Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 45 : Im Alice Vasilissa

I am Alice Vasilissa, and it can be said that today marks my seventh day since I reincarnated into this world as my custom game character, Alice Vasilissa. In these seven days, many things have happened, from battling the True Abyssal Dragon Lord, building forces for the security of my stronghold, conquering a goblin village, and now residing in a human-owned city.

If asked if I'm tired? Yes, quite tired, though I am unaware of the danger level in this world, so I must prevent any threats. Information is crucial, and I must work hard to obtain it.

In these seven days, I've almost not slept or rested, even though I don't tire physically, my mental state may be fatigued. I still lack a clear understanding of the power standards in this world, apart from Mythical Monsters.

Previously, I met a trusted person from Princess Ivy, but the offer didn't interest me as I've gained everything since my reincarnation. Money? Azaroth already holds plenty of wealth, and I don't fully understand the function of money in this world besides transactions.

Nothing has intrigued me except for food.

Throne? I already have many strong servants and permanent summoned creatures; there should be no issue. Besides, they all have consciousness and are quite different in this world.

Women? Unfortunately, I lack libido, and technically, I am a woman.

I am currently walking on a pathway, enjoying the fresh night air and the rustling trees. Of course, I'm not alone; Arina and Clarissa are following me. The mask I wear is starting to annoy me.

After a while, I glance at Arina, and she walks with a serious expression. I can guess she's on guard to protect me. Attacks from someone below level 150 won't affect me much, but it's different with a level 150 attacker. It could hurt, especially since I am a Mage and Warrior.

During the meeting with Mikami and Rufus, I discreetly observed them; their strength is around levels 100 to 120. Their attacks might feel like someone tickling me.

Oh yes, the food in this world is surprisingly good. Eating reduces my mental fatigue, although the food is immediately incinerated by the black flame in my stomach.

In summary, I lack a digestive system, only burning the food in my stomach without smoke; it's quite effective.

Tomorrow morning, I will spar with Mikami, perhaps using an item to seal my powers and relying solely on physical attacks equivalent to someone at level 120.

I just want to catch your attention and draw the right hand of Princess Ivy, who happens to be visiting. I shouldn't attract too much attention; by the way, conquering the Igrasian Empire strategically offers many benefits.

This continent resembles Europe in my previous life. Luckily, I obtained the continent map from the goblin village, and there are quite a few countries.

I have no experience in politics or kingdoms. I can only rely on memories of history from my previous life.

Unfortunately, I barely read medieval history, mostly focusing on history from 1800 onwards. I sense something and stop in my tracks.

"What's wrong, Alice-sama?" Arina asks curiously, but I remain silent. I sense a somewhat dreadful aura, but it's fleeting.

(What is it?)

How can someone as strong as me feel a shiver?

(Ah, maybe just a coincidence.)

"Nothing," I respond flatly.

Arina nodded, and I continued walking. After a while, the rather large mansion of Marquess Reinhard came into view. It housed only two people: Marquess Reinhard and his son, with the rest being servants. If this were my previous life, I would feel quite nervous being in this mansion, considering it seemed luxurious to me.

Unfortunately, Azaroth appeared even more extravagant when seen in person, not through a computer screen. By the way, being a Goddess is enjoyable; I feel my power increasing, and I hope my subordinates can conquer the entire Abyssal Forest.

It's June, supposed to be summer. Yet, I still feel cool inside my body despite standing for hours under direct sunlight. My skin remains pale and unaffected. When close enough, I activate a skill.

[Special Skill: Teleportation]

I vanish instantly, reappearing in a room. It's spacious, and I sit on a sofa. It might seem unreasonable to ask someone to bring a report on the entire kingdom within less than 24 hours, but it's alright; this will also prove Marquess Reinhard's seriousness.

Although I don't trust him at all. Behind me, Arina and Clarissa stand as my guards. After a short wait, Marquess Reinhard enters the room with several files and, without forgetting, kneels.

"I've compiled all the information you requested."

I'm quite surprised; he seems genuinely serious, and his dark circles are noticeable, resembling a panda. Yet, my instincts tell me not to trust him.

In this position, I'm like the highest boss of a company; at least, I should relax a bit. I take a file and start reading its contents, going through each one seriously and carefully. I don't want to miss anything, and I dislike rereading.

Occasionally, I glance at Marquess Reinhard, who continues to kneel, his body trembling at times from the strain.

"You can sit."

"T-thank you."

Marquess Reinhard then sits on the floor. I don't care much; I continue reading the report he provided.

Firstly, the condition of Arclens city, the incident of the explosion that destroyed the city wall caused significant losses. I almost choked when reading this part. Of course, the explosion was when I used nuclear magic to deliver burst damage to the True Abyssal Dragon Lord.

I didn't expect the first report to be about Arclens City's condition. The damage caused was high because this wall was one of the strongest in the Empire and crumbled overnight. There were casualties, and evacuation locations need to be established.

(I feel a bit guilty for using nuclear magic, hahaha, but it's worth what I gained.)

(Well, it's better than the True Abyssal Dragon causing chaos in this city.)

(Sacrifices are indeed necessary.)

The economic condition of the city is relatively stable, with the main income coming from the agricultural sector. The soil is fertile due to its proximity to the Abyssal Forest, making it easy for plants to thrive.

(Agriculture, huh? That means there are quite a few farmers here.)

As for religion, there are several, one of them being the Lunaria religion, worshiping the Goddess Lunaria. According to Marquess Reinhard's report, this is the largest religion in the city.

(I'm very curious about the form of the Goddess Lunarian if that entity truly exists.)

(Well, I need to increase my followers to enhance my power; I still don't know what threats are dangerous in this world.)

(Anticipation is crucial for this.)

As for taxes, everything is proceeding normally. After reading quite a bit about this city, I continued to read reports about the political situation of the empire.

It is mentioned here that the empire is currently divided into three factions: Princess Ivy's faction, Princess Ciel's faction, and Prince Philip's faction. Marquess Reinhard is already in Princess Ivy's faction as per my orders.

(Later, I'll need to infiltrate someone I trust into the three factions.)

Princess Ivy's and Prince Philip's factions seem balanced, while Princess Ciel's faction appears very weak.


My instincts tell me there's something odd in Princess Ciel's faction, but I don't know what it is. There's another possibility if Princess Ciel isn't interested in the throne.

(If she's into politics, she shouldn't be this weak, but if not interested, it's reasonable.)

"Reinhard, do you know about Princess Ciel?"

"Princess Ciel is currently attending the Royal Academy and will graduate next year,"

(So, she's still in school.)

(I don't know why my instincts suggest something's off in Princess Ciel's faction.)

(Well, let it be; I might be mistaken.)

After reading for a while, I sense someone's presence about 5 kilometers away.

(This person... is not ordinary.)

I sense that their level is quite high compared to anyone I've encountered in this world, higher than the fugitive trying to summon demons from hell.



"Yes, Alice-sama? Is there anything I can help with?"

"5 kilometers north from here, someone is approaching. Capture them, don't kill, you can make them suffer, but make sure they don't die."

"Yes! I understand, Alice-sama. I'll take my leave then."


[Telepath end]

Immediately, Arina disappears from behind Alice, leaving Clarissa alone as Alice's guard. Marquess Reinhard is quite surprised by Arina's sudden disappearance.

I continue reading the reports provided by Marquess Reinhard, and I'll bring all these reports to Azaroth later.


5 kilometers north of Marquess Reinhard's mansion, June 29, 01:00 AM.

A man in a black robe is seen walking. Chains dangle from both sleeves of his robe, quite long, and he walks dragging these chains.

His face isn't entirely visible, but there's undoubtedly a smile on it.

"I've received a direct order."

"It's time for sacrifices."

"If I succeed in doing that, I will be elevated to the cult's leader."

"Unfortunately, someone is claiming to be a goddess and healing the child."

"I even want to spit on that person's face."

"Well, that's not a big deal."

The man gazes at the sky. In the sky, a bright full moon is visible, surrounded by countless stars.

"Full moon, the perfect time for sacrifices."

"First, I have to kill that false goddess."

"But at least her blood is very fresh."

"Even though that cursed Marquess's cursed child has been healed, it won't affect the sacrifice."

"The curse placed only serves to restrain her until the time of sacrifice arrives."

Suddenly, the man stops walking, and a suspicious gust of wind hits his body.

"What is this?"

"Nice to meet you, cult member."

Suddenly, a woman's voice is heard, and the man immediately focuses his gaze. A beautiful woman appears in front of him, and she doesn't carry any weapons. The man can't gauge or sense the woman's strength.

"Hah! Just a woman... I'm not a cult member, I'm Rex."

"Rex? A very ordinary name."

Hearing that sharply increases Rex's emotions. He moves both his hands to attack the woman with the chain he's holding.

[Special Skill: Chain Lightning]

"Just a special skill?"

The woman easily catches both of Rex's chains, and she seems unaffected by any pain. Of course, Rex immediately jumps back because he senses that this woman is very powerful. Luckily for him, he manages to jump back, and the woman still appears calm.

"Who are you!?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Arina Sirius, the First Servant of the White Goddess, Alice Vasilissa."

"White Goddess?"

"Well, the pitiful person I was supposed to capture, which is you, isn't worthy of getting to know me, but oh well."

Rex doesn't pay much attention to Arina's words, focusing on scanning the surroundings to find an escape route. Rex is a realistic person and not reckless. If someone can withstand his special skill barehanded, the opponent is certainly very strong.

If there's no opening, Rex will try to create one to escape.


The dark area suddenly turns blue as a blue light appears.


The author is trying to use the first-person point of view for our main character, Alice Vasilissa!

I'm attempting to reveal Alice Vasilissa's thoughts using the first-person point of view. Additionally, I'm planning some side stories, including Princess Ivy's background, which will be released on Patreon.

Thanks to those who have read this chapter!

- Fallen Lily

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