Alien Queen

Chapter 173 - Tips of Longjing--the misunderstanding of alien evolution

The Black Firewing Demon flew dozens of miles away from the death mountain and landed on the ground. Li Junzhi released four radar aliens flying over the top of his head and summoned eight messengers to disperse to alert.

Compared to other aliens, the messenger’s strength is not big enough, and its bombardment is not fast enough, but it is thin, flexible, and agile enough to be used for vigilance.

The bodies of Dahei and Xiaohei appeared in front of Li Junshan and took out the stalk bone technique from the space ring. Li Junshan touched the cold dragon crystal bomb and asked Dahei in his heart: “If you swallow the magic core and this dragon crystal bomb, this is equivalent to a holy order Warcraft crystal core and a ninth-level Warcraft crystal core. Do you think it is possible to advance to Holy Warcraft strength?

“Boss Boom is very difficult. Boom Black’s voice rang in Li Junshan’s heart and said: “I can feel it is almost impossible to rely on energy absorption only if I want to break through again. Even if it is just Dragon Crystal Gold, if it is just Dragon Crystal Gold, it will be no problem if you let Xiao Hei swallow to absorb the gold to reach the level of 9th World of Warcraft. boom

“Uh. Zhi Junshan glanced at the drooling little black. The dark breath of the magic core is the guarantee for his soaring strength, which is less than a last resort. Li Junshan does not want to give **** or black swallow. This is also when he saw Asmo. The main reason behind the dragon’s bone stick.

“It would be great if the death knight hadn’t returned to the dead space with the loss of the spirit of the Necromancer’s spiritual command.

Li Junshan thought a little greedily. The spiritual perception extends to Jin Xin Road on all sides: “I don’t know if the alien can parasitize the death knight. Compared to those zombie and skeleton golden death knights, they should have the biological characteristics of being parasitized by the alien.

“If the death knight can be bombarded by parasites and he certainly does not have a crystal nucleus, then what type of alien is born? Like a messenger or something like it” Bang Ni

The dragon bone staff is useless to Li Junshan who knows nothing about magic. He was about to throw the bone stick and the crystal nucleus to Xiaohei when he only felt a sudden flash of information in his brain. The flashing message was like the black fire winged devil Li Junshan had just captured a few words but it had disappeared into his mind.

Subconsciously, I felt the importance of this message, so Li Junshan clenched his bones and frowned.

“Death knight, parasitic, crystal nucleus, messenger, bang

Li Junshan murmured these phrases in his mind, “Boom. With a bang, Jin instantly reacted and his eyes flashed suddenly and suddenly, and his expression on the face was rich to the extreme.

It was not until this time that Li Junshan felt that he had been caught in the misunderstanding of a strange circle when a parasitic host broke out.

Most of the power of aliens comes from the host. Parasitic Blast Wolf King’s special shape can spit out the black wind blade corroded with acid liquid and gradually parasitize the large water rhinoceros monster’s special shape can spray the leaf poisonous and corrosive violent ice vertebral bomb. These are natural magics derived from the host itself.

When breaking out of these hosts. The alien shape has obtained the process of partial host abilities gradually swallowing the magic crystal molting evolution, which may be regarded as the energy absorption of complete fusion and improvement of abilities.

The key magic crystal!

What would happen if the gold didn’t let it swallow the host when the alien broke out of the host body and the advanced crystal nucleus was replaced by another advanced Warcraft crystal nucleus to complete its sharp skin evolution process? What?

High-level Warcraft Gold, such as 9th-level Warcraft, Li Junshan, hasn’t even touched one of Jin until now. If you find a low-level but unique and useful Warcraft host gradually break out of it and look for crystal nuclei to molt and evolve, then use this dragon crystal instead of gold?

Thinking of blasting Li Junshan’s heart here, he couldn’t help but bang. He jumped straight and jumped to Jin Xiaohei’s suit. Longjing might be able to advance to the ninth level of World of Warcraft. Wouldn’t it be better to use Dragon Crystal instead of Boom during evolution to have one more alien with 9-level Warcraft strength.

Big Black and Black Fire Wing Devil IX Gold Jin Hei Black and Eight Claws VIII Boom, plus the Spirit Breaker comparable to the terrifying spirit and soul attack of the Ninth Power. Then with one more Level 9 Warcraft, Li Junshan’s trip to ruins will be more secure. Put away the dragon crystal bone rod and bombard Li Junshan to calm down the excitement in his heart.

“The ability comes from the host blasting the nucleus to promote the molting evolution gold. In addition to the **** and the small black, other aliens including the eight-level host’s black fire wing devil can’t grow by consuming the crystal nucleus. The evolution gold is only swallowed for the first time. Can only take effect at that time. Then when the net was born, the abnormity of the absorption of the ninth-level Warcraft crystal nucleus’s gradually lower-level host’s alien energy could not withstand this powerful energy.

The more I thought about Jin Li Junshan, the more uncertain I was. Can’t help but say his thoughts to Dahei in his heart.

“How? Do you think this method is feasible?” Li Junshan was a little nervous again.

“I don’t know. Zhi Dahei’s voice came to Li Junshan’s heart and said, “I don’t understand it, I don’t know how to say it.” Ni

“Uh. Booming Li Junshan is speechless. Dahei has wisdom and not fake gold, but most of them are instincts to deal with killing and life. To make it clear to analyze a complex and unknown thing, gold clearly shows its ability.

Li Junshan also has an extra nucleus: He knows that Dahei and Wings can devour and consume the nucleus in a way. “One said that there are crystalline nucleuses no matter how high or low they are. They are swallowed. Magic core and dragon crystal But I dare not easily use it to test the gold. At this time, it is still far from the ruins. Jin Lijun simply released the undamaged eight claws and the spirit destroyer. Each led five. “Aliens and messengers and a number of eight claw messengers, each with twenty Only heavy armor abnormity went to the dark swamp to capture a few Warcraft and came back to test and bombard himself far behind and followed up.

The name of Death Mountain really drove Li Junshan and his party out of the range of more than fifty miles. They didn’t encounter a living creature. Occasionally, they encountered several lone bone skeletons or zombie warriors. All smashed through torn apart

It wasn’t until about eighty miles away that the team of Spirit Breakers ran back first. The Golden Three were tied by the Octopus’s cobwebs, and the Dark Warcraft, which was pulled back by the heavy armor and the tail bone, was their booty.

“It is said that there are many terrifying advanced Warcraft in the depths of the dark swamp. I came along this way but even the eighth level of Warcraft did not encounter a gold. Was it all hunted? Or is it not at all deep in the dark swamp?.

Li Junshan thought that Jin hadn’t had time to see the three dark Warcrafts, and the Eight Claws hurried back and compared with the Spirit Breakers. The Eight Claws were rich and there were a lot of huge bead nets under the six Warcraft Bombs. Big and small Jin was dragged by it and ran over. Occasionally, there are occasional Warcraft fear instinctive self-killing Jin Jixin who used a tailbone to stab Jindeng to be honest.

The Mental Breaker brought back two octopus-like multi-handed monsters that could spew acid. However, the size is very small, only less than half of the eight-claw messenger, Li Junshan’s estimated strength is only about second-level Warcraft.

Another Li Junshan knew that it was a dark demon wolf, and its strength was equivalent to that of the fourth-level Warcraft bomb. Except for its fast speed, its claws could pop up a blade-like long claw when it was thrown at the enemy. The wind blade attack bomb is just less powerful than the wind blade of the blast wolf king.

The six Warcraft brought back by the Spirit Breaker. The third is that a monster with a black fur bison has a horn on his forehead and can cast a fork-like lightning. Looking at the power of lightning, Li Junshan is estimated to be the third level of Warcraft strength.

The other three small Li Junshan have also seen the two erythema with red spots. This kind of antelope bile equivalent to the strength of the third-level Warcraft can especially emit light clusters similar to thunder and lightning.

The last one is a pig gold with a size of more than five meters. Its strength is equivalent to that of the fifth-level Warcraft gold. Compared with the arrowhead porcupine Li Junshan had seen before, it has many talents. The magic is that it can cast dozens of ground guns over a meter in a blink of an eye. In addition to earth magic, gold’s heavy stone skin defense is also amazing and its strength is particularly great.

Dozens of Warcraft are surrounded by aliens. A variety of terrifying low-pitched sounds Jin Lijunshan’s idea gradually moved, two heavy armor aliens first dragged the second-handed multi-handed monster out of Jin Lijunshan to release alien eggs, and the face-worms had no lethality in the multi-handed monster. The acid attack proceeded smoothly with the appendage.

Let the messenger watch the new abnormity out of fear and blast Li Junshan to let the heavy armor alien quickly divide the dark demon wolf into shattered corpses and take out the black and bright triangular crystal core.

“Zi” slammed the multi-handed blame host Yi Jingliang out of the body. When it got out and raised a horrible scream, the two messengers acted quickly. One gently knocked it away from the body of the multi-handed monster with his tailbone and threw the other body aside.

The newly-formed alien, out of instinctive feeding needs, hurriedly rushed towards the body of the multi-handed monster on the ground, but was blocked by the messenger.

The heavy armor abnormity threw the dark magic wolf crystal nucleus in front of the new alien body. Then it stopped and swallowed the triangular crystal nucleus.

“Without magical power, this new alien has only gained shape changes and strength and degree enhancements. So what can this dark magic wolf’s crystal nucleus bring to it? Boom

Looking at the new alien Jin Li Junshan shrouded in black light, there was a moment of tension.

The black light dissipated in vain, revealing the body of the new alien like the other aliens. The gold was only the place where the bone spurs originally grew. The six tentacles were naturally far less than the narrow and full of power of the spiritual destroyer. ~www.mtlnovel. com~ There is no explosive body, indicating that the gold abnormity can be sustained across the two-stage phagocytosis absorption crystal core. The tentacles on the back of the new alien were stretched out in the heart of Li Junshan’s heart, and six black acid spit out.

“Boom King saw six shallow pits on the hard ground, and Jin Li Junshan threw a fist in excitement.

The magic ability does not change the gold. The ability comes from the host gene. The gold magic ability strengthens the bomb, indicating that the crystal nucleus has played a role.

“Bang! Bang Ni

The multi-handed alien and a special-shaped sprint equivalent to the strength of the fourth-level Warcraft jumped up and collided in the air. The multi-handed alien gold power that was not slower than the fourth-level alien was also quite blasted. Fell to the underground

“Founded” Li Junshan laughed silently and glared his eyes at Guizhu.

“If it crosses the third level or even the fourth level and the fifth level? Can the alien form withstand the energy absorption of the crystal nucleus of this strength? Boom,

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