Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 64 : A Reincarnator

Great Zitadelle, Zlaburg Capital City, Lunarian Theocracy, West Continent, 19:00, July 7, 756.

In a grand and spacious room, 12 people are holding a meeting. They sit on chairs around a round table, but there are two large seats occupied by two individuals with very old appearances.

They are the ones who can communicate indirectly with the Lunarian Goddess, and they are called the Syndesmos.

In Lunarian Religion, Syndesmos holds the highest position, followed by 10 archbishops and religious leaders. This meeting should happen every 3 months, but a series of events and messages sent by the Lunarian Goddess require it to be held earlier.

"We will begin this meeting with the visions or dreams seen by Syndesmos Alpha-sama and Syndesmos Beta-sama,"

"I... I see... The world... It is entering an era of darkness... A symbol of all power and darkness... Has descended upon this world..." said Syndesmos Alpha.

"This darkness... It is the darkest darkness in history... Since this world existed... It... Is much more evil and dark... Then all demons united... Much darker and stronger... Then the vilest demon, Poxiranha..." said Syndesmos Beta.

"We must... Prepare... Everything... For the safety of our people and our country..."

"The Lunarian Goddess... Is very merciful... Giving me a dream and vision before it's too late..."

After both Syndesmos spoke, the room fell silent, with many people bowing their heads as they deeply understood what the Syndesmos had said about their dreams.

"Both Syndesmos-sama have spoken, it's time for us to discuss the many foreign events that could potentially affect our religion or country,"

"First, shall we start from the east or the west?"

"Are there any major events in the West? I'm not aware of any!"

"Yes, all I know is that the Navia Empire has a new Empress who is a leader of rebels who successfully staged a revolution and overthrew the previous emperor,"

"Ah, I see. Have we offered congratulations? Our relationship with the Navia Empire is crucial, especially since our country almost collapsed when the Navia Empire invaded about 150 years ago,"

"Yes... My great-grandfather told me that the Navia Empire had almost reached the Capital, but the Lunarian Goddess provided aid to us,"

"Ah yes... Because Syndesmos-sama predicted that the world would enter an era of darkness, good relations with the Navia Empire and its new government are essential,"

"Unfortunately, both factions in the Navia Empire at that time were very strong, so we found it very difficult to intervene. The rebels led by Ice Princess, Rika Alexander Eliza Navillera Navia, who is now the Empress, fought against Emperor Raymond Albertus,"

"A coup d'état is met with another coup d'état... Like blood is met with blood,"

"Indeed, we are fortunate not to be too close to Emperor Raymond,"

"At least we can start good relations with Empress Rika,"

"We should send diplomatic envoys to the Navia Empire as soon as possible as it will greatly impact our long-term relations with them,"

"Yes, if possible, we could form a military alliance with the Navia Empire,"

"By the way, our metal production has increased from our vassal state, the Holy Kingdom,"

"That's good to support the income of both countries, but of course, the Lunarian Theocracy will be prioritized because the Holy Kingdom is only our vassal state,"

"But we should also frequently export these metals to the Navia Empire because the Holy Kingdom is very vulnerable if attacked by the Navia Empire,"

"Yes, I agree, maintaining very good relations with the Navia Empire is our priority,"

"Next, let's discuss a major issue that has occurred in the west,"

"What is it?"

"Is it from the western country, Igrasian Empire, or elsewhere?"

"Yes, there's news from the Igrasian Empire,"

"What is it?"

"A huge monster, more precisely a giant undead, suddenly appeared in the middle of Arclens City, which is close to the Abyssal Forest,"

"Oh, that forbidden forest..."

"However, before the incident in Arclens City, a very large explosion occurred in the Abyssal Forest, but strangely, after the explosion, the forest in the Abyssal Forest showed no signs of damage, even though there was quite severe damage on the outskirts of the forest,"


"Could this be related to the era of darkness?"

"Yes, it's possible that the series of events are connected to this,"

"What if we send a special unit to the Abyssal Forest for an investigation and reconnaissance mission regarding these incidents?"

"Yes, what if we send the Blue Blood Team?"

"Great idea! The Blue Blood Team excels in investigative missions,"

"Yes, I agree!"

"I also agree!"

"Alright, if everyone agrees, we'll deploy the Blue Blood Team."

"I also remember! There's supposed to be a very powerful creature appearing in the Abyssal Forest once every 5,000 years. Is it appearing now?"

"Yes, there's a possibility. We mustn't be careless. The safest approach is to send an investigative team with the sole purpose of gathering information."


"Kelton Weisse del Tasshe, the leader of the Blue Blood Team, has very useful skills for investigative missions and gathering information."

"Oh him! He's the new leader of the Blue Blood Team, right?"

"Yes, he's the youngest leader of the current Blue Blood Team."

"We must instruct the Blue Blood Team to prioritize their lives; we cannot afford losses as we enter the era of darkness."

"And there's another piece of news: Demon Lord Astaroth has mobilized massively after the fourth meeting of the western nations: Lumeria Kingdom, Drazon Empire, Dwarfen Kingdom, and Demon Lord Territory."

"So, our threat is likely coming from the west."

"Most likely, but we still need to remain vigilant in the east."

"I can imagine us being attacked on two fronts."

"Hey! Don't say that! It's very bad!"

"Ah, yes... forgive me."

"Let's continue our discussion on the current state of our country, our troops, and the like."



Mora Forest, Duke Joseph Territory, Igrasian Empire, July 9th, 13:00.

Mora Forest is a sizable forest located in Duke Ryan Territory. It's one of the largest forests in the Igrasian Empire and has often been a suitable hideout for bandits and rebels.

The knights have frequently conducted explorations to eliminate bandits or rebels, but their numbers seem never-ending, prompting them to schedule routine explorations every few intervals.

On a forest path, a convoy of horse-drawn carriages with tight security is present. There are three white carriages, all seemingly identical, surrounded by many fully armored soldiers riding horses as guards.

The number of soldiers escorting the carriages is around 250, a considerable force. One of the passengers in these carriages is certainly someone of great importance in the Igrasian Empire.

In the rear carriage, three individuals are seated inside. Two men sit side by side, while a woman sits alone.

The woman has blonde hair and a stunningly beautiful face, with vibrant yellow eyes. Her attire is undoubtedly very expensive, adorned with special gold linings in certain parts. She is Ciel Serena Bathory Lynch von Igrasian, the third princess of the Igrasian Empire.

Ciel should be undergoing education at the Royal Academy until she turns 20, but she decided to take a leave after hearing about the incident in Arclens City. The appearance of giant monsters in the middle of the city is almost unheard of unless there's an attack.

In front of Ciel, there is a man wearing glasses and carrying many documents. He is Ciel's assistant, chosen for his meticulousness. His name is Ray.

Beside the bespectacled man, there is a tall, slender man. He wears white attire with black trimmings and coordinated trousers. With black hair and a consistently serious expression, his gaze is sharp.

He is ranked 6th among the Emperor's 10 guards, Tatsuya Shoichi.

Tatsuya Yoichi could be considered a reincarnator. Due to his exceptional talent and high abilities, he was appointed as one of the Emperor's 10 guards.

The Emperor's 10 guards are the strongest unit in the Igrasian Empire. This is what causes many nations to think thousands of times before attacking the Igrasian Empire, despite its borders with many countries. The Emperor's 10 guards have only one duty: to follow any orders from the Emperor and protect the Emperor.

However, the Emperor's 10 guards can also be deployed if something significant happens in the Igrasian Empire.

Ciel is currently completely focused on reading reports because she doesn't want to miss anything.

"A large explosion in the Abyssal Forest... But after the explosion, there is no visible damage in the Abyssal Forest. This is very unreasonable. What do you think, Tatsuya?" Ciel asks Tatsuya.

"The Abyssal Forest is outside the Igrasian Empire, so I'm not too concerned,"

"What if the explosion in the Abyssal Forest is related to the incident in Arclens City?"

"Well, if ordered, I could undertake a special mission to the Abyssal Forest, but the Emperor's safety remains the priority," Tatsuya replies.

"Oh, you should not listen for a moment, there is something I want to tell Ciel-sama," Tatsuya says to Ray.

"Me?" Ray points to himself, somewhat confused by Tatsuya's words.

[Ultimate Skill: Svino Auditus]

"Sorry, you and everyone in this area will not be able to hear my conversation with Ciel-sama temporarily within a radius of about 100 meters,"

"You're too cautious, Tatsuya, hahaha, but it's okay,"

Ciel then looks at Tatsuya teasingly, but Tatsuya is unaffected by her gaze.

"As you are the Emperor's daughter, it's fine to inform you about this. Since the incident in Arclens City, the guarding of the Emperor has significantly increased."

"The 1st and 2nd ranked guards have also resumed active duty after a very long vacation due to the incident in Arclens City,"

"Is that so? By the way, if I'm not mistaken, you're a reincarnator like Olivia, aren't you?"

"Yes, did you hear it from the Emperor?"

"Of course, my father mentioned that some guards among the Emperor's 10 guards are reincarnators,"

"I see... Were you and Olivia from the same location before reincarnation?"

"Oh, we should be from different countries. I'm not sure about Olivia's origin because I rarely speak to her,"

"I see... What was your life like before reincarnation?"

"Well, it was very monotonous, just work, eat, and rest,"

"Not much different from many inhabitants of the Igrasian Empire. I congratulate you, albeit belatedly, on your reincarnation,"

"Thank you, since I reincarnated, I've experienced many new things,"

"I see... You know? This is the third time I've met a member of the Emperor's 10 guards because meeting them is very difficult, and I'm lucky to meet you and be able to travel together to the same destination,"

"Because we choose the task of guarding the Emperor without being seen," 

"I see... It seems my father is very protective of himself,"

"I don't know and I won't answer,"

"Hahaha... Now just deactivate your skill, and we'll discuss the incident in Arclens City,"


[Ultimate Skill: Svino Auditus Cancel]

"Finally..." Ray said.

Ciel resumed reading the reports she brought repeatedly while thinking hard until finally, an assumption emerged in her mind.

"I'm sure the incident in Arclens City is related to the explosion in the Abyssal Forest,"

"Everything is caused by entities originating from the Abyssal Forest,"

"Are you sure, Ciel-sama?" Ray asked.

"Is that so?" Tatsuya asked.

"I don't know, so I'll go see my brother to get detailed reports on the incident,"

"If possible, I'll visit Arclens City directly,"

"I'll also go to Arclens City to gather information and prevent similar incidents from happening again," Tatsuya said.

"Great... It means we have the same goal, and what if my assumption is correct?" Ciel smiled.


Side Story

Operation: Dornen (Chapter 1.1)

Currently, outside the throne room, the fifth Servants are gathered, except for Alicia who is still inside the throne room with Alice. Boo is currently in the middle, with Arina and Aurelle on the left, and on Boo's right, there's Exypno and also Aether.

"Finally, this meeting is over," Boo said.

"Oh, welcome, Boo," Arina said.

"Long time no see, Boo," Exypno said.

"You look, as usual, Boo," Aether said.

"Wow~ You seem more expressive after being called Boo~," Aurelle said.

"Thank you! But... my brain seems a bit smoky because of the meeting just now, and I have to digest a lot of information I received in a short time,"

"Hahaha, you'll get used to it, Boo," Arina said.

"At least compared to other Servants, you should be grateful for being chosen by Alice-sama," Exypno said.

"Oh, by the way, how are the other Servants, Boo?" Aether asked.

"Well~ It seems like we're going to start getting busy tomorrow,"

"True... If I were the chosen Servant, the others are doing fine, they always observe and watch over what happens to Alice-sama," Boo said.

"So, Boo, Exypno, and Aether, I'll take my leave now because I have to prepare for Operation: Azaroth Typhoon tonight," Arina said.

Arina then used teleportation and disappeared.

"Bye-bye, Boo, Aether, and Exypno!" Aurelle waved her hand as she spoke.

Aurelle then used teleportation and vanished.

"Oi!! You guys!! Don't leave me!!!" Boo grumbled a bit as Arina and Aurelle left.

Boo also hopped around, although his small stature of only 30 cm, and his face showed an annoyed expression.

"Boo, good luck with Operation: Dornen, I'll take my leave as I have to discuss the Design Azulon City, see you later, Boo!" Exypno said.

Exypno then used teleportation and disappeared.

"See you later, Boo! Don't hesitate to contact me if you encounter any problems,"

Aether followed Exypno and disappeared after using teleportation.

Boo was truly annoyed being left alone by the other Servants, especially since he had to lead a mission by himself and had no deputy.

"Damn you guys!!!" Boo grumbled with an annoyed expression as he hopped around.

Boo then looked to the left, right, and ahead. In front of the throne room, there are three paths leading to many rooms. Boo then contemplated the next steps he should take.

Before long, Ancient Liches could be seen coming from afar, tasked with cleaning the throne room after the meeting.


Thank you for reading up to this point. Next, I will try to create some side stories, of course.

The next chapter of Operation: Dornen will be released on Patreon, and of course, this side story is free! Don't forget to check Patreon regularly.

- Fallen Lily

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