Alien Queen

Chapter 16 - Blackmail

(Twelve thousand broke out yesterday, and more than nine thousand today. Although the outline is ready-made, it is still necessary to conceive the plot and formulate the sentence, and it is a word. Everyone sees that for the hard work of the T-shirt, vote more Support it. By the way, click on the collection to ensure that it will become fat soon.)

“These armor were carefully forged by our dwarves, not only strong and light, but also resistant to low-level magic attacks. And those weapons have been thoroughly refined and sharp, and each one in the human city will sell hundreds of gold coins.” The beard introduced enthusiastically, and his heart seemed to be cut by a knife.

   “This is all the savings of our dwarves for hundreds of years. Thor is on, why bring us these demons!” Bearded cried in his heart.

   “Come on.” Li Junshan turned around the hill-like armor a few times and said, “So much, how can you take me away?”

   “Don’t you have a space ring?” Bearded didn’t believe that this young summoner had so many perverted summon beasts, wherever he was, he was a strong man, and he didn’t even have a space ring.

   “Have you?” Li Junshan swooped to his beard and stared at him, “It’s better not to lie to me.”

The bearded man couldn’t wait to slap himself in the face, but he didn’t talk. He suddenly felt a sharp spike in the back of his head, and his soul was out of his body. He quickly took off a black ring tied by a rope from his neck. , Delivered to Li Junshan.

  Li Junshan took a look at the hand, and the ring did not know what material was made. It was black and heavy, and there were strange rune patterns engraved on the ring surface, which looked not uncommon.

   “Don’t you bluff me, this thing is a space ring, it looks nothing strange.”

“How dare I lie to you, Mr. Honorable Summoner, this is made of the best seven-degree gold. You only need to re-blood to recognize the Lord, and then rub your finger on the ring surface to use it.” Da The beard whispered, his face ashamed.

   Li Junshan suddenly remembered a very critical issue. His blood was highly corrosive, and even steel could easily melt away. I don’t know how this ring was.

   The temptation of the space ring is too great, Li Junshan still can’t help but stretch his finger and gently draw a small mouth on a sword next to it.

   The miracle appeared, the ring face of the ring was like a dry desert, and the blood dripped into it instantly. Li Junshan quickly rubbed his finger against the ring surface. Suddenly, he felt that there was a void space in the ring, about three or four hundred cubic meters.

  Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the space ring. No one noticed that Li Junshan’s sword blade used to cut his finger was corroded by a little blood to form a bean-shaped gap.

  Li Junshan realized why Bearded didn’t want to hand over this space ring, and it was ashamed. Inside the space ring, a bunch of things shimmering with golden light are neatly placed, like iron and iron, but more dazzling than gold.

   “Dear Master Summoner, that… fine iron core… can you… give it back…” Bearded whispered with courage.

   “What fine iron core?” Li Junshan confused, shaking his head and said: “I didn’t see it.”

Ignoring the bearded man who was about to cry, Li Junshan waved the ring to the pile of armor according to Fatt’s prompt, and the mountainous armor disappeared from his eyes at once, so he reapplied the pile of weapons. .

   Suddenly, there was a clear chirping sound all over the world, even if they were staying in the cave at this time, they could hear clearly. Before they could react, another low-pitched croak of Warcraft sounded, long and endless.

   “Let’s go.” Li Junshan estimated that the golden eye demon eagle or the black dragon made a call. In view of wasting time here, he quickly summoned aliens. Several people rode up and ran out of the cave.

   looked at the empty cave, and finally couldn’t help crying out loud.

   “What is a fine iron core?” Li Junshan consciously probed the strange pile of metal in the space ring, and asked Fart loudly.

  Fat shook his head, the alien speed was too fast, the wind rushed towards him, he almost couldn’t open his mouth.

   “I heard my father say.” Sally followed closely to Li Junshan’s right side. She already had the strength of an intermediate warrior. At this time, the grudge was running all over her body, which was naturally not as bad as Fatt.

“The other name of the fine iron core is iron mother, which is the core essence of fine iron. Forging weapons or armor with it, it is not only extremely hard, but also light as a feather coat. Its biggest advantage is not these. Warriors wear iron mother The armor that is made of or the weapon made of it can increase the fighting power. If the armor is processed by the alchemist, it can also offset certain intermediate magic attack damage.”

   “So powerful!” Li Junshan instantly understood the value of fine iron.

   “Yes.” Sally continued: “A pound of fine iron is worth more than 10,000 gold coins, and it is extremely scarce.”

“Sally, you know so much.” Li Junshan let his alien form lean over and said: “When this is done, go back to those armored weapons and whatever you choose. If you are not satisfied, there will be a lot of iron. Mother, although you take it for yourself, you don’t have to retreat if you get more, and I’ll make up if you don’t.”

   Sally’s face was reddish, but she couldn’t resist the temptation of Iron Mother. She nodded and whispered, “Thank you.”

   “Small hill, me, and me.” Xilu was anxious and shouted: “I just took a big axe, which is much prettier than mine.”

   “Haha, I’ll give it to you, what anxiety.” Li Junshan laughed loudly, suddenly felt something wrong, subconsciously looked up, could not help but panic, and hurriedly commanded all the aliens to hide in the mountain boulder pile beside.

   In the southern sky, a person swept over from the air at a speed no slower than the golden-eye demon carving just now. The yellow grudge was like a dazzling sun, and a residual image was drawn under the blue sky.

   Perhaps I felt the presence of Li Junshan and others, who had a slight speed above their head, but like an anxious hurry, they instantly accelerated into the mountains.

   “War Saint.” Needless to say this time, Li Junshan cried out in silence.

   “I don’t think we should go anymore.” Fatt just felt his throat dry for a while, and said astringently: “We must be faster than Uncle Huck. They just have to wait for them at the edge of the mountain.”

“I agree.” Sally nodded and said, “It must have been a powerful magician in the past, and now there is another war holy. When these strong men fight, the aftermath will seriously hurt us. I think we still don’t fight. That black dragon’s idea.”

Li Junshan blushed. He didn’t expect Sally to even see his thoughts. He bowed his head and thought for a while. Finally he couldn’t help the temptation of the black dragon egg. He looked up and said, “Go to the mountain side to see it first. Outside, I took a few summoned beasts, and I ran back in danger. You also saw its speed. Running at full speed, my summoned beasts might not lose to them.”

   Sally and Fatt glanced at each other, knowing that they could not persuade Li Junshan, they nodded helplessly. The aliens carried them quickly towards the mountain range to the west.

It is estimated that after more than ten minutes, Li Junshan and others arrived under the mountain range. Li Junshan was afraid that the black dragon and the black dragon egg would be taken by those two people first, so that Fatt and Sally and Shilu’s dragon slaughter team from Fenghuo Town, such as Shankou, etc. , And left two aliens hiding nearby to protect them.

   “All things today, including the dwarf and my summon beast, must not tell anyone.” Li Junshan solemnly told Sally and Xilu.

Sally nodded, she was clever and could guess Li Junshan’s thoughts, saying: “You can rest assured, I won’t tell anyone. My father asked them, I said that a kind magician is half We met the lost one on the road, and then brought us here, and he let us stay here. If someone came, he said not to disturb the battle between him and the black dragon.”

   “Pretty.” Li Junshan snapped his fingers and said sincerely: “It’s too pretty.”

   Sally’s face was red again, and she lowered her head to fiddle with her clothes corner.

   “Small hill, you can rest assured, I have always listened to you.” Xi Lu shouted: “I will go with you, I haven’t seen the dragon yet.”

   “You can’t go.” Li Junshan shook his head and tipped his feet on Xilu’s shoulder, and said, “You want to protect Sally and Fatt here, have you heard?”

  Silu immediately banged his chest, and said with a grin: “Small hill, you can rest assured, you said that Sally will become your wife in the future, we are brothers, I must take care of my future brother-in-law.”

   The bright red on Sally’s face instantly diffused from her face to the pink neck. She looked up and stared at Li Junshan fiercely, turned her head and glanced into the distance, only to pretend to hear nothing.

   “Good brother.” Li Junshan’s face was thicker than the city wall, he laughed loudly, and turned to urge the alien to run to the mountain.

   “Master, be careful.” Fatt shouted, stretching his neck.

   “Master?” Sally glanced at Fatt suspiciously, UU reads the book www. immediately took the posture she just took and ignored it.

The mountains in the desert are different from the Luoyue Mountains to the south of Fenghuo Town. Most of them are some low-shrub jungles. Most of the Warcraft in the desert are some low-level wind attributes or soil attributes. Li Junshan thought of the black dragon and the two strong. Those who did not care about these low-level Warcraft, riding abnormity like a gust of wind to jump in the middle of the mountains.

  After bypassing a large mountain, he suddenly heard a strange voice in front of him. Li Junshan let the alien lay down and walked quietly.

An empty space appeared behind the mountain. At this time, the empty space was full of people. More than one hundred giants with a height of about three meters were carrying either stone pillars or thick tree poles. The rock-like skin was thick with roots. Muscles, but the head is very small, like a watermelon on a large jar.

   In front of them, there were no fewer than three hundred dwarves crowded. Although the dwarves carrying the hammers were not tall, they were all strong, and the muscles on the bare limbs outside the armor were strong.

   At this time, more than one hundred giants and more than three hundred dwarf warriors clung together to form a ball, all with a look of horror, most of them did not dare to lift their heads.

   “I said why those dwarves only have more than 20 warriors, and the others are all old and weak women and children who have not been beaten at all. It turns out that the big troops are here.”

   Li Junshan said inwardly, looking over farther, his heart jumped.

At the end of the open space, there is a tall cave. At this time, a Warcraft about 100 meters long lies in front of the cave. The strong body is almost completely covered by black hard and shiny scales, four thick and powerful legs, and the body is long on the side. With a pair of giant wings like a bat, a long neck, two pointed corners on the head, and huge eyes transmitting a tangible cold breath.


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