Alien Queen

Chapter 1734 - Ultimate Decisive Battle (5)

“It’s too late to guard the main ship “Iron Blood”.”

Everything that is happening outside is truly revealed on the largest light screen above the main console of the main ship “Mosnil” through a large number of surveillance probes. I see that because of an invisible barrier, the violent main divine attack and The elemental frenzy is still a smooth energy defense cover, which is like a fierce earthquake trembling from the drum surface in the giant force beat. The trembling report sound made it clear that Arnold, who had started to call the main energy center, was completely desperate.

“Keep on the main ship “Iron Blood”, I will let Derek and them go to help you. Mondo, from now on, you will no longer be the “arbiter” but the patriarch of our “Mosnil” family, if” Any of the elders in the Ironblood’s main ship disagrees, it’s just killing-it’s not difficult for Qi.”

It is clear that the main divine power and elemental energy absorbed by the energy defense cover have reached the maximum peak in the shortest time, and the energetic “main energy center”, “secondary energy center” and “backup energy center” all have a short time Unable to withstand such a powerful energy absorption load, watching Derek, Jerry and Dorothe nodded to himself and started to walk outside the main control cabin to prepare to find a “Bee class warship” to drive away, Arnold said Said: “Mundo, when you receive this information, we probably have already died with them. Don’t try to find us to help us, otherwise we may face the situation that both main ships can’t keep it. After the battle of the squadrons, you go to the No. 4 squadron to recuperate and recuperate. Don’t try to go to other squadrons or leave here for unknown space before another main ship is built.”

“That’s all I have to say.”

The harsh alarm sounded sharper and sharper, and the energy defense cover in the light screen was more and more trembling, almost pulling the turbulent space, and all became chaotic. Arnold said with a long breath: “Mondo, it seems that we It’s still wrong. The main ship’s defense is not as strong as we thought. If I can pull in these main gods and alien burial, it’s naturally best, if not. You must be careful when facing them, and don’t worry about the end. “It’s the future, even if it might get out of control like aliens in the future, then our’Mosnil’ family will have to live to see that day.”

“Is the anti-matter gravity gun fully charged?”

Putting down the communication device in his hand, Arnold turned his head to look at the main ship control staff in front.

“It’s all done.”

An elite iron-blooded warrior stood up and said respectfully: “As long as the patriarch gives you an order, six anti-matter gravity cannons that have locked their position can be attacked immediately.”

“Don’t just these six doors!”

Perhaps it is because the energy defense cover has reached the maximum damage value it can bear, or it is because the three huge “energy centers” in the main ship have absorbed too much elemental energy in a short time, and the main ship has begun The earthquake shook up, and the decision made by Arnold calmed down, but said calmly: “Whether you can aim and lock those gods. All antimatter gravity guns give me the space they are in. Also Yes. I plan to detonate the three energy centers and send me all the magic nuclear bombs to the “main energy center”. I want you to make sure that you use the magic nuclear bombs to detonate the “main energy center” at the same time.

“Yes, patriarch!”

There is no fear of panic, of course, this is also because after the **** massacre in the main control cabin, all the rest are the bravest fighters of the Jagged family. After the elite soldier responded respectfully, he returned to sit down and conveyed the patriarch’s order.

“I don’t know if such an attack and the explosion of the main ship will destroy the plane crystal walls that are not far apart and we have been unable to break through?”

Arnold said to himself, his voice filled with endless sadness and yearning.


The main ship “Mosnil” has already made plans to die with the enemy, and the main ship “Iron Blood” is not much better today.

An unremarkable little man, the dwarf, changed the unpredictable battle situation dramatically. At the same time that Li Junshan’s “bee-class battleship” reached the disintegration of the main ship “Mosnil”, McGee, “Dark Lord” “Dreit, “Destroy the Lord” Bakwe, and the “Dead Lord” Masdak, who now exists as a completely pure soul body, have already preempted the main ship “Iron Blood” for a few seconds.

In the same manner of appearance, the space coordinates given to McGee by Stirt made them perfectly appear directly in front of the main ship “Iron Blood”. However, the moment the “Bee Class Warship” disintegrated, the “arbiter” of the Iron Blood family Mondo and his six demon guards, “Iron-Blood Lord” Tok, Sith, and Oakville, greeted McGee and others without any hesitation and flew out of the main ship for the first time.

It did not close the energy shield outside the main ship, just as Arnold said to Derick and others. Without closing the energy shield, they can still send several or more people out of the energy shield, but Arnold doesn’t want to take the risk and the “arbiter” Mondo dares to try.

Of course, the situation faced by each is different. The main ship “Mosnil” is facing a total of twelve main gods, even if they don’t know when the alien queen is the main god, and Mondo and others are facing. It’s just four main gods plus a **** avatar, not to mention the “Ultimate” who brought the main ship “Iron Blood” to become stronger, they must face McKee and others.

The beam of energy shot from the giant muzzle above the main ship “Lookout Window” sent Mondo and others to the energy defense cover in an instant. At the same time as they appeared, a fist shadow with a breath of power that was devastating and looming crept into the front of Mengduo and others.

There are also ripples, space ripples, and turbulent spaces, like the ripples of the wind blowing over the surface of the water, and these ripples have changed from the ugly face of McGee to the energy defense cover. It became a violent ups and downs like waves, which caused the spatial ripples of the elemental oscillations to not touch the energy defense cover, but the latter had already appeared twists and turns like twists and turns.

Fist Shadow and Space Ripple are just McGee’s masterpieces, and Drayter and others are not idle.

There will be no more reservations, and no master **** will reveal his tricks at the critical moment, because the “Master God Alliance” will only exist before the “Mossier Dark Iron Blood” family has been eliminated, no matter in the past. All kinds of grudges and old hatreds, or the grudges and grudges that have come together in recent times, there are disputes and hatred between these main gods. If they can successfully solve the “Mosnil Dark Iron Blood” family, most people can It is estimated that there will be an earth-shattering war between them.

At least the “Dark Lord” Drett thinks so, he can’t allow him to retain his strength or “hidden secrets”, the “anti-matter gravity gun” on the main ship needless to say, just these “iron blood” he is facing The “main god” plus their endless terror “Science and Weapon Weapons” will not allow him to have any reservations, not to mention that there is a shadow of “Metamorphic Cell Pathogen Seed” draped in Dret’s heart.

He didn’t want to die, nor did he want to be eroded by the “seeds of metamorphic cell disease”, even if it was just a doppelganger, so Dret must fight unreservedly and fight hard.

A hazy black halo appeared on the surface of the body. These halo surfaces were covered with black air visible to the naked eye. With the halo of halo, the halo itself and a large amount of air evaporated like a boiling water surface.

It was only an instant, when countless black silk-like rays of radio were submerged into the body in the turbulent flow, the misty black halo on the surface of the “Dark Lord” Drayte suddenly expanded, and those black lights in the sound of “chirping” The halo split into black dragon scales shimmering with metal cold awns. When more black halo diffused, a black dragon with a kilometer length appeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.


“Dragon’s” Dret’s mouth was an earth-shattering roar, just as he had last time in the “World of Destiny God” and “Master of Death” Masdak, a thick black beam of 100 meters from him The “Dragon Kiss” burst out violently and blasted out. The speed of its momentum made Tok, who had just emerged outside the energy defense, startled.

The **** avatar was not idle, not to mention the intensity of the attack, not to mention the speed of the attack power, and the **** avatar of the “dark master” Derrett, whose strength is certainly not as good as his deity, was unexpectedly “decomposed”.

Completely “decomposed” Just like the self-exploitation, there is no main **** Divine Core Dreit Divine avatar, throwing up six pieces of metal covered with black magic lines flashing mysterious light, When the six pieces of ferrous metal were rapidly rotating to cover the body surface of Dret’s doppelganger, at the moment when the metal pieces quickly dispersed into the sky, the Dreit’s doppelganger also completely “decomposed” and disappeared.

Countless black air currents appeared out of thin air. At the moment when Derrett’s avatar “decomposed”, ten million black air currents suddenly appeared in the turbulent flow formed a huge and violently vortex, but unlike the usual concentric circles The vortex, just like being torn and stretched by some kind of power above the main god, is a vortex with a powerful dark main divine power, but it perfectly wraps the “Dragonized” Dreit deity in it.

“*Coward! I really look down on Dreet. The Law of God can make something stronger than the Supreme Master Artifact and able to complete the lore against the Lord God, and even use it as a defense! And even the power of God’s avatar Catch it up!”

Just parallel to Dreit in a space, because I don’t want to influence each other, the distance between “Destroy the Lord” Baikui and Dreit is about one kilometer, and after seeing this scene with my eyes, Baikui lifted his thick and shape “The fierce” supreme master artifact “Sunset Pestle” slammed into the main ship’s energy defense cover thousands of kilometers away, and at the same time he scolded with a look of contempt.

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