Alien Queen

Chapter 175 - Step into the ruins

“At the foot of Daojun Mountain, a booster basket was added ten meters behind the two shadows. Even though he didn’t catch his breath, the two shadows didn’t notice his presence. The tattered leather armor was bare on the skin. Covered with gray hair gold, a bronze axe that seemed to be no less than a hundred pounds and covered with gaps was carried on his shoulders. The two men were about one and nine meters tall, and they looked very strong.

“Are you going to the ruins? Waiting for me, Li Junshan shouted in a hoarse dark swamp language and ran slightly to catch up.

The two shadows felt abnormal. Before turning the body around, the axe was held in his hands and he jumped away in vain. He turned and turned to look at Li Junshan in fear.

The general shape of these two monsters has a peculiar appearance unique to the dark swamp creatures, and the gray eyes covered with clusters of gray hair gold and black eyes show a vigilant and uneasy look. The chest exposed on the body outside the leather armor is covered with strong muscles, and the muscles on the arms are high and bulging, and it looks full of terrible explosive force.

“Who are you? The orangutan on the left opened his mouth and asked how many fangs Jin showed.

“I am a Loser King or I am here for the first time in Ruins and want to be a partner with two partners. Boom Li Junshan only feels a little stiff in his face, struggling to squeeze a smile and take his steps.

“Losier? Have you heard of Ali Jin? Bo Jinxian said, maybe Li Junshan was not as good as their tall body. The lethality of Jin was much easier. He dragged his battle axe and looked at his companion.

The orangutan named “Ali.” had never heard of the “Loser” who came out of the mouth of Li Junshan. Booming, scratching the messy head, Ni fell a large flake of snow-like dandruff.

“I haven’t heard Ali talking. There is a grin on his face. His eyes were fixed on the burden on Li Junshan’s back.

“Hobby, let’s talk to him to see what’s in his baggage.

Li Junshan was a little crying and laughing at the people who lived in this place all year round. Jin naturally was not very hospitable, but Li Junshan didn’t expect to say a few words before meeting him. The rotten burden of gold revealing a few pieces of worn fur attracted these two monsters.

“Hawah” Biao Ni, the orangutan named “Habi”, apparently agreed with his companion’s proposal, dragging his axe and striding towards Li Junshan.

Li Junshan disguised himself in the low-key disguise and naturally didn’t want to make a fuss. When he saw the other person with unscrupulous smiles, he walked over to Jin and knew that he would have to start again.

As a strong half-ape popular, Habi is confident that with an axe, he looks like a thin and muscular “Loselle” in front of him. He splits it in half. He has carefully observed it, if this. Thin. “The Niel of the Loser will magically bombard, so there must be a staff in his hand. This is also the consensus and characteristics of all magical intelligent creatures in the dark swamp.

Like the human world, in the dark swamps, I have kept enough vigilance and fear for the magical people. Jin Li Junshan blasted in the eyes of Habi. Xu is just an unarmed inferior person who lives here.

When he walked up to Li Junshan, who was scared in his eyes, the cruel bloodthirsty eyes in the hobbit’s black eyes gradually raised his left hand and grabbed the axe handle swaying from his right hand. .


A black light flashed through, and Habi only realized that the power of a light gold arm in his hand almost made him fall to the ground gradually, staring at the severed axe handle in his hand. Ni Banyan looked down and saw a light white on the chest and hair. The mark gradually turned into a red line and oozed out a blood collection of gold, but he could not feel the pain. Habi’s face was incredible.

“Aw, Ni Ali still doesn’t know what happened. He seems to see a black light flashing out and the younger “Loser.” Boom still licked his body but didn’t seem to move the gold, and saw his companion Habi axe fell aside and stood still. Ali, the half-ape man who was not very smart, shouted. Carrying an axe, he rushed over.

With a violent swing in his legs, Habi rolled his eyes with a thump, “Punch, gradually, and straight back to the ground. Ali only rushed over to the gold with his axe at this time. Even if an idiot felt wrong, Ni Kuli’s “Aoao” The sound came to a halt. Suddenly stopped his steps.

Li Junzhi. Looking up at Ali, Ni latter only realized that the cold chill of the blade and the cold neck was scraped by the blade. If not, there was still a little bit of anxiety about the companion Ni Ali who wanted to withdraw his leg and ran.

“Get up? Bang Ni Li Junshan stretched his foot and kicked the hobbit. The half ape thought he was cut in half by the black light he cut. Hearing this, he didn’t feel any pain in his body. Kim Habi quickly climbed. Up and up and down and touched gold to make sure that it was only cut by the skin to cut a trace of gold.

“Dear Master Jin Habi, thank you for showing mercy to your servant, and showing a humble face. He often sways around the ruins and gradually has some insight into gold. Although I don’t know what method Li Junshan used to hurt himself, Jin understands that he is with him. Compared to Jin Tiandi.

“Where am I an adult? Li Junshan gradually “smirked, and he shook his hands hoarsely with a dark hand and said: “Are you going to the ruins?”

Habi nodded again and again, pointing half of the axe handle in the northeast direction and said, “Just walk over there for another half day. Is the adult going to change things?

“I don’t have anything to change, but I have accumulated a few pieces of old fur gold. I have been listening to people saying that there is lively gold in the ruins and I want to see it.

“Sir, you’re a small value. Now the ruins are more lively than before. I heard that the Emperor Huijun’s most shielded soldiers were recruiting their own soldiers. But Ali and I wanted to see the fun.

“Recruiting your own soldiers? You don’t want to try it? Bang Ni

“Adults can really make fun of you, and you can see that the big talents like the king and the big guys like me and Ali can’t get in, and people have to get out and habi bend over and smile with a smile.

“I won’t be able to get on the countertop either of these two times. Li Junshan shook his head and picked up the axe that Habi dropped on the ground. He passed it and said, “Let’s go and go and see the excitement.

Habi picked up the bustly and hurriedly answered, not daring to walk in front of Li Junshan. Jin pulled a little inexplicably. Ali took a step back and followed Li Junshan with a passionate introduction to some of the ruins. Golden eyes but He couldn’t stop leaning on the burden on his back.

“It’s such a powerful skill that a few pieces of old fur, Ni Undead, don’t believe it. The hobbit thought of Ni Kou Ruoxuanhe’s wine, and he could see that it was very talkative.

In this way, the three people walked for one and two days and more than half a day. Through the description of Habi, Li Junshan gradually had a basic understanding of the ruins. Jin is a trading market based on the deterrent of dry bone management. These people can basically get there. In exchange for anything he needs, of course, only limited to the unique things in the dark swamp. “Adult Kim carefully watched the two black mountains flowing in the distance, which flowed into the red molten river, and Habi whispered to Li Junshan: “There are many mean thieves on the edge of the ruins. The lord will not pay attention to the things outside the ruins. These people can steal gold if they can, and they can’t steal it and stay here all the year round.

“Oh. Zhijun Li looked at him gradually with his eyes, afraid of attracting the attention of a lurking strong man, but he didn’t even dare to send it out of his mind. He walked unhurriedly behind him. .

Habi and Ali are unclear, so the strong in the dark swamp will always be respected by the people. Besides, at their level, there is nothing to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. How powerful they are, they can’t wait to write on their faces. Although they don’t know Why did Li Junshan hang behind them but they didn’t ask to know it.

Probably because of the residual iron pieces, I don’t know how many people are lurking around the ruins. The thieves may have been “cleaned up”. The three of Li Junshan approached the mountain gradually, but they did not encounter the so-called humanoid creatures that the thieves gradually grew together. It was a lot.

With the appearance of two half-ape people getting along with Li Junshan, although some strange gold attracted a lot of curious eyes, no one doubted it.

Stepped into the ruins without fear. Li Junshan called out a breath of gold in his heart. He originally thought that it had been surrounded by copper walls and iron walls, but he didn’t think it was the same as before. Human beings are endlessly lively.

“Boneless bones will definitely not know whether it will be a roar, or will not recruit any personal soldiers. It’s just that I can’t figure it out. If the gold skull and Asmore’s statement are true, it seems that it will be more than half a month to say less here. Twenty days later, why didn’t I start to make money for Qiang Jin instead of staying around and waiting for him?

Li Junshan’s eyes whispered all over the gold heart. Even if he didn’t use psychopath to detect the surroundings and gradually walked down for hundreds of meters due to the modified body and spiritual perception by the alien gene, he keenly felt that there were more than a dozen people lurking around and those who could converge the breath did not feel The masters who arrived did not know how many.

The rubble is literally full of ruins. Those thick stone columns and crooked walls are scattered in a hundred acres of space. Although the eroded gold ruins after thousands of years can still see the glory and hugeness of the past.

The ruins are filled with all kinds of bizarre humanoid creatures. Jin Zhi makes Li Junshan dizzy with the messy blood veins that can be seen everywhere in the dark ruler. After so many years, Jin wonders how many strange and strange creatures have emerged from Jin. I am afraid that these humanoid creatures even connect them. I don’t even know what to call The skeleton of the animal skin, the rusty weapon protection, the strange herbs, the flowers and stones like the flowers, the low-level Warcraft crystal nucleus, the domesticated darkness Swamp creature

Li Junshan followed behind Habi and Ali and opened his eyes. He also saw a crowd of people selling stalls with sharp-angled gray-skinned elf women. Those tuned-up gray elf women were covered with a few pieces. The simple fur blasted out the four protruding bodies and slammed under the whip of a great man like an orc tiger. The gold made various lewd movements to tease the nerves of the audience.

Habi and Ali watched the drool, Li Junshan also pretended to be a hungry monkey, and suddenly felt a terrible breath. He turned back to the air subconsciously.

Li Junshan’s eyes brightened with just one glance.

A flying Warcraft Ni came from the direction of the volcano in the air. Its length was more than five meters. At first glance, it looked like a silver lion with wings. It didn’t see clearly until its flight approached Li Junshan. Its body surface was covered with thick Thick silver scales flank the neck but still retain a large piece of yellowish mane. A pair of black wings over three meters fan the gusty wind, and the tail of the World of Warcraft sprays a thick white air like frost and mist with a giant whip tail. He flew over to the trading market.

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