Alien God System

Chapter 75 - Yaxian Club

Ah yeah, I was still thinking about expanding his reputation in the entire Huai’an Mansion, but it was all corrupted by these bastards! “

His face couldn’t help but trembled. Yang Feng saw that these soldiers were smashing and looting the whole city under his banner. He couldn’t help burning with anger. He strode over and aimed at a mansion that was shouting. The soldier just pulled a big mouth.

Let you talk nonsense and defeat my reputation. “


The soldier was drawn so much that his cheeks swelled up.

This is because Yang Feng left his hand, otherwise, just like the assassin that night, draw him to the horizon.

When the soldier came back to his senses, he looked at the angry face. Just about to get angry, he suddenly shrank his head and said with a bright smile: President Yang, it turns out that it is you. What’s wrong with you, so angry? ? “

This mansion soldier was not someone else, but the one that Yang Feng encountered at the gate when Yang Feng first entered the city.

Seeing that this is a familiar face, Yang Feng smiled coldly, gritted his teeth and said: “It’s really an enemy. I let you go at the gate of the city that day, but now you are actually smashing and looting in the city under the banner of Lao Tzu, defeating my character.” , Don’t you want to live anymore? “

Chairman Yang, what do you mean? Have I ever committed a crime under your banner? “

Do you dare to quibble? Just now you said that each house levied five hundred gold coins and that it was the decision of the Chamber of Commerce. Didn’t it play my banner? “

This is your banner, but it is indeed the decision of the Chamber of Commerce! “

The soldier felt very wronged, and said with grief: We received an order early in the morning today. The government and the chamber of commerce jointly called on every household in the city to pay taxes in advance without error. We are ordered to act, is there also something wrong? “

What, the order of the Chamber of Commerce, why don’t I know? “

Unexpectedly, Yang Feng was inexplicable, and then after a little indulged, he looked at the mansion soldier and said: You said that the chamber of commerce and the mansion had an order together, and now the mansion does not even have the mansion, but some criminal masters are sitting in town. Who dares to do this? Such a ridiculous decision, are you not afraid to pursue it? “

Because the money is to honor Father Xue, the above won’t be held accountable! “

Hearing what he said, the soldier didn’t answer, but Ximen Zun who was following along with him sighed: Patriarch, I didn’t want you to know about this, but now the paper can’t keep the fire. “

Honor the dead eunuch? Use my money from Huaian Mansion? “

Click it!

Yang Feng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red, and he said in a low voice: Do you all know? “


Simon Zun hurriedly knelt down on one knee to apologize, lowered his head and remained silent.

When Tu Ganglie and Yin Tianxue came to him, seeing him look like this, they were a little guilty and said: We all know your temper, and we are afraid that you have done this surname Xue like Situ Zheng, so they kept it from you. And today, Brother Yin and the others are not at home, they are indeed busy, busy with the dead eunuch. Because of my upright temper, my grandfather didn’t let me go with me because he was afraid that I would get into trouble. “

Got it! “

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng suppressed his anger and said lightly: Where are they now? “

Who? “

That dead eunuch! “

Oh, he seems to be going to the brothel, so Brother Wu and Brother Yin accompanied him! “

What, a **** went to the brothel? I really enjoy it! “

With his eyes fixed, Yang Feng immediately turned and left.

Tu Ganglie anxiously asked: Brother Feng, where are you going? “

Go to the brothel! “

Yang Feng said in a fierce manner: I have grown up so old and haven’t been in yet. As a result, a dead **** has gone one step earlier than Lao Tzu. Isn’t Lao Tzu better than an eunuch? “

Yang Feng’s words were full of anger. Tu Ganglie and the others hurriedly followed him because they were afraid of something wrong with him.

On the other hand, Yaxian Hall is the largest brothel prostitute in the entire Huai’an Prefecture. It contains girls’ poems, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy.

The appearance is even more beautiful. Many high-ranking officials come in once and never want to go back.

Even some officials in the imperial capital have to travel here to enjoy themselves every time they take a vacation.

Perhaps it was a long-standing reputation. At this moment, Xue Pan brought a group of young brothers in the palace to enjoy the hall, surrounded by a group of guards and guards, accompanied by the sons of local famous clans, like Yin Tianyang, Wu Lie, etc. .

Probably in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Chamber of Commerce, to deal with such an imperial capital official, Yin Tianyang is more suitable than the wayward Yang Feng.

Old bustard, call out your top card, let our family appreciate it, ha ha ha! “

Xue Pan tilted Lanhua’s fingers and said in a sharp voice.

The old bustard with a waist as thick as a cylinder heard it, and couldn’t help but laugh again and again: It’s a coincidence that the adults rushed, we have just arrived here with a talented girl who looks like a goddess and is definitely called the capital. Oiran, the bud hasn’t opened yet. Today is the first time to show up in this hall, you are so blessed. “

Oh, Oiran? “

When Wu Lie raised his brows, hearing her say that, Wu Lie immediately sneered and said: Old Bustard, don’t brag. This mansion is no better than others, with blooming flowers. A beautiful girl who wants to be an oiran here is no less difficult than climbing. Besides, if she is an oiran, where do you put my son’s peony? “

Oh, Lord Wu, I know you only have Peony Girl in your heart. But if you can tell me bluntly, if the girl Peony is compared with this girl, it is like a dog’s tail grass, it is not worth mentioning. “

Oh, really? Then we must meet! “

As soon as his eyes lit up, Wu Lie felt excited, but Yin Tianyang smiled disapprovingly.

An arrogant young man like him would not like Wu Lie, a romantic child, who likes to go to the brothel.

Seeing that the old bust made everyone’s appetites up, he couldn’t help but smile, rub his fingers and said: I want to see our girl, yes! But my girl won’t meet guests easily, this meeting gift must be…”

reward! “

Before she could finish her words, Xue Pan had already pinched her feminine voice and said lightly.

The little lady next to him listened. He immediately brought out a box and opened it. It was full of purple mysterious crystals, neatly arranged: this is a hundred mysterious crystals. We, Gonggong Xue, rewarded you. Take it. “

Whoops, Xuan Jing! “

His eyes almost didn’t come out, the old bustard danced excitedly immediately.

You know, in the Holy Continent, profound crystal has a wide range of functions. Warriors can use it to refine weapons, warlocks can use it to arrange magic circles, and ordinary people can also use it as the highest currency.

Normally, the exchange value of copper coins, silver coins, gold coins and profound crystals in mainland China is 1:100. That is, one hundred copper coins, equal to one silver coin; one hundred silver coins, equal to one gold coin; one hundred gold coins, equal to one profound crystal.

At the beginning, Yang Feng’s five hundred Xuan Jing debts could make the Yang Family, one of the three major families in Longhu Town, go bankrupt directly, and we know that Xuan Jing is precious.

Now, this Xue Panguang is rewarding the brothel, which is 100 Profound Crystals, which shows that he has made a lot of money.

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