Alien Queen

Chapter 1685 - Plane 17

“Where are we captives?”

Seeing that the fox girl Caroline disappeared in the picture, and the black metal box no longer had colorful light on the cylindrical mirror surface, “Fate Lord” Helen frowned, but looked at Mitchell a little nervously. : “Why is there no information about them in the intelligence.”

“Perhaps Caroline’s authority is not enough to access this information, or the people who were arrested last time were not sent back to the main ship Mossnier…”www..

Mitchell said uncertainly, then pointed to the black metal box and said, “That’s all the information on the chip, what I see is what you see.”

“Okay, now we have no choice or retreat.”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido said in a deep voice: “The people we brought were either killed or captured by the dark iron blood, and now our world of Lord God is completely destroyed by them. From now on, I hope we can abandon the past The prejudice and grievances of my preoccupation, I worked hard to completely wipe out the world of this brutal race.”

“Master Dark Lord, Lord Dark Lord…”

“Destroy the Lord God” Bai Kui saw the sign of going to run, and with an angry look, he clenched his fists and said angrily: “There are no one in this world, and no one in me! Damn, my wife and children, I already knew I should transfer them all to a common plane…”

“Not so much if, if I knew it would happen, maybe I wouldn’t be here.”

“Dark Lord” Drayte is sad-although like Beston and his mother have always been unhappy with Drayte, he still has a loved one, at least one that he never thought of A woman who bullies with the identity of the main god.

“For his own status as the main god, his own son can be strangled, and there are a few people in the long life who really care about the people they love or love themselves…”

For a long while, the sharp voice of the soul of the “Master of Death” sneered: “According to your previous behavior, this is not exactly what you think, all the crises are completely killed, In the future, you will no longer have to worry about your menace threatening your status.”

“Plane on the 17th, is this plane world different from other plane worlds?”

He did not give the other main gods a chance to get angry. Helen, the “master **** of fate”, turned to the topic and asked Mitchell aloud.

“The 17th plane is the main **** plane, where we have the largest dark iron blood base in our plane group. According to our not very detailed understanding, part of the dark iron blood is too terrifying weapon development and unstable. Experiments such as black gold puppets, genetic modification, etc., which were abandoned once in a while, were conducted at the base of the 17th plane.”

Mitchell quickly took the conversation and said in more detail: “Originally there were dozens of races with hundreds of millions of people in the Plane 17, but hundreds of millions of years have gone through too many experiments and been dark. The terrible and weird energy attack that iron blood called radiation caused almost extinction to the world of the 17th plane. Hundreds of millions of people have died more than 90%, and only a small part of the more than 90% of the population are dead. In the experiment of new weapons with dark iron blood, more of them were killed by terrible radiation energy.”

“The reason why it is more than 90% is that some people, Warcraft and even low-level animals and plants not only have not been killed by radiation but also have a strange mutation…”

Mitchell said that he walked to the main console and pressed a few times on the metal console. A strange and terrible image appeared on the dark and silent light screen.

The body is more like a kind of crawling creature, with weird twisted limbs on the ground, behind which is a tail with a huge sarcoma tip. The scary thing is that there is no skull in his head. The picture above the light screen is A humanoid creature of no apparent race, whose brain is completely exposed to the air, but still can see the soft brain covered with a strange green light.

“There are not many mutants called brain controllers, but their abilities are terrible, just like a special existence that has been intensively studying mental power and soul manipulation attacks. According to my understanding, the best among them are even It’s easy to control a soul defense within a certain distance. It’s not too strong a god. Of course, I don’t doubt whether they can control the main god. After all, they are only radiated variants. I think if they want to control us, the result must be that they are crazy first or lose consciousness and become a walking dead.”

Mitchell acted as a temporary commentary, and he pointed to another creature that was more ugly and brutal in the picture: “This is the most variant on the 17th plane. There are millions of such quilts. Mutants called tyrannical beasts can’t use any magic and spiritual attack methods, but they also have super magic defense methods, plus the speed of wind and electricity and the sharp claws of fangs comparable to ordinary artifacts Tail, I can say that. To a certain extent, you can think of them as Nicholas’ beasts. The difference is that the violent beasts don’t have as many strange abilities as Nicholas’ beasts.”

Not surprised, Helen and other gods looked at the black monster with the hair removal and decayed wolf head, regardless of its blood-stained giant kiss fangs or sharp claw-tip tail tip, including the one behind them A pair of open bone wings, such a creature covered with a plane world will not pose too much threat to them.

“Say what are these doing?”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido frowned and looked at Mitchell, but said indifferently: “We want to know about the dark iron blood and not the ugly reptiles and monsters in that plane world.”

“Don’t underestimate these things. The reason why Mitchell and I haven’t tried to attack the 17th plane world is not because we are worried about the defense of their extraordinarily large base, or because we are afraid of being spent by the dark iron blood. Skynet, where the strength was built, caught the main ship’s attack.”

McGee frowned, and said unpleasantly: “Mitchell can tell you that these naturally have our reasons.”

“I’m a little too wordy, in fact, I want to focus on introducing this variant to everyone…”

Mitchell said just a few clicks on the main console, and several monsters disappeared in a flash on the light screen, replaced by a picture that occupied the entire light screen.

It’s a black algae-like plant. The whole picture is full of this black plant without any flowers and fruits. This pair is obviously the ground and mountains and even the rivers in the pictures captured from a high altitude. It seems to cover the whole world.

“The reason why McGee and I have never been to Plane 17 is because of this.”

Mitchell said solemnly: “The original main **** of plane group 17 died in the other main **** world under the dark iron-blooded antimatter gravity bombardment, and the lover of the main **** was the natural goddess when he was hiding in the east. He was killed by a giant magic nuclear bomb test in the dark iron blood. It is said that the natural goddess lowered the curse before dying. Who knows that the curse did not cause too much trouble to the dark iron blood, but it caused the plants on the 17th plane to happen. Mutations.”

“It wasn’t obvious at first, it was just a crazy spread. This kind of plant, which was originally unknown, because all the other plants in the entire plane world were extinct in the shortest time-what means it used is not clear to us. , But when this plant, now known as the forbidden magic black vine, even invaded the deep sea, from the land to the desert, from the snowy mountains and icebergs to the surface of all rivers, lakes and seas, when the entire area of ​​the 17th plane was banned in almost all places After the vine cover, a strange scene appeared.”

Mitchell said that he pressed it again on the main console, and the picture in the light screen changed into another one.

I don’t know what was used to record. The space in the night is full of little green spots like stars, almost from the ground to the real starry sky. The whole space is filled with this kind of bad green spots. .

“The miserable green light spots are emitted by this forbidden black vine? Don’t tell me that they are called forbidden magic black vines because they emit the miserable green spots that fill the entire space. Forbidden?”

Helen, the “Master of Destiny,” asked in disbelief.


Mitchell nodded: “This dire green light spot can only be seen in the night, but it can’t be seen in the daytime, but this kind of day and night exists on the 17th plane, including everything The light spot in the space turns the plane world into a plane world that is absolutely forbidden. Not to mention the ordinary magician, it is that a main **** will change into an ordinary small fireball in the world of the 17th plane. , Ordinary water arrows, ice arrows and wind blades cannot be released, and all people can rely on in their own world are their own power and magic.”

“What kind of curse can make plants mutate like this?”

Helen, the “God of Destiny”, was still unbelievable.

“The curse is only a small part of the reason. We estimate that the real reason for the No. 17 plane to produce the black magic vine is radiation. It must be known that in order to develop a more lethal and stable giant magic nuclear bomb, within three years. The 17th plane has experienced a total of more than a thousand sizes of magic nuclear bombs and new attack weapons that also have similar radiant energy attacks. We are more willing to cause the spread of the magic ban black spread and play the role of absolute ban magic or radiation. “

Mitchell said slightly, and then added: “Of course, this is not just speculation, we have a lot of evidence to prove.”

“What is the situation there now?”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido frowned slightly: “What is the condition of the dark iron blood base? How do they live in that world?”

“The dark iron blood has established the most advanced base with the strongest defense in all planes. Although they did not control the reason for the spread of Forbidden Demon Black, but their defense network with almost unlimited energy supply outside their base can stop Forbidden Demon Black. The vines attacked their base, and the dark iron blood especially liked this unique world…”

“That’s for sure.”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido interrupted Mitchell’s voice. He said lightly: “At least in this plane world they don’t have to worry about you or McGee suddenly coming over and destroying their base with magic.”

“I think we should go to the world of plane 17…”

“Lord of Destiny” Helen said solemnly: “Several iron-blooded gods have gone to the 17th plane. I believe something must happen there, and I also believe that the person we were captured should also be taken to that place. Face the world, don’t ask me why I know, I have this hunch.”

“Will it be too risky?”

Mitchell turned to look at Helen, the “lord of destiny”, and frowned, “If we can use the power of magic, then it’s okay to look at it. If there is no magic attack but a physical attack, the dark iron base and their elite warriors are both Possessing a powerful destructive weapon of science and demons, not to mention the iron-blooded **** you have experienced last time, and by physical attack alone, we may not be able to even out that base by going all over.”

“Just go and see what they are doing there? Or what exactly is the big event of the 17th plane that your eyeliner Caroline refers to in the main ship.”

“The Lord of Destiny” Helen said with a worried expression on his face: “I don’t know how to explain to you, I haven’t been to the so-called plane 17, I don’t even know where it is, but I can predict this The plane is very important, especially when we are about to fight the dark iron blood. If we still ignore it after receiving the information, I think how much we should pay for this carelessness or cowardice in the future.”

“Go check it out.”

The Lord of Light glanced at Helen somewhat unexpectedly, perhaps because he had a premonition of the Lord of Destiny or a prediction from the “Fate of Destiny”, Manacid nodded and said, “Even if the power of magic is lost , Are we afraid that they will not succeed.”

“ Go now.”

“Destroy the Lord God” Bai Kui stood up uncontrollably, and with an angry look he gritted his teeth and said, “I hope that the Dark Lord will be on the 17th plane, and I will tear him carefully. Swallow slowly.”

“It’s not good to go all.”

“Dark Lord” Dret may have come out of the wrathful shadow of the destruction of his own Lord God’s world, but at this moment he said with some hesitation: “If it is really dangerous, wouldn’t we be wiped out by a net? If we stay a few In this case, wait until Nicholas comes back, at least we still have the strength to fight against the dark blood.”

“Me, Masdak and Mitchell, it’s enough for us three to go, three main gods plus two avatars, I think it should be enough.”

“The Lord of Light” Manacid said in a deep voice: “Baikui, don’t go, this time it is more important to find out what the dark iron blood is doing on the 17th plane, and if possible, rescue us from being captured. People, you are too impulsive, or stay here first, there will be time and opportunity for revenge in the future. Baikui, Drett, Shanghai Lun and McKee, and the demon pupil Sadz who is now patrolling outside, you stay Waiting for our news here, or waiting for Nicholas to come back.” (To be continued)

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