against my orders. Instead they seemed afraid of displeasing me. They were currently running across the city to get to the castle. Hopefully not causing too much panic.
I hovered over the battlefield and watched as the prince that had tried playing hero kill another prince. He was too close to the rest to focus any long range attacks onto him. So he didn’t face much resistance as he broke through their line. Some of the guards had tried to stop him but that only left holes for the town’s folk to exploit. So even if I could manage to bring them all back, he and his allies were in positions to simply kill them again. Especially the prince because, unlike those he was killing, he was a melee expert.

As I tried to think of the best plan of action, I noticed that the blackish blood was oozing its way into the castle. I didn’t see it at first. I felt it. It felt like I could call to it and it would come to me. As if, I was an electromagnet and all I had to do was flip the switch. But I wasn’t the only being calling out to it. There was another source below me that was calling it.

All of this didn’t make sense. I killed the main parasite so the rest should have died along with it. Why were they still fighting? As I saw Gideon timer hit eleven seconds. When I decided that it didn't matter and made my choice. I went all in and activated my luck three times. I watched as my three hundred multiplier appeared next to that stat and then activated ‘Death is a Friend of Mine’. I wanted to heal them all but if I could only save one, Gideon was my target.

I closed my eyes, blocked out all the distractions and put my all into the spell. I let my overconfidence take over. That felling that I could do anything.


I watched as my men fell. My brother seems to have been infected by these creatures. He has killed almost all my other brothers and sisters. My men are stalling him but he has always been the best fighter among us. Him turning at this time has left us with little reprieve. I will fight to until I fall. As I was taught, true rulers will fight unto death to protect their subjects. Still, this was not how thought I would die.
I heard my name “Lucas” being called and when I looked I saw James pointing to the sky. Alice? What was she doing? She was looking down on us and I saw her close her eyes. Was it too much for her? Slaughter was never pretty and she was just a girl after all. It was then that I saw it. A golden sun was forming above her. A black nimbus was forming around it. The darkness seemed to be coming off her like steam. I saw her scrunch up her face as the inky streams from her stopped and then she raised her arms. As if answering her command, the peasants fell where they stood. The darkness she seemed to lack soon came out of them in droplets and rained upward.

She was soon covered in it from head to toe. Like a Dark God outlined in gold she hovered there, waiting. How can such a tiny girl look so frightening? I watched as her hands fell and a golden beam washed over the entry courtyard where we have been fighting. Blinded by the light, I missed my brother’s retreat into the castle. I just heard him scream in pain. Something I never heard before, in all his training, and then somebody running away.


I opened my eyes as pleasure coursed through me. Somehow more blood had coated me and as it was absorbed,  my crystal hummed away happily. There was a lot of it. It was constantly soaking in and didn’t seem to be going away. When I could concentrate enough to see what was going on I saw a bunch of notifications. I quickly glance at the windows and saw ‘Skill Acquired: Judge, Jury, and Executioner’, ‘Skill Acquired: ill-fated’, ‘Skill Acquired: Dealer Maker’, 'God bloodline Activated'. I closed them just hoping to see Gideon wake up. It was really all I was hoping for. Instead, I saw Prince Reynard running into the castle and I was in no shape to give chase.
I watched as some people got back up, while some didn’t. I instinctually knew those that didn’t get up were ones I would think of as “evil”. I saw Gideon wake up as did the princess next to him but a couple of princes and princesses didn’t. They stayed dead, doing the world a favor or so I thought deep down.

My luck timer clicked down as I tried to think of my next step. Should I run? It wasn’t like I was subtle and I had less than a minute before my bad luck began. Or should I go after Reynard? I gave that idea up since it was probably suicidal. Let them clean up their messes. Now that I knew what was going on I figured he got infected when he was either playing hero or at the whore house. I just assumed he was the one that got that beast girl pregnant. He seemed the type to go to those places.

Whatever, I’ve done enough and decided to leave.

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