Alien Queen

Chapter 1748 - Intolerable coward

The source of the sound that just sounded on the main console is the highest level of signal transmission from the main ship. In addition to the “Iron-Blood Lords” such as Patriarch Arnold, Elder Sanchez and Mondo, Mo said that other elite iron-blooded warriors operating the main ship’s operations, Even ordinary elders like Nissen do not have the authority to use this signal to communicate.

I thought that the main ship “Mosnil” had lost contact for too long. The message was sent back, and the hope that Mondo and others had just ignited was extinguished with the appearance of Derek and Jerry-normal situation Derrick and Jerry should be on the main ship “Mossnier”. In the situation that the main ship “Mossnier” faced more hostile gods than “Iron Blood”, Dai Rick and Jerry exchanged messages in a “Bee class warship”, which already explained the problem.

“Waiting for us there.”

The hope ignited in my heart and the anger just a moment ago were extinguished, and Meng Duo sighed in his heart and pressed the button to end the communication with Dairik-one cannot rule out that there is a certain traitor in the main ship “Iron Blood”. The space position of the main ship was passed to Mitchell by unknown means such as Mondo, and almost all communication devices have been shut down, even if they were all developed by elites with orthodox bloodlines who would not betray the blood and blood clan. The highest-level confidential communication device, Mondo did not want to communicate too much and was discovered by Mitchell and others in the space position of the main ship “Iron Blood”.

The maximum speed was quickly reached, and only the spatial coordinates of the coplanar group were transmitted, and the main ship “Iron Blood” would not have too many failures. The main ship that had maintained high-speed flight for a long time ended in Mondo. Derek’s communication instantly entered a “space jump” state.

Sure enough it was a bet, the “anti-matter gravity gun” was also recharged in the same time that the “space jump” was completed, and Mondo, who didn’t know where to go, was right, except for a ship that was difficult to check with the naked eye. In addition to the “Bee-class battleship” displayed on the “radar screen”, the turbulent space that has suffered the impact of the gods for half a day and the elements raged has returned to calm.

“Fly in the opposite direction from the original position of the main ship “Mosnil,” do not slow down, I want you to be vigilant at all times, and enter the space jump state in the shortest time when an anomaly occurs. Also, Check it out immediately, I want to know why the enemy knows the spatial coordinates of our two main ships, and the brain, communication system, operators, etc. all checked for me.”

Staring at the light screen, the “Bee class warship” was wrapped in the “space transfer energy beam” and turned into the main ship cabin. The spiritual power of other “Iron Blood Lords” such as Mondo and Sith also scanned the “Bee class warship” for the first time. “It was determined that only Derrick and Jerry had their existence.

In a few tens of seconds, when Mondo turned to look at the door of the main control cabin, Dairik and Jerry, who had removed their helmet masks, entered the main control cabin with a sad face.

“The main ship has not been destroyed, to be precise, it was too late to destroy.”

There was no need to ask Mondo and others to ask. While walking slowly, Derek said in a low voice: “The patriarch ordered me and Jerry to leave, but he made up his mind to die with Mitchell. All’anti-matter gravity Half of the artillery locks the space where the enemy’s main **** is, while the other half is aimed directly at all the energy centers in the main ship, including all the magic nuclear bombs in the main ship are also stacked in three energy centers. In the end, the energy defense cover could not withstand the continuous violent attacks of the twelve main gods and finally collapsed and disappeared. An invisible and inexplicably powerful attack let everyone in the main ship enter the moment before the energy defense cover collapsed. A state as if attacked by the soul…”

“What do you mean?”

Mondo’s brow furrowed, and he asked in a deep voice, “What does it mean to be’as if attacked by a soul?’ The soul-dead Lord, the strongest attacker, did not participate in the attack on the main ship’Mosnil , Who can instantly cover more than 170,000 people in the huge main ship with a soul attack?”

“It’s hard to say what kind of attack it was, and Jerry and I couldn’t figure it out, because the attack ripple visible to the naked eye ignored the energy shield that could defend against the soul attack, including the’magic alloy’, the thick cast hull did not block that The ripples invaded, and Jerry and I just returned to normal in a moment of blurred consciousness. However, all the people in our latent hatch, no matter whether they are interracial or our people, they are all weird. With the same expression, Mo said that normal communication, even spiritual communication, did not respond at all. It wasn’t until the main ship entered the space jump state that Jerry and I took the opportunity to take a’Bee class warship and left the main ship. “


Mundo looked at Derrick indifferently and asked, “Did they make the ship after the energy defense cover was destroyed? Others lost their self-awareness and were unable to extricate themselves because of the unknown and inexplicable attack. What about you? What are you doing? If you start the’anti-matter gravity gun and attack the energy center when they board the ship and in the main ship, don’t say the twelve main gods, that is, the twenty main gods can’t stand the anti-matter gravity gun, The energy impact of the attack and the energy body detonation.”

“It’s not that we are afraid of death, but because that is the order of the patriarch.”

Derek lowered his head and said in a deep voice, “The patriarch wants us to preserve our strength and meet with you. We must not violate his orders.”

“Don’t make excuses for your cowardice.”

Mondo’s tone was like the cold blade of the blade soaked in ice water: “Arnold did not expect the kind of attack you said to appear. When they can’t open the anti-matter gravity gun when they are attacked, you have to do it. It’s not hiding in a bee-class battleship, praying weakly to Mitchell that they won’t find you, you should go and start the anti-matter gravity cannon…it should even go to self-exploitation, and exchange your two lives for the twelve main **** enemies. Life, isn’t it grand and not vigorous enough?”

“I’m going, but Derek said I won’t succeed.”

The scornful eyes projected all around made the faces of Derek and Jerry pale, and the latter said, “He said, Mitchell, they will first guard the energy center. I rushed over and not detonated the energy center. Can’t start the’anti-matter gravity gun… but only expose our existence.”

“Cowardice is cowardice. It’s definitely not easy to find a member of our tribe, no matter the ordinary warrior or the main god, to find a cowardly person like you.”

Mondo stared at Dairik coldly, and said in a cold voice: “The most dangerous juncture is also the best opportunity, but because of your weakness, we missed a chance to kill so many gods. Dairik, You are the biggest shame our Mosnil has ever had.”

“Order, the reason why our iron-blooded family is invincible is that we are all fighters who unconditionally follow any order…”

The extremely pale Dairik lowered his head and tried to defend: “I just follow the order of the patriarch…”

“Cowards like you, more is a scourge, but less is a good thing.”

Mondo interrupted Dairik’s pale and weak excuses coldly, and at the same time, his body flashed forward to Dairik without warning.

Startled, whether Mondeau was for Liwei or really out of anger, Derek thought he would reprimand him at most, but at this moment he felt the murderousness that could not be ignored as Mondoon flashed to the front. Surge came over, where the terrified Dairik was willing to catch his hand, and the “wrist knife” ejected between the arms of the unthinking slammed straight into the gray chest of death on the chest. ‘S hole was slammed into it.

It’s purely an instinct to survive. The Iron-Blood family has no more powerful combat power than it is now. Derek didn’t expect Mundo to kill him, otherwise he won’t be back. The ship, however, when Mondo suddenly assassinated the killer, Derek had no choice but to let him take his life. The instinct to survive made him kill the heavily injured Mondo regardless of the consequences.

The power was pinched to an extremely subtle level. Mundo was obviously worried that the violent main power collision would destroy the main control cabin. The left arm could not move freely, and the right arm squeezed the right fist. He did not have any dexterity. The trick lightningly avoided Derrick’s wrist knife and slammed into his left fist.


Mondo’s fist is that McGee, which is a fusion of the “Earth Law of the Earth”, has one punch in the fist, not to mention that the combat strength or defense is not as good as McGee’s Dairik, and his left fist is violently detonated Together with his left wrist, he was easily smashed by Mondo, but his right wrist knife was slanted with a black spear tip slanted in the air, and it sparked a gorgeous spark in the The retreating body was split by two “wrist knives” who had been waiting behind Darrick, and the green blood fountain was sprayed from the shoulder hole in Darrick’s lost arms. Occleville cut off Derek’s arms, while Jerry, who returned to the main ship “Iron Blood” with Derek, punched a heavy punch on the former’s back, vomiting blood in his mouth and finally began to beg for fear When Darik was struck by great force, he slammed into Mondo, who stood indifferently in front of him.

With one punch, Darik’s begging for fear was incoherent. The space flashed by Mondona’s black light right fist swelled with waves of excitement, and the terrible power knocked Dairik’s head into fragments. The violent dark master divine power is to strike his soul together into invisible.

The lips moved slightly, and the special combination of sound waves that were not affected by the vacuum in any space, plus the command of the mind, was still in the shape of “Jace”, with the permission of Mondo. “Terminator” just burst into a large piece of **** minced meat like a self-detonation.

Every piece of minced meat is like having life, every drop of blood is like having soul consciousness, and it has not spread to anyone else. All the blood and minced meat completely covered Dairik’s headless body and cavity in the shortest time. The main **** divine core spouting with the blood spring in his mouth.

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