Alien God System

Chapter 115 - Shameless

Looking up, I saw the angry man, not someone else, but Yin Tianyang, the eldest son of the Yin family. Yang Feng couldn’t help but smile and said: Brother Yin, what’s wrong with you today, have you ever offended Brother Yin recently? “

Do you still have a face to mention? You dominate the girl Shishi for five days and four nights, but animals are not as good as animals. I, Yin Tianyang, will be at odds with you from now on, huh! “

I’m going to be another fan of Ji Shishi!

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng finally understood where his anger came from.

It’s just that when your father was wiped out of the vice chairmanship by Lao Tzu, he never saw you so excited. Lao Tzu came to inquire about your father’s disappearance. As a result, as soon as you entered the door, you didn’t even mention anything about your father. Only Ji Shishi opened your mouth and closed your mouth!

Hey, you are really a good son of your father!

With a sneer in his heart, Yang Feng shook his head helplessly, and said lightly: Brother Yin, listen to my explanation, I have nothing to do with Girl Shishi. “

Five days and four nights, lonely man and widow, can it be all right? “

The corners of his mouth flattened, and Yin Tianyang almost cried when he thought of this.

Yang Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, “Brother Yin, even if you don’t believe me, you have to believe Girl Shishi. If you don’t believe me, ask her.” That day, Shishi girl invited me upstairs, just to thank me for my relief when Xue Pan wanted to dominate her. But the first time I saw Shishi girl, I was shocked by the heavens and wanted to develop something further with her…”

Shameless! “

Yin Tianyang gnashed his teeth before he finished speaking.

Ignoring him, Yang Feng continued: It’s just that people look down on me. Later, my wife came to catch the rape, and she pushed me out. My wife took care of my face and did not go downstairs with me. When I got home, I knelt on the washboard. In the end, the more I thought about it, the more angry I ran to discuss with Ji Shishi at midnight. I helped you through the siege. Are you still betraying me like this? “

As a result, guess what she said. She said that my toad wanted to eat swan meat, and was of the same virtue as the dead eunuch. Even if she wants to entrust her for life, she is looking for a young master Pian Pian who is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, and a literati, just like Brother Yin, this is a common language. Lao Tzu is a rough person, and he is not worthy of him. “

Having said that, Yang Feng didn’t say anything, but Yin Tianyang was fascinated by it and muttered: What happened later? “

Later, of course Lao Tzu was dissatisfied, so she argued with her, how can you tell that Lao Tzu is not a literati? Just look at Lao Tzu’s clothes, just Lao Tzu’s talk, and look at Lao Tzu’s literary talent, it’s more than enough to get a champion. “

Let me go, if you can be admitted to the champion, then the Fenglei Empire has to retreat to the ancient and uncivilized period. Listening to your sentence, how does it look like a cultural man?

Humph, too crude.

Yin Tianyang curled his lips in disdain, but he was obviously more comfortable, and there was a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Yang Feng couldn’t stop contempt. This is just to see that others are living well, and to be happy to see others being despised, the roots of human nature.

However, what he wanted was this kind of reaction, so he said again: Next, Ji Shishi made a bet with me, which was to play a game with me. If I win, she will follow me. If I lose, I will never harass her again. I think this is so difficult? So I went to play chess with her. “

What about the result? “

When he heard the crucial point, Yin Tianyang clenched his hands and said hurriedly.

With a helpless shrug, Yang Feng shook his head with a dejected look: What could be the result? I played more than 20 rounds with her, and there was no day or night, but I didn’t win a round. Even if Thirteen was next to me, she still couldn’t beat her. In the end, Lao Tzu was too tired. When the panda’s eyes came out, it was already five days later. “

But what I never expected is that I spent a long time and didn’t eat the swan meat. Instead, it was speculated by the outside world that he was a villain who overpowered Ji Shishi and became the enemy of the whole people. You said I’m going to make sense from there. Hi! “


Hearing what he said, Yin Tianyang finally laughed, knowing that the goddess in his heart had not lost her body, and that the huge boulder in his heart was finally put down, and restored to the gentle, elegant and chatty noble son: Yang brother, I am early Just said, you shouldn’t provoke that Ji Shishi at all, you are not the same at all, hahaha. “

What should not provoke Ji Shishi, you just don’t see Ji Shishi fall into the hands of other men, you bastard!

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng said inwardly, then looked back at Zhuge Shisan, both of them smiled tacitly.

In fact, this set of rhetoric was compiled by Zhuge XIII, and it was mainly a psychological war against the jealousy of the human heart.

All Ji Shishi’s iron fans do not want Ji Shishi to have a relationship with any man in the world, even if this man is willing to follow Ji Shishi.

Otherwise, this person will surely become a public enemy of the whole people and be endlessly discredited.

Therefore, if Zhuge Thirteen wants to free Yang Feng from this dispute, he must follow public opinion and hold high and low. On the one hand, he continued to promote Ji Shishi to the position of the omnipotent goddess, and on the other hand, he stepped on Yang Feng as a toad, and became a clown who could not be courted but was played by the goddess.

In this way, when people vent their grievances in their hearts, they will no longer connect the two people’s five days and four nights together.

When Ji Shishi and Yang Feng tell the story outside, and then let the government publicize it, then Yang Feng will undoubtedly become the laughingstock of the whole government, but no one hates him.

Perhaps on the contrary, people would think that even if this man played five days and four nights of chess with the goddess, he was as tired as a dog, but he didn’t force him, but he was a bit humble, and this crisis of public relations could pass.

As for whether the people below would believe it, look at Yin Tianyang’s happy face that is about to bloom, Yang Feng and the others can be sure that this story caters to everyone’s mentality that they don’t want the goddess to be occupied, and it works.

Have you laughed enough? I came to you today to discuss business matters, not to explain this lace news to you. “

Seeing him still laughing, Yang Feng suddenly said seriously: What is going on with your father missing? Do you have any clues? Was there anything strange in the family before he disappeared? Or is there any fluctuation in his mood, which is different from usual? “

His face condensed suddenly, and Yin Tianyang saw that Yang Feng was here for this incident, and he immediately reduced his smile, and solemnly said: To be honest, my father suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night, without any signs of fighting. Before his disappearance, my father did not act abnormally. It’s just that I feel a little regretful in my heart. I failed to stand on the united front with you, betraying your trust. “

There is no sign of fighting, either prove that he left by himself, or prove that the opponent is much stronger than him, he has no room to resist, so he was taken away! “

Shaking the lupin gently, Zhuge Shisan analyzed it carefully.

Yang Feng touched his nose and nodded slightly.

It should be the latter. The old man Yin made such a disappearance by himself. There is no reason at all. On the contrary, if the people from Murong Mountain come to Huai’an Mansion, he wants to steal away silently with the strength of the many elite warriors under his general. An old man is a breeze.

It’s just that he robbed an old man, why?

Revenge? Take revenge on him alone? Are the other chambers okay? Does he have a private feud with the Yin family? This really doesn’t make sense.

Brother Yin! “

After thinking about it, Yang Feng asked again: After your father disappeared, is there anything abnormal in your family? “

abnormal? Not really! “

Shaking his head, Yin Tianyang thought carefully, and suddenly his eyes lit up: Oh, yes, on the day my father disappeared, Wu Lie came to me as if he said that his father also disappeared in the middle of the night. But later his father came back and said he went to practice exercises in the suburbs. But Wu Lie said that his father doesn’t have this habit normally? “

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