Alien Queen

Chapter 1683 - Absolute dilemma

Not to mention Mitchell, the three obtained information that completely changed the current situation and also changed their destiny. Today, Li Junshan is like most of the time before, and his destiny is no longer under his control.

The calm or silence of the “black hole”. anyashuwu

The emptiness or nothingness of “black holes”.

At first glance into the unprecedented huge “black hole” that Li Junshan had never seen before that elemental collision caused the plane to collapse. He could not hear and hear, and even Li Junshan or any alien could not feel the existence of his body.

The unknown fear and panic made Li Junshan still able to keep a little calm after the frightened battle, and the queen of aliens didn’t say anything, and the other six “Thunder Aliens” seemed to be just at the moment of the gap of space and the confusion of time and space. It’s the same, but it’s obviously unbearable.

I don’t know if I want to see the environment of this extreme “black hole” through which the main gods such as Manacido, Helen, etc. can’t define the main gods of the department, and try their best to generate thousands of bright purple lights. Or it is this suffocating darkness and stillness that makes the inverse aliens not necessarily in fear but is probably irritable. The inverse aliens have no chance to threaten her or the queen or Li Junshan’s safety. The divine power was released directly in all directions.

Putting it in any space other than the “black hole”, even in the turbulent flow of the space of the main **** world, such a move will definitely not bring any danger. However, the cathartic action of reverse aliens directly brought Li Junshan and his party into danger. .

The moment when the “empty”, “none” and ubiquitous powerful elements and energy rushed out against the alien main power, it was like a calm water surface hit by a hurricane. Li Junshan and others swept over.

I only felt that a soft little hand caught his right hand in an instant, Li Junshan had no time to react at all, only to feel that the body was thrown backwards in the vibration with the invisible reverse-shaped “violet shield” violently shaking Went out.

There is no trajectory at all. Li Junshan and the inverse aliens holding his right hand have completely turned into a light boat in the raging waves of the raging wind, and the sense of direction is lost in the empty “black hole”. Knowing whether he was thrown high, low, and dashed to the left and right, but it was only a lonely boat in the instant rage, he only felt that he would be overwhelmed at any time.

I don’t know how long it lasts. When Li Junshan’s “emptiness”, “nilness”, and the invading engulfment of the invisible terrible elements and energy become stronger, it may be away from the piece of the alien master force The area that caused the element and energy to bite back was cast, and the raging of the element and energy in the dark space that still could not be visualized slowly calmed down.

Li Junshan was almost suffocated just like the moment when he suddenly jumped from the peak of the vast mountain, only to realize that the surging and surging space in the shortest period of time became chaotic and sticky, and then returned to death.

“Wang…how about the queen…”

Because of the extreme tension, Li Junshan’s voice in the spiritual exchange was a little trembling.

“Break away…”

In the palm of the hand, the alien-shaped little hand is a little wet. Obviously, the initiator also understands that he is in a big trouble, although it is not frightening, it is estimated that tension is inevitable.

“Just now I just had time to catch you. The terrible elements and energy collisions knocked us away from our original position. Queen… Are they still alive?”

The voice in the inverse alien spiritual communication is not as trembling as Li Junshan, but the tension in it is self-evident.

“The queen is dying, can I still stand here to communicate with you spiritually?”

Tension and anger made Li Junshan have some signs of anger, but he knew that his anger could not change the situation in front of him, not to mention that the opposite shape has always been such a temperament, and she did not know that her actions would lead to the current situation. Blame her at this time too.

“Without the protection of the main divine power, the queen should not be able to withstand the seemingly calm but extremely terrifying elemental energy of this black hole, so the queen should be alien with the six thunders.”

Holding the inverse alien’s hand tightly, Li Junshan is like a drowning person who has grasped the life-saving rope and won’t let go. He has been separated from the alien queen. If he loses the inverse alien, Li Junshan estimates In a second, he will be torn and devoured by the ubiquitous elements and energy that seem to exist in the “black hole” until it is dispersed into the invisible.

Sending spiritual communication to the alien queen and six “thunder aliens” to no avail, trying to find out where they are, but the void space in the calm and dark “black hole” is not Li Junshan or he can use his spirit now Scanning with a wide range of forces, even if the spiritual power alone is much stronger than the inverse alien and any one of the main **** aliens, all the mental power of Li Junshan went out, but was “swallowed” by the void space in an instant.

“Can you find it?”

The inverse alien clearly felt Li Junshan’s mental power fluctuations, and the nervous exchange of the alien queen also asked urgently, “Where are the queens?”

“Not found.”

With a long sigh, Li Junshan, who was no longer angry and only annoyed, smiled to the inverse alien in the spiritual exchange: “I said earlier that the move in the black hole was too risky, and the queen did not listen to you or listen. This black hole seems to have nothing It can’t be swallowed. My mental power was also swallowed when I condensed in the first line. Fortunately, you and I signed a contract with the soul of the summoner after the war with the iron-blooded god, otherwise this will let us face to face It is impossible to do any spiritual communication. After all, spiritual communication is also a form of mental energy outreach.”

“When I didn’t come in, I still wanted to find the dark iron-blooded **** core. Now it seems that it is too intentional. In such an environment, it is troublesome to move one step. It is impossible to do it all the time. Isn’t my main divine power available endlessly, when the main divine power can’t maintain the purple shield, it is estimated that we will all be swallowed up by this terrible black hole.”

He said nothing, and the inverse aliens obviously didn’t know what to say.

The face is a lifeless but extremely terrible energy body. If there is life in this “black hole”, the situation of the inverse alien encounter is even more dangerous. She will not be discouraged, but in the face of such a hit and fight Seeing and seeing the “enemy”, Rao is the fearless rebellious alien, but there is nowhere to get depressed.

“First of all, the alien queen must be alive, and the queen alive means that at least one or all six of the six thunder aliens are standing by the queen and blessing it with the master divine power…”

Forcing herself to calm down, Li Junshan began to analyze the current situation. He knew that in addition to fighting fiercely and violently, she couldn’t help herself at all.

“I can’t see, I can’t use my mental power to find out where the alien queens are. Without a sense of direction, we don’t even know where to go or go back, and you judge that we can’t stay here for a long time. Where are we now? Did I miss something?”


The inverse alien voice was completely calm at this time, and she responded altogether: “There is another important point. I think we have overlooked a problem, that is, how should we leave this black hole.”

“I didn’t ignore this problem, it’s just that I still lavishly hope you have a way to go back…”

Li Junshan said with a bitter smile: “It seems that I still take it for granted. I thought that the alien instinct would not be lost in this black hole at least. I didn’t expect it to be like this. It was too impulsive. I should have stopped the queen.”

“You can’t stop the queen’s decision.”

Reverse aliens obviously don’t think that Li Junshan can interfere with the alien queen’s decision, and at the same time said: “None of you with the alien blood and what you call a unique existence is not a true alien in the full sense. You and I will be in this endless Lost in the darkness, including other aliens below the Lord God, will also be lost, but I firmly believe that the Queen will find us with a transcendental instinct. At that time, perhaps it has already fulfilled the Lord God.

“Hope can be there, but don’t be too hopeful. You and I know exactly how big this black hole is, and it has been spreading. It can’t be seen. It can’t use mental power. It’s just by instinct. The queen wants to find us. Ya Yu closed his eyes in the boundless sea to touch a needle.”

Li Junshan finished and added: “And this premise is that the alien queen will find us before your main divine power is exhausted, otherwise, even if it can achieve the main divine power, your main divine power can no longer support the purple shield, we all have to play Finished.”

“Maybe things are not so bad.”

The inverse shape suddenly stopped, and suddenly Li Junshan felt that his right hand was being moved by Xiao Ni, and the indescribable sense of hollowness still made him unable to determine in which direction he was moving.

“It is basically certain that there is a hint of joy in the inverse alien sound: “As long as we do not move, no matter the body or its own power, then the quiet and quiet elemental energy in this black hole will not be right We cause too much trouble, and even erosion is a very slow process, which I can still bear. “

“How long can it last?”

After hearing good news for a long while, Li Junshan couldn’t help but ask anxiously: “How long can all of your main divine power be maintained when we are not moving?”

“I don’t know this, it should be a long time.”

The inverse abnormity responded very simply: “I don’t know boss, you can be sure how long we have been in this black hole, anyway, I am completely confused. I can’t feel the passage of time, how can I know how long it can last.”

“Then wait, we are completely trapped this time.”

Li Junshan was a little bit bored when he said, “I would rather be surrounded by hundreds of gods or even dozens of gods, and not want to face such an unprecedented absolute dilemma!”

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