Alien Queen

Chapter 130 - Ambush

Discuss the top skill and shake the leaves, “Wow, the green shields like the waves and the grass are all there. Suddenly, all directions have changed.

Those elf shooters would not have been so embarrassed. It’s just that they suddenly found themselves at their side whether they attacked themselves or slaughtered their companions. Either banging overhead or underfoot. There was gold everywhere in front of him and behind him, and they were famous for their keenness. They didn’t even notice anything in advance.

Scalp numbness, where those elf shooters have experienced such a scene, Jin is usually the seventh-level Warcraft bombardment will not make them so panic Jin for a time, shocked and anxious to two. Moonblade archer chased past.

At a distance of one hundred meters, after more than one hundred elf shooters got closer, the breath was undecided, panic, and unresolved. Only momentary gold lost more than thirty companions.

These golds are naturally not other Warcraft bombers but aliens and messengers.

“What’s going on?” Harvey felt bad. Some trembling voices asked the two Moonblade shooters around him. This feeling of panic was the first time he experienced him. Can he imagine his expression blasting the indigenous savage Kim who was chased and killed by himself before?

“Warcraft is everywhere.” The tall Moonblade Elf replied in a deep voice. For him. Those elf shooters are all dead. What he didn’t fear was that the young elder who was around had something wrong, so he could not afford it.

The short Moonblade stared at him. The two men concealed Harvey very well. Watching in alarm one after the other.

It’s not that they didn’t notice the alien blast lurking around them. When the alien began to conceal attacks on the elven archer, they noticed the alien blast, not to mention the alien movement just a moment ago.

The reason they dare not act rashly is that there is too much gold and even some changes in the underground. The two of them just wanted to keep Harvey safe. Others ignored it.

Suddenly gradually vanished! “A long arrow piercing the sky made a sharp sound, like lightning. A blast shot from the forest shot at Harvey.

The tall Moonblade shooter pulled the bow without thinking, “Boom! Boom! Boom!” The three arrows bite their tails and release the golden meteor to meet the long arrow. After three soft sounds, the long arrow that Jin dropped from the air was hit by three thin arrows in succession and landed on the ground. At the same time, a group of horrified elf shooters saw the change gold, even the wind and the grass shake the tree. All draw bows and let arrows pass through.

“Boom!” The elf archers finally no longer had to endure the suffocation of fear. The land within a hundred meters range completely collapsed like an earthquake. The elusive shooter of Jin’s helplessness gradually descended with a horrified cry.

“Whee,” in the hole where the ground collapsed. Countless spider silks sprung up gradually. No matter the elven gold that fell down or a part of the elven archer gold that reacted swiftly in the air was pulled by the force of the spider silk.

At the moment when the ground collapsed, the gold two-month blade shooter grabbed the panicked Harvey Gold and flashed to a large tree to the south, jumping out of danger.

“Boo ba!” Just fell on the tree and slammed for two months. The shooter released Harvey Gold and bowed his head to shoot an arrow. Two messengers hit the arrow and fell under the tree.

“Whoosh!” Two messengers with long arrows on their backs twisted their waists and oscillated their tail bones between the thick grass.

Two Moonblade shooters looked at each other with horror. They clearly captured the traces of the two messengers before the arrows were fired, and the long arrows went straight to their heads and went to a distance of less than ten meters. The two messengers had time to avoid the key.


The deafening screams in the potholes where the ground collapsed sounded that most of the gold came to a halt. Harvey looked at him from a height, his face shook like earth, and he dared not look at it again.

In the potholes, **** spirits spread in the potholes, and those elder shooters were trapped in their hands and feet and could not resist or move. The messenger and the eight-claw disease harvested the golden tail bones of life, and the claws swallowed and screamed with the tongue every time the gold elf screamed, but gradually it was a burst of blood. The white cobweb gold scattered all over the pothole was gradually stained with blood to red in a few breaths”

In such a scene, the elves of the potholes have also experienced the savage indigenous savages that have been hunted, injured, or captured. After Elder Harvey is bored, Jin will be rushed into the pits that the savages dug themselves. Zan shot torture. It’s just that it’s not the savage indigenous savages who are being abused and killed today, but the elves themselves who think they are noble.

“Just shoot them to death” Harvey’s lips shuddered. The original arrogance didn’t know where it was thrown. He stretched out his fingers and dared not to look down.

The two-month blade shooter felt the abnormity around him. Ni Xie looked at each other and understood the opponent’s idea.

“Elder Jin quickly puts on the elven cloak and hides.” The tall Moonblade archer snorted and eight long arrows hung on the string. “Bang” eight long arrows hurried out of the gold and shot toward him directly like a fan The top of another tree.

The short moonblade shooter didn’t idle, Jin actually got five bursting arrows at the same time, and he gritted his teeth and shot into the hole on the ground.

“Boom” five bursting vectors and pits in the hole like a short moonblade shooter with three consecutive waves of fifteen bursting arrows like a grenade that blasted the entire hole and smashed the flesh and flesh. Splashed out.

“No shot!” Harvey shuddered, holding a black cloak on his body, and suddenly the whole body was as transparent as transparent, and the gold disappeared instantly.

“All ran and blasted faster than my arrow.” The short Moonblade shooter took a breath of air and blasted him clearly. From the first wave of five bursting vectors, all the messengers in the golden pit were not yet reached. He and the Eight-Claw Courier all plunged into the cave in all directions. Fifteen bursts of bombardment did not kill aliens except for the dozens of undead elven archers and other elven corpses.

“Eight long arrows bombarded three Ni and five others were lost.” The tall Moonblade archer’s face was hard to see, and a trace of panic flashed across his eyes. He shot a long arrow at the big tree beside him, but he didn’t even kill an alien.

In the forest a kilometer away from Harvey and others, Jin Wallace rushed out of the forest and ran to Li Junshan standing under the tree and said that Jin had a look of excitement on his face.

“Adult Boom left Harvey and the two-month-blade shooter Boom Harvey has put on the elven cloak and is invisible.”

Li Junshan said gradually: “Their unstoppable bombardment will slam my summoned beast club to attack Jin. You are here to help. Don’t let anything happen to you.”

Wallace respectfully should be Jin step back a few steps, turned around and flew away

Li Junshan’s idea was that a golden eleven heavy-armed alien appeared in front of him and gradually ran forward in the direction of Wallace; the Spirit Breaker and the Eight Claws were not idle, and they were let by Li Jun. Shan Laihong followed the heavy armor and rushed past. “Just north, shoot! No, the tall elves shouted loudly, but they were telling the invisible Harvey to remind them that after all they couldn’t see Harvey in the elven cloak.

His voice fell, “Yeah.” With a sharp blade and a sharp wind, the momentum of the gold was astounding, and it slammed toward the north among the trees and hurried away for about 100 meters before it dissipated in the air.

Dozens of big trees crashed. The grass on the knees on the face is as if cut by a guillotine, and the half-stubble gold is gradually lying on the ground.

The figure flashed over the gold, and the two-month-blade shooter rushed to the distance of 100-meter gold along the place where the moon-blade flew. The two ran more and more startled.

Moonblade was released by the short moonblade shooter. He felt that there were no less than ten aliens lurking in this direction gradually except for the broken tree and the remaining grass. They only saw a few tails full of bones. A few pieces of cartilage were sporadic, but even one alien was unable to kill.

“What is this World of Warcraft? The tall Moonblade shooter stopped, and the long bow in his hand turned away from the grass to look at the half-shaped broken tail that fell to the ground. The short Moonblade shooter glanced at the reserve fund and shouted. : “Don’t mess around. “

The green blood from the broken tail gradually corroded a hole in the ground without him shouting that the tall Moonblade shooter would not move.

“Boom! The gold two-month-blade shooter was still shocked by the strong corrosiveness of the alien blood, and the ground suddenly collapsed. The early guarded two of the “Emperor” flashed gold to the side of the tree. .

“Take it! A gold-shaped coccyx pierced from behind the tree fell empty, and stabbed straight into the trunk.

The two-month-blade shooter shot a arrow through the tree even though he was amazed by the height of the arrow. “His! The lurking shape behind Ni Shu didn’t know where he was shot. There was a painful sizzle. He gradually shed green blood along the tree. , Rushed into the top of the tree.

Two flat meteor arrows were short on the string, “Yeah!, gradually” Hey! , Gradually shot towards the crown of the head. At the same time, they avoided the two messengers who had rushed down from the top of the tree.

“I’m going to use meteor arrows among you! The gold two-month-blade shooter can’t touch how many alien gold around him suddenly hear Harvey’s anxious voice ringing in their ears, no hesitation, they both use The meteor arrow rain technique hit the body as the center, shooting meteor arrows all over the sky.

“Slanting fly, flat shot, spin, straight up” The two-month-blade shooter instantly fired twenty meteor arrows. The dazzling darts. The lightning-fast technique showed a high level of art.

“Bang” Boom Moonblade shooter shot 20 meteor arrows in a blink of an eye. “Bang Boom” shot hundreds of arrows and flew out. Meteors generally shot in all directions. When hitting within 100 meters covered by the shooting arrows, he suffered an indiscriminate attack.

“Bang! Two messengers fell on the golden tree crown. Dozens of wounds on his body were splattered with blood, and the net fell to the ground. The cave collapsed on the ground, and a few octopus messengers spit out spider silk. Only the messenger dragged into the cave. The two-month-blade shooter clearly saw this scene. The gold back only felt cold and whizzing on the ground and the top of the tree. They might be able to control the bomb. Under the ground, it collapsed from time to time. The play style has gradually out of their ability.

“The elder golden elf cloak has limited invisibility time. Why don’t you go away. The tall Tall Moonblade archer shouted anxiously, but he was already a little irritable.

“I can’t go. Harvey’s voice rang around them, and the trembling voice even cried with a hint of cry: “The dense forest in the surrounding 100 meters away is full of cobweb gold. I can’t cut it with my sword. You look up and see the sky blasting those cobwebs around the canopy, covering the sky and flying within 100 meters. I just flew up and I didn’t find any holes. We were almost caught in the net by two of Warcraft. Of

The two-month-blade shooter has been paying attention to the transaction gold for four times, but really hasn’t paid attention to the sky. At this time, he looked up and looked at the dense canopy of the sun, and occasionally the gaps revealed were indeed white spider webs. In the sunlight glowing blue Yingying. The two took a breath of cold gold and their unstoppable chill rose from their heads.

“For gold, we use the moon blade to break the cobweb. The tall man flatly shouted that the three hurriedly retreated to the south to pass through. He said that humble but also found a way out for himself. The spider web in the sky may be broken with the moon blade. But he and other One month blade shooter can’t fly.

Xavi died and Kim and the two of them could not go back to life; Xavi escaped, but neither of them was willing to stay in this caged net.

The three just walked a few steps, and Harvey’s voice rang out, “Look, there is a body in Jin

The two-month-blade shooter looked at the gold and saw a shaped body more than a meter long in the grass. The black body covered with cartilage, and the tip of the injured tailbone on the ground burst into green blood.


“Dark World of Warcraft? The three of Roan Ni’s minds were simultaneously questioning.” Wow. The tall man shot an arrow. Shot from the profiled body lying on the ground. Seeing it motionless, the three men rested. However, two or three meters away from the three people want to go around to see its full picture.

“Hoo! Boom,

Suddenly, four messengers fell from different directions on the top of the tree. The slender body drove the wind and swayed the tailbone.

“咻” Jin Ni’s two-month-blade shooter seems to have a prophet. In general, while the messenger appeared in vain, the two long arrows from each person shot from the top down and slammed into the four. Courier only.

“哧” Jin Ni four messengers had their tail bones too late to open their arrows, and Jin’s body barely twisted in the air to avoid the critical bombardment, but they were all shot by long arrows and flew out of the gold belt to the grass.

At the same time, the hearts of the three people were relieved, UU reading www.uukanshu. com at this time bang the visionary students!

The four messengers leaping from the tree were just distracting them, but it wasn’t them that the real attack was.

“hiss”. The original was dead in the eyes of the three people. The abnormity suddenly shook his tailbone. A flick of green blood flicked to the three people while gold writhing and disappeared in the grass.

However, at a distance of two meters, the Moonblade Archer is able to flex the distance again. With the superb arrow skills, it may be possible to shoot the long arrow gold on the string, but it is too late to open.

The tall man responded quickly, and his body squatted sideways, accidentally or unintentionally, behind the short man. The gold short man reacted slowly, and Jin raised his right arm to block his face.

“Ah! There was a screaming scream when the gold forest crashed into the sky. Wallace Gold lurking on the top of the tree a few hundred meters away was echoing in the waves of screams. There was an excitement.

Shao Qingshan and the queen bowed to you with **** little black as a spirit destroyer and eight claws with heavy armor aliens and messengers, ordinary aliens and countless alien eggs! ! ! Please support the genuine edition of this book!

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