Alien God System

Chapter 104 - Really yellow

After Yang Feng’s chest swelled, he was safe, but Ji Shishi beside him was shocked, screaming: Leader Wu, there is something to say. You are the strength of the third-order peak of the King of War, who can take your hand? Don’t break him! “

Hmph, don’t worry, I’ve been merciful! “

The corner of his mouth curled up, Wu Gang took a deep look at Yang Feng, smiled disapprovingly, then took back his palm, patted his chest lightly, and laughed: Good strength, can take my palm, and it is intact Yes, at least the warlord is at the top of Tier 3, just report it. Work hard in the future, hahaha! “

Are you sure it is the third-tier general? No need to keep trying? “Blinking innocent big eyes, Yang Feng laughed.

Then Wu Gang nodded in a hurry, and said: sure, sure, good boy, the body is good enough to get acquainted with, I must be the pillar of my guardianship in the future! “

Laughing and patted Yang Feng’s arm again. Wu Gang turned slowly with a signature smile, but at the moment he turned, no one could see the direction, suddenly a smiling face was twisted into a ball, full His head was cold and sweaty, and tears were almost streaming down.

The hand that he had just taken out of his palm was constantly shaking and flushing.

Mom sells batches, what kind of monster this kid is.

Slap him, he is fine, I almost broke his hand.

Whoops, it hurts me so much, oooooo!

Although Wu Gang was furious just now, he still had room for his shot. After all, the emperor asked him to protect Yang Feng, and he could not kill him.

Fortunately, his men were merciful, otherwise, after he stretched out his palm with all his strength, Yang Feng bounced back, presumably he could directly shock his internal organs and die.

By then, it won’t be like it is now, it’s just as simple as hurting your hand.

However, he could not show it.

Because he is the boss of Baolong Secret Guard, if he hurts himself because of teaching a new soldier, he will be shameless if he teaches a new soldier. How will he convince the public in the future?

Therefore, under this palm, he already knows Yang Feng’s horror completely, and it is very likely that his strength has reached the cultivation base of the Emperor.

However, he can’t report like this.

Because he is the boss of Baolong Secret Guard, if the newly recruited soldiers are actually stronger than him, how can he be the boss.

Therefore, in view of the above two reasons, Wu Gang no longer tests Yang Feng’s strength. After passing by, it is almost as if the strength of the third-tier peak is reported to the file.

As for loyalty to the organization? Humph, that only counts if he can secure the boss’s seat.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Gang looked at Yang Feng’s eyes suddenly and solemnly.

He finally understood why Huang Longwei’s army was wiped out this time, so he didn’t lose unjustly!

At the same time, he also had a deep fear of Yang Feng.

With this kid’s strength, he will definitely be able to sit in his seat in the future, and even sit higher than him. It’s really a potential stock, and you have to cultivate your feelings.

Thinking about this, Wu Gang suddenly laughed: Brother Yang Feng, you and I see each other as they did today. It is better to meet each other. In the future, we will have blessings and difficulties, how about? “

what? Babai as soon as we meet? This……”

Hearing what he said, Ji Shishi suddenly felt dazed.

Maybe others don’t know what kind of person this Wu Gang is in charge, but Ji Shishi could not be clearer. After all, she was trained by Wu Gang from childhood to adulthood.

The leader of Wu’s opponent is absolutely strict and meticulous. He can’t see a smiling face throughout the year. He is known as the newcomer Terminator.

As long as the newcomers who have just entered the Baolong Secret Guard and have received his training, none of them are not at night, having nightmares, dreaming of him, and crying by him, including themselves.

Once upon a time, he could be so kind, he would worship people as soon as they met, and call him a brother. Is this still her cold-faced Yan Luo instructor?

Ji Shishi was puzzled.

Yang Feng went inside without knowing it and glanced at him obliquely, but he curled his lips indifferently and said: Lao Wu, stop making trouble. I just met you and I don’t know how you are. Who knows if you talk about loyalty and whether you are worthy of being a brother, I don’t just worship anyone casually. “

What, he actually dared to reject Wu Tongling’s kindness?

Wu Tongling’s face was refuted, so why not kill him on the spot?

Hearing what he said, the surrounding guards were dumbfounded and looked at Wu Gang cautiously, afraid that he would go crazy.

But Wu Gang just smiled brilliantly and waved his hand indifferently: Forget it, at first glance, brother is a sincere man. If you don’t understand my brother now, you will understand later that I am definitely a loyal person, and being a brother with me will not treat you badly! “

Damn, Chief Wu didn’t go crazy?

The sun came out to the west!

The surrounding subordinates couldn’t help being stunned, and looked at Wu Gang, who was known for his violent temper, incredibly.

When Wu Gang saw the weird eyes around him, his face suddenly sank, and he shouted: What to look at, there will be 10,000 push-ups when you go back, and you are not allowed to eat! “

Uh, yes yes yes! “

Busy nodded, everyone trembled, and secretly said in their hearts, it was the original leader, I thought he had changed, but how did he treat this kid so well?

However, how did they know that Commander Wu is still unable to do it now, his subordinates are stronger than himself, what can he do?

Scold this kid, this kid talks back to you and doesn’t care at all.

Swearing to the fire, let’s get your hands started. Your own commander couldn’t beat him. In the end, he took his own humiliation. It’s not as good as everyone is kind and face.

After he retired and Yang Feng took his seat, everyone was still on their own. It was good to take care of each other. Wu Gang was planning for the future.

His mouth was full of bitterness, Wu Gang smiled and shook his head. It is estimated that this Yang Feng was the most helpless newcomer he had encountered in his life.

Then, Wu Gang looked at Yang Feng and Zhuge’s Thirteen Dao: Brother Yang, the official position of our Baolong Secret Guard is divided into seven levels: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The lowest purple level is known as the purple code; the highest red level is known as the red code. Each level is divided into several teams, led by the leader and deputy leader. The low-level secret guards must absolutely obey the high-level secret guards, understand? “

In other words, our Yang family is the lowest purple code? “

Yes, as a squire in an ordinary town like your father, there is no information for intelligence, and the ability to do missions is not strong enough. Only the purple code can only collect some unimportant scattered information. “

Nodding lightly, Wu Gang explained.

Yang Feng blinked his curious big eyes, and pointed to Ji Shishi again: What about her? What level is she in? “

Shi Shi Jiao Yan Wushuang, using the brothel as a concealment, she communicates with high-ranking officials and nobles. The information she can detect is the most advanced information, so she is the leader of the first team of Huang Mi! “

Wow, it’s really yellow, it deserves to be the number one yellow secret! “

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng glanced deeply at Ji Shishi’s graceful figure, and nodded deeply.

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