Alien Queen

Chapter 1767 - Pure instinct

It’s been a long time since I played.

The **** and small black with the alien queen’s consciousness, and their god-like strength, their dark-skinned bone plate scales are like the “black iron” flashing the grits of the grits.

The “Bimeng Alien”, which is no longer as shiny as before, has also achieved the power of the gods. Whether it is the restrained dark golden bone plate scales or the long dark golden long hair, including a pair of forelimbs with sharp edges A hundred inches of “golden claws”, three twins, plus a “Bimon Alien” obtained from the orcs in the “Elf Garden” in the plane of the Arabian mainland in the early days of Li Junshan. A total of four gods “Bimon Alien” look It’s all like a metal puppet with a strong and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

“Tyrant” waved ten tentacles like a giant python and stirred the space for a shock. The bowl-shaped suction cups all over the thick tentacles were like a creeping sensational giant mouth. The huge strange kiss of his temperament “Tyrannosaurus” trembles sharply with a sharp “hiss” sound, plus the King Kong holding the giant fist and the thundercloud storm in his eyes, these three have not opened the ocean for some time. The violent combination of the gods and the alien form is almost maddened by the soul of war.

The three “desperate snakes” did not show their thick and long bodies, just like the three strange black and cyan snakes, their backs bowed slightly on the smooth skull of the “Black Fire Wing Demon” But it was ready to flash out at any time.

Along with “Black Fire Wing Demon”, there are also “Aeolus Pterosaur Alien” and “Fire Cloud Chipeng Alien”. The three magic damage outputs are not the top but they are enough to instantly hit a peak position. The busy gods who have completely disrupted their rhythms have a variety of magic patterns on their bodies, which is enough to show that they are ready to fight against any enemy and reflect their exciting and exciting fighting intentions.

Then there is the alien born from the dragon’s host. It is worthy of being the most powerful and the best growing creature in “Warcraft”, except for the original two “metal dragon aliens” and one “color dragon” and “blue” “Dragon”, “Red Dragon”, “Silver Dragon” and the two “sacred dragons” are alien. However, there are two “Frosty Dragon Alien” and two “Magic Dragon Alien” that have broken through to the power of God.

These are all aliens born from the dragon’s host, not the **** dragon. The twelve murderous **** dragons spread their teeth and dance their claws. Such battles, coupled with their excellent and cruel fighting skills, powerful anti-magic and defensive capabilities, and superb magic skills, Li Junshan has no doubt that they can solve the number of doubles they are without reservation. .

Hovering under the dragon alien group is the “Deep Ocean Blue Ring Octopus Alien”, this alien that has successfully reached the power of the **** is also second only to the fantastic body of the “Colorful Dragon Alien”, the original body surface is flashing The Blue Ring Mage has now been solidified to its blue crystal-like surface bone plate scale armor, plus the strange and powerful breath of power on the blue ring Mage that is oscillating in the void, this ” The deep-sea blue-ring octopus abnormity’s powerful magic shock is no less than that of any giant dragon abnormity.

Furthermore, it is “Alien Beast”.

The head of the “nether beast alien” born with the super nether beast obtained by Li Junshan on the ground of the “dark swamp” in the plane of the Arabian continent. , “The bloodthirsty scorpion dragon alien” and so on, the violent, cruel, bloodthirsty and fierce enthusiasm of the seventeen “nether beast aliens” with the power of God is equivalent to launching a wave of never-ending souls attack.

Of course, what attracted the most attention was the battleship-like “Terasquib Monster Alien” and the usual hill-like appearance. However, in front of the former, there was more than one “Blue Whale Alien”, both of which were powerful. The behemoths are as proud of their horrible body as they have no intention of becoming smaller. Suspended above all aliens, they are enough to cover the sky.


I just couldn’t see it at all. This does not include the twin alien gods that Li Junshan stayed in the least problematic plane of Aran and the help of Xiao Niu Overwatch, that is, Li Junshan, who has always known that his own alien **** has reached an astonishing number, sees these grievances in front of him. When fighting monsters, he was a little bit of animal blood boiling when he was excited.

It was too late to order or arrange. In fact, there was no need for this plan and this need. While releasing a large number of alien gods, I heard the “rumbling sound” before looking up. However, Li Junshan already knew that the “Dragon Class Warship” equipped with the “Magic Shock Bomb” had the most lethal and terrifying attack-the attack of the “Magic Kinetic Orbital Gun” had blasted down.

I only realized that time and space produced instantaneous confusion and distortion. When Li Junshan recovered, he was pulled by the alien queen and retreated into the void thousands of kilometers away-the speed of the main **** once again opened his eyes. For God, the “Magic Kinetic Orbital Cannon” attack energy beam that had been hacked to the top of your head when you saw it was still blasting to the space position just now. Obviously, you need to be outside the battle. The speed of Li Jun directly produced the illusion that it used the legendary “time magic” to make time stand still at the moment.

The thick long tail throws a dragon’s meat ball up. When all the aliens on the field can’t avoid but are quickly and eccentrically gathered together, they are not fast enough to “split aliens” Straight up the huge tail bone of the huge “Terasquib Monster Alien” was rolled up and violently thrown into the sky, and the wing wings were completely contrary to the laws of physics. The “Aeolus Pterosaur Alien” was shot toward the sky. A “floating light glance” auxiliary magic that completely ignores the resistance of air and space is blessed on the “split alien” that is rapidly expanding.

A thunderous blast was heard, and the “split alien” that expanded in an instantaneously inflated body hit the beam of attack energy of the “magic kinetic energy orbital gun” in the air, and when the “split alien” flesh When the huge body like a ball was easily bombarded into a sky of blood and blood…


The vast void suddenly shuddered. However, this is not due to the energy and ripple collision generated by the “Magic Kinetic Orbital Gun” attack energy beam and the “split alien” impact, because the energy and ripples that have collided from the void in Li Junshan’s sight have not yet Dispersed, and the faster and more violent “Magic Motion Orbital Cannon” attack energy beam appeared to be bombarded into a group of the gods that gathered tightly into the tumbling void without much impact.

It disappeared out of thin air, and somehow it instantly teleported to a “black space” on the “space alien” on the right side of Li Junshan’s thousand kilometers of space. The large amount of alien gods gathered together disappeared from the shock to the sudden stagnation of the space.

A large amount of white mist rises, almost as a large number of alien gods disappear, and the thick beam of energy slams into the sea like an arrow. After the energy ripples generated by the previous collision dissipated, a deep sinkhole appeared in the fierce tumbling straight water like the boiling water surface, and a huge wave of the ravaged waves roared towards all directions.

Even bigger and more amazing than the roar of the waves is the loud noise of the explosion of “Magic Nuclear Bombs”, which was sent to the Alien Alien Legion above the two “Dragon Class Warships” by the “space transfer” magic of “space aliens” to be autonomous The most tacit understanding of the most coordinated way of attacking, when the attack was violently and violently attacked, because of the shock of the space and the impact of the energy ripples, the dumplings did not know that some of the hundreds of “magic nuclear bombs” collided together and exploded, triggering a chain explosion. , From the hundreds of meters below the “Dragon Class Warship” all the way to the void on the sea surface was completely struck by the terrible energy shock wave into the most primitive chaotic void, a terrible “black hole” is rapidly forming.

“Don’t let the energy radiation generated by the explosion of some magic nuclear bombs disperse.”

The sea breeze blew towards the continent where the “Elven Garden” was located. Li Junshan did not forget the damage caused by the terrible energy radiation produced by the “Magic Nuclear Bomb” after he dived into the base of the “Iron Spread” Jagged family.

The alien queen did not speak. She bent her bone fingers of her right foreleg with a ruthless appearance, and as it lightly clicked on the spreading black hole, it suddenly collapsed and restrained. The resulting more violent gravity combined with the suction of the space turbulence itself. Regardless of the invisible energy radiation or the tangible energy collision ripples, they are as fast as the Baichuan returning to the sea, and they have quickly entered the “black hole”.

The space quickly recovered as usual, but the vast void no longer saw any anomalies when the “black hole” disappeared for a few seconds, and the two “dragon-class warships” that were about to enter their maximum speed were completely attacked by the alien army of the gods. Dragged in that void.

One of the ships could no longer see the appearance of the “Dragon Class Battleship”. The continuous magical bombardment of the twelve murderous giant dragons’ aliens has tremored the energy defense shield outside the ship, but it was not waiting. The energy shields were completely defeated by them. Seventeen gods “Nether Beast Alien” can’t wait to rush up and completely cover the entire “Dragon Class Warship”.

Compared with excellent magical means, the naked and violent attack is obviously more like these aliens born with fierce and brutal beasts as their hosts. They prefer to fight with their own flesh, and the “fluffy” crit is mixed. With their excited roaring and roaring, violently slamming with their tail bones, slamming with their hyoid bones, and even hitting them with their hard skulls, the violent physical attacks of the seventeen gods “nether beast aliens” made the “Dragon class warship” “The kinetic energy itself is not enough to support the flight of its huge ship hull, but it slanted toward the sea with the energy defense cover almost collapsed.

Not just one-sided attacks. At least the “Dragon-class battleship” can hurt the God Alien Corps, but the dense energy cannons around the hull can still hurt the God-shaped alien, especially the transparent “lookout” on the huge “Dragon-class battleship” that roared from high altitude. After the head of a monstrous beast with a diameter of ten meters away was found above the window, when the “ultrasonic magic sound cannons” that were not clear to the gods and Li Junshan were attacked by the violent vibrations, they were difficult for the naked eye. During the discriminating ultrasonic attack, the seventeen “nether beast aliens” crawling on the ship’s hull all screamed to tear the eardrums, or the huge and thin body seemed to be blown off in the rapid tremor Bounced off the hull.

The most seriously injured was the “Blood Scorpion Dragon Alien”. Li Junshan, the alien beast obtained from the ancient trainer ancient wind in the underworld, did not have any deep impression at all. The thin and narrow body flicked the tail bone with a barb and appeared in the “ultrasonic magic sound gun”. Shi was violently burrowing straight into the muzzle of the black hole. He was completely hit by the ultrasonic waves on the front, and the green blood spring spouted from his fine kiss.

“Ultrasonic attack!”

The invisible and terrifying ultrasonic waves dispersed rapidly in all directions around the “Dragon Class Warship”. Rao Shi Li Junshan was already a “pseudo-lord”, but when the ultrasonic waves were dispersed in the space where he was. The skin that was bare or covered by the elemental robe was like being stabbed by ten thousand needles, and the eardrums of both ears were extremely tingling. But even the soul is dizzy with pain.

But it’s just a sudden difference. When the transparent crystal nucleus in the weak soul in Li Junshan’s spiritual sea flashed through a streamer, removing the extreme tingling of the body surface and eardrum, Li Junshan’s spiritual power and soul no longer have any Abnormalities exist.

“How can they be violent and brutal!”

Seeing that the “nether beast aliens” who were obviously tingling their souls and a little mad, did not wait for the negative impact of the “ultrasonic” attack to eliminate them and rushed to the “Dragon class warship” for a violent attack. Although the “Nether Beast Alien” felt the shock of the magic energy and tried to avoid the muzzle position of the “Magic Kinetic Orbital Gun” in an instant, he was still scratched by the energy beam of light on the left side of the body. Even though it sturdily used the tail tip to puncture the pits that were indented but did not break apart, Li Junshan couldn’t bear to say in his spiritual exchange: “Follow us to destroy the energy defense hood of the main ship In the same way, so many **** aliens use a magical frenzy to first destroy the energy defense cover of the’Dragon Class Warship’ and then destroy it. It’s like playing. Why are they just violently doing it?”

“If we face the Iron-Blood main ship in the future, we will face more “Dragon class warships” and more powerful energy artillery attacks on the main ship. You think these gods have time to go one by one and slowly use magic to go Bombardment? Magic and physical attack will destroy the energy defense cover faster, so they have to get used to fighting warships and how to cooperate to be more efficient. I give them absolute autonomy in this war The right to freedom, what way to choose how to fight it is their business.”

The alien queen’s tone is still so indifferent: “Now minor injuries and even deaths are under consideration. Only in this way can they reduce the number of deaths and injuries in the decisive battle with the Iron-Blood family in the near future.”

A terrible wave of “magic energy” made a large abrupt flash of special-shaped abutments on the “dragon class warship”, and had tried their best to avoid the muzzle of the “magic kinetic energy rail gun” they locked, but it was dangerous. The sensitive aliens are tough and fearless, and they are not fools who do not know life and death, but when they make a lot of space in front of and behind the ship hull…

A dazzling white light suddenly flashed in front of the battleship. After being ejected by the battleship and out of the energy defense cover, the white light group with a diameter of 5 or 6 meters flew out of the sky for a few tens of meters. The white light dots flew in all directions like a storm, and the instantaneous high temperature in the space made the sea water hundreds of meters directly boil.

A “metal dragon alien” saved more other alien gods. It was still evading in front of it. It seemed to clearly feel that this terrible energy artillery attack was not something they could evade and withstand. The dragon’s body stretched out and expanded. But it did not hesitate to circle the exploding light mass directly inside the body.

The body was shot directly into a sieve. The defense of the “Metal Dragon Alien”, even after the “Bimon Alien”, was shot into the sieve by the “Magic Plasma” that the Lord God could not forgive the damage, especially the large amount of the terrible high temperature. When the penetrating wound began to expand rapidly, the “Metal Dragon Alien” stretched weakly and fell to the sea.

It is not comparable to the wisdom biological magic defense and physical defense capabilities, even if those “magic energy plasmas” are not left in the However, the “metal dragon alien” is shot with its own body The speed slowed down, while other aliens used the “Dragon Class Warship” as a shield to avoid it in time.

Using his own body to block the “magic energy plasma” with a terrible high temperature attack. The “Metal Dragon Alien” almost used his life to avoid the harm of other aliens. Li Junshan, who was straight-hearted and enthusiastic, believed that any alien would make the same choice at such a juncture.

When the idea moved, the “metal dragon alien” nearly two kilometers away was brought back into the “spiritual world”. The thick and sticky mushroom blanket immediately surrounded its body. I felt that it was not dead but I couldn’t see it. There are signs of being alive. Li Junshan, who is in pain for a while, is sure that he will never die in his “spiritual world”. He finally feels a little loose-even if it takes longer and longer to recover, even At that time, it is not important that the war with the Iron-Blood family has ended. This “Metal Dragon Alien” has done everything it can. It has used its own body or life to make more aliens aware of the Iron Blood. The horror of a family of energy weapons.

This is alien. No matter what kind of situation, as long as you sacrifice one to get more of the same kind of survival, they will do it without consideration. This is nothing about courage, glory, etc. This is just instinct, pure. instinct. Your support at this site is my biggest motivation. )

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