Alien God System

Chapter 106 - traitor

Power far surpasses Situ Zheng?

The body couldn’t help but shook suddenly, and Yin Wuchen’s expressions changed drastically.

This person said so loudly that Situ’s power of the lord of the whole mansion can be given to him if he said it. Then who is his master sacred?

How is it, are you interested in discussing this sale? “

Looking at the two of them thinking carefully, the black shadow evil spirit said.

Yin Wuchen was silent, Wu Huaikong rolled his eyes and asked: Who is your master and why should he make such a big promise? “

Now that the two of you have been invited here, I am not afraid to tell you directly. “

The corner of his mouth curled up, and the man said with a stern look: My master is the current first-grade general, the head of the White Tiger Army, Murong Mountain, Murong Lord! “

What, a… a general general? “

Yes, now you should believe that my master has the strength and fulfilled his promise. “

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two of them, the man couldn’t help but smile contemptuously, and said lightly: As long as you are willing to submit to General Murong and work for the general, the general will naturally fully support your two families. By then, helping the children of your clan, seeking an errand in the Imperial Capital, becoming an imperial court, will be a piece of cake. How about, this condition is rich enough, right? “

Without speaking, both of them thought deeply.

After a while, Wu Huaikong licked some dry lips, and muttered: Why would the general look at the small family like us? With his seniority in a high position, we should not be able to climb high! “

If I say that you are just lucky, the general has traveled all over the world, and suddenly heard that your two families have good potential, and I will fall in love with you, you will definitely not believe it, ha ha ha! “

With a grin, the man glanced at them with contempt, and said leisurely: In fact, the former Huai’an Palace Master, Situ Zheng, was from the general. “

What, Situ is General Murong’s person? “

Yes, he raised money for the general, but was suddenly killed. The general would not believe anything about humanoid monsters. On the contrary, this is likely to be a stumbling block by political opponents, so let’s check. “

Having said that, the man stopped talking and looked at the two coldly.

Yin Wuchen and Wu Huaikong looked at each other, both of them dropped their heads, not daring to speak, and their hearts were very guilty.

With a contemptuous smile, the man continued: As a result, he did not expect that Palace Master Situ’s death was caused by man. I think what Father Xue Pan said when he went back, weren’t all lies, are you talking about it? “

This one……”

As soon as he said this, Yin Wuchen was so frightened that he didn’t dare to speak.

Wu Huaikong’s eyes turned, and he hurriedly shouted: The death of Palace Master Situ was entirely planned by the Yang family boy, Yang Feng and Zhuge Shisan. He also invited his master, a man of golden armor, and Palace Master Situ died in his hands. You want revenge and find him, it has nothing to do with us! “

Wu Huaikong, shut up, have you forgotten everyone’s vows? “

I haven’t forgotten it, but we can’t follow the funeral. Even if we were all in the same group at the beginning, there were also principal and accessory culprits. I think Lord Murong needs Huai’an Palace’s money and food, so we won’t involve other families. If he wants to settle the account, let him find Yang Feng’s kid. “

Yin Wuchen shouted, gave him a stern look, and Wu Huaikong quickly explained.

The man watched from the side, and he also fully understood the ins and outs of the matter. He couldn’t help but sneered: Yes, Lord Murong has a broad mind and understands that everyone has suffered from the persecution of Situ Zheng’s insignificant things for many years, and he will not easily anger everyone. , Please rest assured, two people. As for the principal offender, because Lord Murong had just received the emperor’s edict, Master Murong couldn’t move him immediately! “

what? Lord Murong can’t touch him either? “

Hearing this, Wu Huaikong’s face flashed with loss.

Obviously, he had just betrayed Yang Feng deliberately just now, in order to kill people with the knife, and let Murong Mountain get rid of Yang Feng, the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

But who knows, now that Yang Feng has just won the emperor’s emperor’s emperor’s emperor’s emperor’s title, he can’t even move him at will by the dignified general.

For a time, Wu Huaikong was still a little unhappy.

Seeing everything about him, the man nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand, cutting off the rope on his body, also unlocking his prohibition, and restored his skill.

Patriarch Wu is so knowledgeable about current affairs and still has an antagonism with Yang Feng. We, Mr. Murong, will definitely help you manage the Chamber of Commerce. “

Oh, thank you Master Murong, but now you can’t move that kid too! “

It’s only now. After a while, the wind has passed, and the adults will settle accounts with him. Besides, in a little while, isn’t he going to Tianfeng Academy, the Huai’an Chamber of Commerce will have no leader, and Mr. Murong will provide some assistance behind him. Isn’t this money bag in charge of your martial arts family again? “

Evil charm smiled, and the man gently patted Wu Huai’s mouth.

Wu Huaikong was overjoyed, and he continued to confide in his eyes.

Then, the man looked at Yin Wuchen again and shouted: Patriarch Yin, Patriarch Wu has agreed to cooperate, how are you thinking about it? “

Without speaking, Yin Wuchen was silent.

Brother Yin, what are you doing stupidly? Yang Feng wiped out our vice-chairman position and turned the entire chamber of commerce into his Yang family. Now that General Murong is willing to support us and retake the Chamber of Commerce, what else do you have to hesitate? “

Wu Huaikong was also persuading him.

Shaking his head, Yin Wuchen thought for a long time, but couldn’t help sighing: Brother Wu, do you really think that Murong Mountain can deal with Yang Feng so easily? “

Isn’t this nonsense, Master Murong is a great general of the first rank in the court, holding a heavy weapon in his hand, can’t solve him, Yang Feng, a small chamber of commerce president? “

President of a small chamber of commerce? Humph, you speak lightly. “

With a sneer, Yin Wuchen’s eyes gleamed with a deep light, and he muttered: Don’t forget, that kid was only a child of the shabby family at first, but he could kill the palace lord and become the president of the entire Huai’an Palace. People, the period is just over a short month. Even now it has become a role that even the grand general of the first rank can’t be eliminated casually. “

Brother Yin, you…”

Hearing what he said, Wu Huaikong couldn’t help feeling anxious, and then carefully looked at the person next to him.

Although the man was in a black robe, his face gradually became gloomy, and he was obviously angry.

Yin Wuchen ignored them and continued leisurely: I can see that the two boys, Yang Feng and Zhuge Shisan, have great potential together. What can’t you do? Today he can become a baron, and tomorrow he may be ranked third, on par with General Murong. General Murong can’t deal with him today, and I am afraid it will be even more difficult tomorrow. “

Have you said enough! “

With a low drink, the man suppressed the anger in his throat and growled.

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