Alien Queen

Chapter 1732 - The ultimate decisive battle (3)

See through the transparent and clean huge “lookout window” in front of you what is happening in the turbulence outside, whether it is the “Mosnil” dark iron-blood patriarch and captain of the main ship Arnold, or his identity is no less than Arnold The elder Sanchez and more elder members of his “Elder Council”, including “Iron-Blood Lord” Derek, Jerry, and Dorothe who have just been called back, or through the “lookout window” Or the huge light screen in front of the window originated from the more angles transmitted by the outer layer of the main ship’s monitoring probe, and all the iron-blooded high-rises watching this scene were completely petrified.

It is impossible to imagine how terrifying the various kinds of master divine attacks that are renovated and endless, and it is not clear that the energy defense cover around the main ship that has not been tested for many years has been in such an unimaginable dense and continuous blow of the master divine power. How long can it last-compared to these, the brains of a group of iron-blooded seniors who clearly see what is happening outside are almost boiling, and they do not understand where these main gods popped out.

coincidence? !

The undead will not believe that this is just a coincidence!

If the “arbiter” Mondo did not leave with the “Iron-Blood Lord” Toke with the “Terminator” and took the “Bee-class Warship”, perhaps these iron-blooded seniors would believe that this was just a coincidence-Mitchell, they just went shit. Luckily approaching the main ship “Mosnil” while riding a “Bee class warship”.

It’s a pity that just a few minutes after Mondo they left, they appeared in time, and the spatial coordinates of the “bee-class warship” they took in the form of “space jump” were unbiased. Directly in front of the ship. The distance between them allows Mitchell to attack in the most lethal condition, but also guarantees that the main ship “Mossnier” can not be in the shortest time even with the idea of ​​sharing the same. Let the “antimatter gravity gun” aim to lock them.



Inside ghost!

Different people passed different words in their heads. Where did the crowd of iron-blooded seniors who were stunned by the scene in front of them want or have time to think about who told the plan to Mitchell and they came by and counted, and Who even told the enemy even the spatial coordinates of the “Mosnil”!

“Quick. Jump into space immediately!”

When Arnold saw through the huge “lookout window” that a sword of the inverse aliens pierced the energy defense cover-the patriarch of the “dark iron” family even saw the inverse aliens separated by a visible energy defense cover and transparent The “lookout window” showed himself an eerie smile that made him creepy, and he reacted in an instant with a scream of shock and anxiety.

The other people who were completely petrified came to consciousness, including the main ship control staff who watched the scene from the main ship, as if the voice of the patriarch made these people make sure that what they saw in front of them was not an illusion. They made every effort not to think too much but started to operate according to the instructions of the patriarch.

No one thought that the main ship was approached by the enemy so easily. In fact, because of the experiment with the “terminator”, that is, the seed of metamorphic cell pathogen, the main ship stopped the operation of the magic engine on this day. The power of the energy defense cover itself is suspended in the turbulence. The main ship operator who shows good military literacy is retrained but it is impossible for the main ship to enter the “space jump” state in the shortest time.

Because the main ship is too huge. Its huge volume, which is astonishing to anyone as a continent, is destined to go from static to 109 “main power magic engines” and 3,742 “sub-power magic engines” all turned on. It takes a certain time to enter the flight state, and it takes more time to go from the flight state to the extreme speed state to the “space jump” state.

“It takes three minutes and fifty-six seconds for the magic engine to be fully on and running synchronously.”

“It will take one minute and forty-nine seconds to enter the flight state after the engine is synchronized.”

“It takes two minutes and seventeen seconds to go from the flight state to the extreme speed state.”

“It takes three minutes and twelve seconds from the speed flying state to the space jumping state!”


A sound of apprehensive reports rang from the mouth of the main ship control staff in front of the main control desk, and the hairs of those high-blooded high-rises who heard these from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot were all cool.

“Recharge, recharge all antimatter gravity guns…”

If you only face a few main gods-as long as this number is controlled within five. Arnold can still pin his hopes on the energy defense hood, but at this time he clearly sees four main gods plus seven “main **** aliens” and a humanized “main **** alien” extremely calm and simple. Dumping his main divine attack on the energy defense cover in a limited and identical spatial position, I don’t know how long the energy defense cover can withstand such an attack, and he roared, having to do the worst plan: ” I mean everything, don’t worry about the angle being right. Don’t care if you can hit them directly, all antimatter gravity guns recharge me.”

“Just charging, don’t attack with antimatter gravity guns!”

The elder Sanchez’s trembling voice rang out: “The energy shield can withstand their attack, at least it is still okay. Immediately appeal to the main ship “Iron Blood” for help, as long as they can come back in time, we can still contact They were in close combat. Don’t be impulsive. If the anti-matter gravity bombardment hits any one of the main gods, its own attack and the explosion caused by the main divine power will be enough to inflict damage even if it can’t smash the entire main ship. And if the main ship is exploded The resulting black hole is swallowed, and we are done.”

“Shut up for me! This is my main ship. I am the captain here. Whoever interferes with my orders again, I will immediately bombard his head!”

Arnold turned around and stretched his hand to pinch Sanchez’s neck and lifted him up. His face was twisted and roared. He roared: “Open your eyes and see clearly. McGee also has the Dark Lord, Death Lord and the Lord of the Four Faces. The God of Destruction didn’t appear, what do you think they did? Did they go to a certain plane to see the scenery? Can they find our main ship and can’t find the main ship’Iron Blood’? Mitchell and outside Even if these main gods and aliens don’t expect McGee to destroy our other main ship, will it be difficult for McGee to drag the main ship’Iron Blood’ to Mundo?”

Lifting his feet and thinking about flashing to stop Arnold’s unreasonable or even rebellious behavior, Derek dismissed the idea when he heard the angry roar of the former. In an instant, I didn’t know how many collisions were made on the energy defense cover. I only felt that the main ship’s hull was trembling. What he was most worried about now was whether Arnold would let himself and Jerry and Dorot rush out to meet Mitch in the next second. They.

It is best to play one of three, three of three or even four or five. But if it is only three of them to face the twelve main gods including aliens, Derek estimates that the three of them go out unless they run away shamelessly, and the main divine attack madness that they share on the energy defense cover alone is estimated to be the most. A few seconds or tens of seconds.

“You don’t have to worry, I won’t let you go out, and besides, my orders will not necessarily listen to you at this time.”

As if seeing through Derek’s mind, let go of the elder Sanchez, who was desperately corrupted, and the Iron-Blood Patriarch Arnold looked at Derek indifferently and said, “Although we can send you without closing the energy defense Fighting with them from the outside, but I am not sure whether it is absolutely safe to do so under such circumstances now. Not to mention that you can’t do much to help things under the situation of a large number of people.”

“If the energy shield is destroyed by them, no matter if they completely smash the main ship from the outside or choose to pounce into the absolute one-sided slaughter inside the main ship, then I will use all the power to resist them. Dairy K, Jerry. And Dorothy, the three of you will take the chaos of a bee-class battleship and leave in a chaotic manner. You must use the space jump to reinforce the main ship “Iron Blood” if you are stared by a certain **** in the process. Go ahead, you must leave a person among them to drag them. Let us keep our strongest power as much as possible.”

The frenzy of elements on the energy defense cover outside the main ship suddenly burst into the sky like a detonated firework. The eyes of the eyes saw from the light screen that the sky above the main ship was rapidly expanding and swallowed. The giant hole of the galaxy stars shines too much in a short time. Arnold has already blamed him quickly.

Looking away from the screen hard, Derek nodded calmly. At the same time, it said: “Why not we leave together?”

“If you get there, I will attack with all antimatter gravity guns after you leave. At the same time, I will detonate the three energy bodies in the main ship and die with them.”

Arnold’s tone was calm as if he was just about to destroy an ordinary plane world that was irrelevant and had nothing to do with everyone in the field. He suddenly extended his hand and made a weird gesture. He continued: “As for not letting you take the big Elders. That’s because they will definitely question most of Mondo’s future decisions, even if they know that our Jagged family has reached the critical juncture of life and Remember, if I die, Mondo will This is the new patriarch. Today is different. I hope you will be able to unite rationally and stop thinking about unrealistic parliamentary elections.”

“We, can’t stand the toss!”

With that said, Arnold’s right hand was tightly held in the air.

“What are you doing!”

Derek suddenly looked, but Dorothy grabbed his hand in a flash.

I don’t know when the elite Jagged Warriors who stood by the crowd had shot at this moment, either with a wrist knife or a spear. These close guards who only ordered Arnold ignored the weak elders or anger in their eyes. Or the fearless shouts relentlessly reap their lives.

“Patriarch, Arnold…”

Among the screams of the elders, the arbitration of the “arbiter” Mondo sounded in the rustle of the communication device on the main console: “We have been attacked by McGee and others here, what are you there? Condition? Arnold, answer me immediately upon receipt…”

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