Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 48 : The Goddess holding a blood-stained sword.

Underground Library of Mansion Marquess Reinhard, June 29, 11:00 PM.

Yesterday, there was an infiltrator from the cult, and Arina managed to defeat them. I tried to gather some information and got a bit of valuable intel from the cult member.

After that, they exploded, and I couldn't do anything. It was an unseen sealing magic; before the explosion, ancient writings covered their body less than a second before detonation. I could see it, and it was magic originating from this world.

In the Monsterland game, there are sealing techniques, but they are usually skills or items. I could see the person's mana percentage drop suddenly to 0 before their body turned red, and numerous writings appeared before the explosion.

It reinforced my need to be more vigilant. Recently, I received a report from Exypno that she formed a special team to investigate cults in the Abyssal Forest. Division One is also moving to conquer the orc race.

One thing is certain, I must become stronger for my safety, my subordinates, and my home. I need more followers to conquer the strategically located Igrasian Empire. Conquering a kingdom isn't as easy as flipping a hand, but I'll try.

Currently, I continue reading new documents from Marquess Reinhard. He's in front of me, kneeling, and I don't know what's on his mind. I don't want to act recklessly as it could endanger the kingdom.

Marquess Reinhard is crucial in the empire, and I can't do anything that might harm it, considering I plan to conquer it in the future. If necessary, I might not kill him, as I'm unsure of potential side effects from my eye skills.

Will it damage memories, mess with them, or cause prolonged headaches? I don't know. I'll take the safest steps for now.

I'm still reading the documents, then close them after finishing. I gaze at Marquess Reinhard.

"I'll ask a few questions. If you lie, it's over. If you're truthful, it's also over. Your answers will determine your future."

"Okay, Goddess..."

(His voice seems a bit heavy, his expression uneasy and somewhat fearful—I can see it.)

Exypno gave me valuable advice earlier, and I'll follow it. Currently, it's just Marquess Reinhard and me in this room, with Arina guarding outside to ensure no intruders.

"According to this document, there are ten powerful individuals under the emperor's command. Who are they?" I ask with curiosity.

"They are known as the 10 Emperor's Guardians, possessing formidable strength. I don't know how strong exactly, but they have to guard the emperor."

"I see..."

(I'm intrigued to face them someday.)

"Next, I'll ask about your relationship with the cult and how much you know about it."

"My relationship..."

Before Marquess Reinhard can answer, I cut in.

"Before you answer, let me assure you—I can guarantee your child's safety 100%. Your future depends on your answers. If you lie, I won't harm your child. No need to worry."

"I'll try something on you,"

I then take some scrolls and attempt a direct experiment.

(I have limited seal-breaker scrolls; I'll only use one this time and must conserve them.)

[Destroy Level 1 seal]


[Destroy Level 4 seal]

I continue watching Marquess Reinhard, who still appears confused, and there seems to be no effect from the seal destruction I performed.

(I have several hypotheses.)

(First, Marquess Reinhard may not have a cult seal.)

(Second, the seal I used might be too weak.)

(Third, the world's seals are different, so Monsterland items have no effect.)

(I have less than ten high-level seal destroyers; should I use them?)

I then carefully put away the scrolls I had laid out earlier.

"Please answer,"

Marquess Reinhard nods and begins to respond to my questions,

"I don't know when the cult appeared in this world or the empire. Anyone who is a noble or a high-ranking figure in this country is likely connected to the cult, except for the emperor's two daughters who have no ties to the cult."

"Rumors are suggesting that the cult controls the Igrasian Empire from behind."

I nod in understanding. I'm gaining more crucial information about the Igrasian Empire. With the gathered information, planning the conquest of the Igrasian Empire will become smoother.

"I don't know if you're honest or not, but I'm impressed with the information you provided."

"Thank you very much, Goddess," Marquess Reinhard bows deeply.

"Do you know the cult's headquarters' location?"

"I don't know. There's a possibility their base is underground or elsewhere. As a noble leading a territory, I've searched, but I couldn't find their headquarters."

I nod again, holding my chin, pondering for a moment. Suddenly, I remember one of my Servants with high-level earth-element powers.

(If only I could summon that Servant.)

(Her footprints can detect anything underground, which is excellent for a mission to find something below the surface.)

(Should I use a monster from Azaroth to search for the cult's headquarters? It seems like a bad plan as it would attract attention.)

(Maybe I should observe the area conditions again tonight.)

I've been in this room for almost two hours; it might be time to leave as I'm getting restless.

(I want to get some fresh air!)

"I'll be leaving then... I'll return later," I say, looking at the kneeling Marquess Reinhard.

"Wait, Goddess... There's something I want to show you. Please come back in two hours."

I feel somewhat suspicious after hearing Marquess Reinhard's last words. Still, I don't mind; I have two God items that can protect me if anything goes wrong.

"Very well,"

In a brief moment, I use teleportation and vanish from the location.


Beneath the city of Arclens, there's a sizable secret underground base. It covers about 1/6 of the area of Arclens and is situated at the center of the city. This base serves as the main headquarters for the secretive cult organization in Arclens.

The cult is a clandestine organization unknown to the general public as they always operate covertly. However, lately, the cult seems more active for unknown reasons.

On the other hand, the cult is one of the largest organizations vying for control of this world. Compared between Azaroth and the cult, they are nearly equal in quality, but Azaroth falls significantly behind in quantity. In a large room, an altar is visible at the center.

In front of the altar stands a man around forty years old. He has a robust physique, appearing quite large with wavy shoulder-length hair. He wears a bowler hat and a white shirt wrapped with a dark green vest. Not forgetting, he smokes. This man is Heisen, the cult leader in the city of Arclens.

Someone enters the room, a tall, slender man who kneels before Heisen.

"Marquess Reinhard... I thought you betrayed me."

"Of course not..."

Marquess Reinhard's expression looks genuinely puzzled and torn. He seems to be doing everything reluctantly for some reason. There's a possibility he's torn between Alice and the cult.

However, being an intellectual, he has a plan in motion.

"Good, you came here discreetly, right?" Heisen asks, glancing at Marquess Reinhard.

"Yes, indeed, no one followed me," Marquess Reinhard bows deeply.

"Is the false Goddess still at your house?"

"No, she's gone, but I told her to return in 2 hours."


Heisen turns around and then gazes at Marquess Reinhard. Shortly after, someone else kneels beside Marquess Reinhard.

"You've arrived?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Get ready quickly; we will start the capture of that false Goddess. I will mobilize all cult members in this city for this operation."

"Yes, that idiot claiming to be a goddess must be captured immediately, and I advise you, Sir, to be cautious."

"Of course, I will bring the ace card given by one of the cult leaders. I'm not foolish enough to face that false goddess without sufficient information."

"I trust you, Sir; you are one of the strongest in the Igrasian Empire."

Marquess Reinhard is undoubtedly surprised and slightly smiles. He feels his plan might work, eliminating one side to solve his dilemma.

"Wait... Sir, are you going to capture that Goddess now?"

"Of course, are you afraid?" Heisen stares sharply at Marquess Reinhard to intimidate him.

Marquess Reinhard is unfazed by Heisen's gaze as he has faced someone more terrifying.

"Capture me? For what? I'm already here."

Suddenly, a voice is heard from the broken door. A woman with white hair and glowing red eyes, carrying a sword made of ice and smeared with blood, appears.

"Who are you!? And where are the cult members!?" With an angry expression, Heisen glares at the woman.

The woman then licks the blood on her ice sword, indirectly revealing the location of the other cult members.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alice Vasilissa, the False White Goddess you were talking about."

Alice gazes coldly at Heisen, smiling widely as if she's very pleased after doing something enjoyable.

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