Alien Queen

Chapter 1691 - Horror

It’s one thing to have time to defend, and it’s another thing to be able to resist. It’s like Mascus said that the monster can absorb the power of the main god, but its body can’t resist the main god. The force’s raging collision is another matter.

“Boom” with a sound, the first magical arrow fired on the shield formed by a large number of “vines” and the mysterious light of the mysterious mysterious body was free of the magic defensive layer. The seemingly strange “vine” shield is as fragile as a sharp sickle waving the harvested straw. The shield formed by the “vine” during the violent flash of holy light is shattered directly. .

It only ends here, and only the blood-red “vines” are smashed. However, as the “vines” shattered thousands of blood-red rays, a vortex with a diameter of more than tens of meters was formed. The whirlpool of Devil Weeping Devil’s whisper seems to be completely formed by blood, which swallowed the lingering arrow of holy light.

Another violent blast sounded, and the half-moon-shaped light arrows that spun out of several space cracks with a terrible speed and power, and the arrows that had expanded to tens of meters in length sent out breathtaking. The sonic boom chopped directly into the blood-red weird and terrible vortex.

There was a peculiar contraction in the disordered space. When the blazing white light shattered and swallowed a large amount of blood red light and snow, the space directly burst into a tens of meters in the rumbling sound. Black hole.

The third “Slaughter of Gods” appeared in the trajectory of the flying space as if the arrow disappeared from the sky, piercing the space. Resisting the suction of the black hole and completely penetrating the black hole, the silver-white “Shen God” flashing the magical rune of the mysterious arc flashed out of the black hole and directly penetrated into the giant cocoon that wriggled rapidly.

“Booming” with a loud crack like a sky-shattering sound, the wriggling giant cocoon was blown out of a hole with a diameter of more than thirty or forty meters at the moment when the “Tu Shenya” blasted violently. The inside of the giant cocoon shone out in all directions. It seemed as if a huge dazzling sun burst into the giant cocoon where there was no monster in the center.

A series of angry and terrifying roars roared in the space and deep inside everyone’s soul. When the dazzling and extremely powerful light main power was completely released inside the giant cocoon, then The giant cocoon over a hundred meters high exploded in another loud noise.

The crimson blood and the stinky black liquid splashed all over the sky, and only Manacido and Masdak only saw a fierce twist in the violent holy light that was more than 40 to 50 meters tall. ‘S strange shadows were blown into the sky.

“That’s it!”

If you have already started, there will be no more scruples, all the mental power is released, and there is no “Iron-Blood Lord” appearing in the space distance that is enough to threaten, and Manacido’s three powerful and powerful arrows. It was extremely fast, which made countless Jagged Warriors outside the “Glass Cover” unable to react at all, and saw that the giant cocoon was completely shattered by Manazzi. This half-terrified Mitchell could hardly believe what he saw.

Mitchell couldn’t believe that this monster enough to make the Lord God feel dangerous and dangerous was solved so easily.

“Just solved it so easily!?”

I can’t believe that it’s not just Mitchell that happened in this scene. Manacido, the “Lord of Light” attacked himself and succeeded, but he was also a little difficult to believe in the giant cocoon that possessed only the legendary “time” magic, The monster was easily solved in this way-even if Manacido knew the power of his three arrows, even if there was a main **** opposite, he would never dare to stand there and bear his own three unregarded killings. However, the single-strike attack is extremely powerful.

“Quick. Attack.”

“Kill them.”



The giant cocoon has exploded into smelly flesh and blood fragments and black quirky liquid. The large number of iron-blooded warriors surrounded by the “glass cover” in three layers and three layers are reflected. No one needs to command or order. The blood-thirsty warriors closest to the hole that Masdak hit on the “glass cover” have rushed over and want to get in and attack Manazido and Masdak.

“You continue to pretend to stay among them. Leave these to us.”

The giant cocoon and the monsters in the giant cocoon that were not completely visible have been smashed and destroyed, but Manacido still feels the strong danger in the “glass cover” as if it were in the **** air There was a dangerous breath, and instinctively felt that something was not right but could not say exactly what it was. Manacido, who has a high concentration of mental energy, said to Mitchell: “Beware of the Iron God, remember their absolute invisibility in the turbulence last time.”

Not waiting for Mitchell to answer. As if stimulated by the extremely strong **** smell in the space filled with blood, the “master of death” Masdak was immobile. And his **** avatar is like the blood-red “vines” who slaughtered those gods relentlessly and easily. The iron-blooded armor of the outside body was completely crushed into a gray airflow after the death force was completely crushed into a gray airflow. Doppelganger also launched a one-sided slaughter.

The holes punched out on the “glass cover” are not large, at least compared to its size and the many blood-blooded warriors who have been overcrowded, but the holes with a diameter of more than twenty meters are one by one, group by group. The iron-blooded warriors almost squeezed into a ball and rushed in, and the dozens of rushing to the front had launched shoulder guns and wrist artillery shells towards the two main gods and the two main gods.

The body was completely transformed into a dead gray airflow, but the **** avatar of the “Master of Death” Masdak was drawn into a vortex-like posture between the radios, and the intensive bombardment of the energy artillery fire was “Woo” The terrible power traction in the whirlpool was completely blind, and the “Boom” burst into a blast in the air.

The vented energy ripples could not hurt the Mascark’s avatar at all, including the energy defense ripples flashing inside the “glass cover” again, which completely blocked the energy shock wave from the explosion. Those blood-blooded warriors who rushed in just cast an energy fire, and the **** avatar of Masdak, wrapped in the terrible death frost, had flown over them.

Immediately died down, the iron-blooded armor with the high object resistance and high magic defense of the “Science and Democracy Civilization” turned into paper in front of the main god, at least this level of armor owned by these iron-blooded warriors. The Jagged Warriors flying underneath the Mascark Doppelganger who hadn’t deliberately shot directly froze. When the vortex of the powerful airflow after he flew twirled, those zombies Jagged Warriors directly shattered.

The thick and hard armor shimmering with the dark magic rune shattered into powder, and the exposed and **** warrior’s ugly and ugly body turned into a corpse as if he had lost all body fluids. Their bodies also turned into invisible powder.

“What a terrible corrosion!”

Manacido was still frowning and wondering what was wrong, but he did not ignore the hordes of iron-blooded warriors attacking behind him without fear or fear of death. Seeing that the Mascark avatar had killed hundreds of blood-blooded warriors in an instant. Not surprised by the power of the Mascark Divine Avatar, just marveling at the terrible and corrosive Manacid in his death force, a sudden flash of light appeared in his mind.

A large number of Jagged Warriors were corroded and killed, and eventually turned into invisible powder. Manacido finally found something wrong. The previous three consecutive arrows attacked the giant cocoon and killed the giant cocoon. The hatched monster, Manacid, who did not care about the enemy at all, did not retain a trace of the main divine power but shot with all his strength. The aggressive attack really made Manacid easily kill the giant cocoon monster. However, things are not that simple.

The giant cocoon or the monster in the giant cocoon is definitely a dark creature. Manacido, who is extremely sensitive to dark creatures and undead, will naturally not make a mistake. Just hit the giant cocoon and kill the monster. In terms of strength, Manacido, who took all his effort, plus the restraint of the light main divine power on dark creatures, Manacido believed that his three consecutive arrow attacks were enough to completely destroy the giant cocoon and the monsters in it. .

However, the fact that it was almost ignored by Manazido is not the case. A few miles from his front to the giant cocoon exploded, the dry or wet blood on the ground was brought out by the Holy Light Arrow to a clean and holy foot with a path of tens of meters wide, but this The road washed by the main light of the light is also stopped in the central space where the giant cocoon is located.

Centering on the space where the giant cocoon is located, nearly 100 meters of ground is covered with exploding flesh and blood fragments and smelly black liquid. The sacred and tyrannical light main power did not completely destroy these flesh and blood fragments that should be crushed into powder. The red blood, broken meat and black liquid seemed to be unable to withstand the main power and burst. Come on. Then the same powerful and violent light main power did not purify these flesh and blood fragments that would no longer have any strength or defense in principle.

“Masdaq, flash away.”

Found the problem. Manacido looked at his feet subconsciously, and suddenly discovered the anomaly. At this moment, he only felt that his scalp was exploding, but he suddenly pulled up his body and jumped into the air. It sounded that he was using the combination of spiritual power and soul power to find the “Iron-blood Lord” who might enter the state of absolute invisibility.

Although I don’t know what Manazido is referring to, in this situation, I absolutely believe that the “Lord of Light” will not deceive Masdak, who is teasing himself, and feels an unspeakable and extremely dangerous atmosphere approaching, His shoulders were not moving, his knees were not bending, his rotten body was like an arrow shot by Manazido, and he shot off the ground and shot into the air.

With a sharp glance, a strangely colored liquid formed by mixing minced meat, blood and black liquid had flowed to the floor where he had just stood, and just in a moment Masdak seemed to see the liquid Suddenly protruding a slender tentacle that was thinner than the hair and slammed upward, maybe it was certain that the tentacle could not be grasped or touched, and those slender tentacles returned to that one at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Spread the liquid.


Rao saw too many cruel, disgusting and strange creatures in hell, but Masdak could hardly imagine that the flesh and blood exploded by the giant cocoon would still have such a move. He was surprised that he felt something let him Some uncomfortable power breath of the soul suddenly appeared, and he looked back suddenly and was surprised.

Manacedo’s Divine Divine became a dazzling sun, as if facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, with the body as a carrier, Manacid’s Divine Divine turned all his own, all of his main light power It was completely cast out, but on his white body, there were thousands of slender black tentacles that seemed to melt away at any time like the snow under the scorching sun. His legs spread upwards from his legs.

“What’s the situation!”

Manacido’s voice was full of excitement: “Masdaq, Mitchell, whoever has a way to do it! Hurry up! The flesh and blood fragments that the cocoon exploded just touched my god’s avatar feet, one A weird and terrifying force eroded up and down from my divine body…”

“Can’t the light main divine power be purified?”

Masdaq was too late to speak, and finally fully understood what the danger he had always felt. Mitchell saw that the slender black tentacles had extended to the waist of Manacido, and he was anxiously disappointed. Tao: “God avatar is not as powerful as your deity. Use your bright main divine power to purify.”

Maybe he was was only reminded by Mitchell after being reminded. He was just a few hundred meters away from God’s avatar. He just wanted to rush over and felt a bit of a bone Dangerous and murderous, he swung the “Star Chasing Bow” in his hand to stand in front of him.


In the deafening metal impact, a dazzling spark bloomed in the sky, and the terrified and angry Manacido deity passed the main force of the ice system directly through the moment when the two swords intersected. One of the voids in front of him was suddenly appeared as a tall figure formed by frost and ice flowers.

“I didn’t catch a deity. I caught a **** avatar, but it’s okay. Anyway, you can’t go today. Sooner or later it will still be its food.”

Obviously, the “Iron-Blood Lord” who was invisible through the armor blocked the path of Manacido without knowing it. Although Manacido cleverly broke the invisible state, the “Iron-Blood Lord” The telescopic spear with his left wrist blade pierced into Manacido, and the frost and ice flower melted between the blue arc flashes on the armor. At the same time, he also showed his figure. He laughed loudly, and his right shoulder was on the machine. The shoulder gun that shone with the magic rune flashed out in the middle, blasting energy fire at a distance of less than one meter against Manacido’s face. (To be continued…)

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