Alien Queen

Chapter 1741 - The power of fate

The main ship “Mossnier”, which was so large as to be like a continent, finally reached the maximum flight speed with difficulty, and the main ship, which had been set the destination space coordinates, entered the state of “space jump” in sight. , But it’s all too late, because as the main ship is about to leave the turbulent edge of the plane crystal wall, it is not only the iron family of Arnold, etc., but Li Junshan, who borrowed the “golden alien” ability, brought them all. Into the main ship. –/–/

“You… your attack was successful!”

It’s clear that it’s not a time to be happy, including when it’s not time to talk, and while rushing towards the main control cabin with other people at the fastest speed, Mitchell can’t help but turn his head with a look of shock. Helen, the “Master of Destiny” around him, asked.

“If it is not successful, probably the last wave of our mysterious attack with the mystery of the last wave, the iron-blood family also launched an anti-matter gravity cannon attack!”

“Lord of Destiny” Helen’s face was still pale, as if that blow had consumed all her main divine power just now.

“The law of fate! What kind of power is this, which is even as magical as the soul attack of the group…”

Mitchell’s face was a little distorted by the ecstasy and shock that could not be concealed. He mumbled immediately overthrown the remarks he just exported: “No, the soul attack is so magical, even if Masdak is coming. It may be possible to use soul attacks to control everyone in such a large main ship at the same time, and the main gods of the Iron-Blood family or high-level are immune to soul attacks.

Mitchell was horrified, but the “lord of light” Manacido and the “demon pupil” Sadez were not calm at all, looking at the iron blood and fully armed soldiers and soldiers they easily killed when they passed by. , Looking at them when they were easily spiked by their shoulders without lifting their hands, they were full of extreme feelings of longing, confusion, and longing, despair, sorrow, joy, etc., and then they looked at the pale face.” Helen, the **** of fate, was all shocked.

“The power of fate”.

The name of the “fate master” Helen just played the trick is called “the power of destiny”. And Mitchell they only now know how strong this mysterious rule of fate is.

It is not directly interfering with the fate of a person. At least Helen, the “lord of fate,” has now said that she cannot use the “law of fate” to directly interfere with the fate of any ordinary civilian even as a ants. But it is not difficult for the “force of destiny” to indirectly change a person’s destiny.

People who have been attacked by Helen’s “Force of Destiny” can now be sure that no one below the strength of the main **** can pardon this damage. Probably just like the illusion of a soul attack, those people will invade the mystery in a short time. No matter how strong the mind is, no one can be immune to reject this manifestation of fate that is not an illusion, and everyone will be addicted to it.

“If her ‘power of fate’ can affect the Lord God, who would dare to be her opponent…”

The more I thought, the more shocked I was. The wind blade that Mitchell’s body swiftly glanced over and over again cut over a hundred heavily armed blood-bearing warriors who had not appeared “wake up” in front of the passageway into a large corpse. When he looked at Helen, the “Master of Destiny”, there was a little more awe in his eyes.

“See one to kill one, especially the person in the main control cabin must not leave one, I go to guard the energy center.”

Feeling the powerful and chaotic “magic energy” wave again, Mitchell converged and rushed from the passage to the direction of the obvious “energy center”, but he was also uneasy to say to Manazido and others : “Be careful. There should still be two iron-blooded gods in the main ship.”

“The power of destiny” will not affect the people in the main ship for too long. Manacido also knew what Mitchell said, but they flew at the fastest speed along the huge passage with a cry. To the main control cabin.

It can provide energy supply to the “energy defense cover” of that strength, and provide energy input to such a huge main ship. Once the energy generated by the explosion of the “energy body” in the main ship collides with the impact, it will be fatal. With this “Mosnil” main ship faster and more effective in solving the “Histor Blood” main ship and finding a way to kill “metamorphic cell pathogen seeds”, even Mitchell and others estimated that they could escape “energy” The energy generated by the explosion of the “body” collided, but did not want to damage the main ship “Mossnier” while already occupying an absolute advantage.

The unreserved speed allowed the three of Manacido to arrive in the main control cabin in the shortest time. At first glance, Manacido, Helen and the “demon pupil” Sadez flashed the space. Pieces of Jagged Warriors in the track fell down.

Each has its own means. Whether they are ordinary Jagged Warriors or elite warriors, they are ants or reptiles when they face the Lord God, whether they are purified by Manacido’s bright Lord Divine Power while taking away their lives, or Helen has become The film was completely frozen to death and turned into an ice sculpture, or the “demon pupil” Sadez was more bloody, and the wind blade was violently cut off one after another. “Power” is bound. Even if they are sober, no one has the slightest resistance.

“so close!”

No need to look for it, the three menacid who flashed in front of the main console found the “Iron-Blood Patriarch” Arnold surrounded by dozens of elite warriors with a strong dark power, and when they saw it clearly, they did not wear it. Arnold’s right hand with steel needle-like hair stretched out in the helmet, and it seemed to be pushed down to a huge red metal button flashing on the main console. I thought that it should be the launch of the “anti-matter gravity gun. “The switch of the attack, the three of Manacido who saw this scene looked at each other with a lingering fear.

The captain of the Captain Mossnier and the Iron-Blood clan has been frozen for the first time. All other people can be killed, but this person alone cannot be killed-knowing to control or even There are not many people who kill the seeds of pathogens of metamorphic cells, but Manacido believes that the Predator of the Iron-Blood Clan must be clear. After the Masdak, who plays with the soul, comes, Manacido and others feel that Applying this information is not difficult.

“Can we say that we have got this main ship?”

Looking through the huge “lookout window” and quickly retreating backwards has become a twisted light and shadow-like turbulence, confirming that there is no one alive in the large “main control cabin” except the iron-blooded patriarch in front of him. “Demon pupil” Sadez could not help but excitedly said: “Controlling this main ship, we are not afraid of another iron-blooded main ship!”

“It’s hard to say right now, but Masdak must come back and sit down.”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido smiled and experienced a battle that was almost unrebellious but extremely intense. Finally he was successful and he was also in a happy mood, but said with a smile: “This big main ship wants Operation, there are more than a hundred people in need, we have tried to save the life of the aliens other than iron blood as much as possible, but no one can guarantee that there will be diehards of the iron blood family, in case they let them seize the opportunity to let the main ship explode Or, instead of turning the’anti-matter gravity gun’ and blasting a gun at the hull, then I would rather destroy the main ship directly.”

“Masdaq is different here. He can transform our indispensable operators in the main ship into undead in the shortest time, so that Masdak can freely affect their soul and memory. Control them so that we don’t have to worry about the problems I just said.”

Manacido looked up and looked up at the “main control cabin”. He didn’t know whether it was a thick pipe for ventilation or energy or other. When a round metal switch door opened, one by one The thin profile fell into the “master cabin” in a dark human profile.


The alien headed is exactly the shape of “Xiaohei”, and he grinned and smiled at Manacido. A sharp hiss squeezed out of Xiaohe’s throat.

A swarm rushed outside. Maybe it was found that it had been controlled by Manacido and others. Maybe it was found that there was no more mouth. The dozens of messengers flexibly followed the pipeline and ran to the other door. .

With a whine, Xiaohei flashed into a black light and rushed towards the frozen iron-blooded patriarch beside Manacido and others, even before the big human-shaped mouth had passed A sonic boom.

“Don’t kill him, we are useful.”

Manacido blocked Little Black without thinking, just to stop it from killing the “Bright Lord” of the Iron-Blood Patriarch. There was no counterattack. The slender index finger in the right hand easily ejected the little black mouth. His tongue was caught in the air, and Manacido, who only felt a slight shock in his wrist, was a little shocked. This tip is like a unique tongue whose teeth are grinning towards his own teeth. The attack power is so It’s just the power of the gods, the strength of Xiaohei’s strength, Manacido, will naturally not be mistaken. A god’s attack can make the main **** have a clear sense of stress. Just before this second, Manacido never believed. of.

“Hiss” screamed, apparently receiving an order that could not conflict with Manacido and others, not because of fear, Xiaohe who gave up another attack, released his finger and withdrew his tongue in Manacido But behind his bones, he screamed at him, and then rushed into the pipe and disappeared.

He smiled and shook his head, and Manacido was no different from creatures like aliens. In the eyes of such fierce monsters, their queen and master, even an ordinary person, were gods, while other demigods, gods, and even gods were probably That is the food in their eyes.

“Fortunately, Nicholas can control them, including their queen. Otherwise, as they and the queen’s strength become more and more horrible, if these monsters are out of control, it will definitely be a terrible disaster that is even more terrible than the Iron-Blood family.”

When Manacido thought about it again, the “demon pupil” Sudz on the side had already expressed the same ideas as blaming Nazido. (This site. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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