Alien Queen

Chapter 191 - Huoyun Chipeng

Where to call! “Wanhu!”

Two black shadows were flying anxiously in the sky. Gold, big and small, and small, agile and agile. They could not trace the traces like teleportation; the big force Shen Wuxiao, the wind, and the gold clenched the little one. Shadow, but not slow. These two black shadows are the ruins of Xiaohei and Heiwuyi Mojin, which are not close to Somani’s territory, the Devil City. Li Junshan and the boneless bone have been real for a day and night, but gold is still half a day away.

Long-distance flight is not a problem for the bones, although gold is not a problem, but it has to consume the power of the soul. Li Junshan rides with him to ride the little black bomb day and night to the Devil City.

“What is the place of the abyss? I heard you said that there was only a holy order of warcraft there?”

Xiaohe’s degree has increased several times compared to the original. The strong winds in the rush flight became straight as if vigorously pumped in the face. His body was naturally uncomfortable, not to mention the dry bones.

“The abyss is the core of the dark swamp. Ni Na was originally a huge valley. It is said that it is comparable to the area of ​​a human city. Ni lives in many nine-level Warcraft, and the gold that governs these nine-level Warcraft is a holy. Domain Warcraft Fire Cloud Chipeng.”

“Huoyun Chipeng?” Li Junshan felt strange for a while, thinking to himself: “There are Pengs in these circles?”

“Adult Bang Chipeng is a Holy Order Warcraft, but few people have seen it for thousands of years. Their larvae have the strength of the Seventh and Eighth Level Warcraft. When they reach adulthood, they are Holy Order Warcraft. The domain summoner must find a way to summon the fire cloud Chipeng who can only use the dragon as food, so there is no place in the world where adults can’t go.”

“You haven’t seen it with your own eyes. You can’t imagine its powerful gold. Its body is like a hill. The dark golden feathers that are all over the body. Each one has the sword of the Kambian artifact. The flames it emits can Burning everything, no matter whether the sharp beak or the iron claw is gradually the hardest metal, it can also be torn apart. It gradually becomes a red-red cloud when flying.”

“Is it too exaggerated?” Li Junshan interrupted the dead bone chatter and said: “If it is as big as the mountain like the big abyss of Warcraft like you said, there is enough gold to eat it. There are many 9th-level Warcraft in the abyss. Gradually fire Yun Chipeng to eat Ni Nilai’s ninth-level Warcraft?”

After a while, he said: “Aren’t you familiar with Holy Order Warcraft?”

Withered bone did not hear Li Junshan’s answer. I didn’t ask Kim any more, and said: “Once you reach Warcraft, you can eat dozens or hundreds of gold at a time or you can’t eat it for decades, just like the legendary human saints who closed themselves up and meditated. Domain powers blasting all kinds of breaths and elemental blasts in the air can nourish their bodies like food.”

“Have you seen it with your own eyes?”

“There is no gold, but Fire Cloud Chipeng occasionally flew out of the abyss and gradually flew outside. It drove the body of the fire cloud in the sky. It was the most striking in the dark swamp. Many people have seen it.”

Li Junshan was in deep contemplation, he could imagine the powerful bombardment of this holy order of Warcraft Fire Cloud Chi Peng had originally seen the holy order of Warcraft blood eyed golden amber when he was in the Scarlet Valley. “Donald” had to show the true shape and gradually became arrogant.

Not to mention that in his original world, Dapeng, the biological gold straight creature described by him, may be exaggerated, but it is a bit exaggerated, but in this world full of “monsters”, the strength of Dapeng is not necessary. Be suspicious.

“Such a host is so good. It’s harder to think of it as a parasitic bomb.” Li Junshan felt helpless.

“Adult Kim is here.”

Spiritual exchange heard dry bone saying gradually Li Junshan looked up and looked forward to the ground

Through the layers of black fog, Li Junshan saw the so-called Alcatraz City not far away from the sky.

The ruined city walls cover the dilapidated walls, and you can vaguely see that the outline gold is a city of about 1,000 acres in size. Everywhere in the city is a tattered house, occasionally seeing a few tall stone pillars and building gold piercing a great shore and pride in the dark misty sky.

What Li Junshan did not cover up this time was the idea of ​​making a high-profile debut and making a name for himself. Xiaohei is far away from the sound of a dragon.

“Roar!” Before Long Yin disappeared, Li Junshan saw hundreds of shadows running in a panic in the Devil City panic.

“Adult bombing Somani is dead and there is no threat in Bosphorus. You are watching him, and your subordinates will clear the obstacles for you.”

After talking, the dry bone flashed from the small black back into the air. Li Junshan did not agree with Jin, and he did not dare to move. He floated quietly on the side of the black body.

“This is the first battle gold that made you famous, and those who refused to succumb, and they beat hard, even if they are not convinced, they have to take the gold and then do these methods of Enwei, saying that you are far better than me. “Communication” Li Junshan said to the dry bone in the spirit exchange.

“Lady rest assured that metal knows how to do it.”

“Good gold, let me go for you.”

“Hoo!” Withered bone no longer hesitated to slam the metal body with the sound of wind, and Jin rushed towards the Devil City with fierce momentum. The thick black mist above the Jincheng was like the surface of the water.

“Dark bone gold, don’t you dare to do evil in the realm of the city, our Lord Lord is mixed with a thick but somewhat panic voice, and there are two blue wind blades that are as large as the size of the grinding disc. Cut it over.

“You dare to do it to me too.” At this time, the dry bone was like a demon **** slamming his body, and he did not avoid the vain air that had been vain. Immediately dissipated in the air, not to mention slashing the dead bones, but his body could not even divide his hair.

“Bang!” The boneless body fell to the ground. There was a scream immediately, followed by more than a dozen. The black shadow or vertical or flying gold passed away from the castle in all directions.

“It seems that the bombardment is only the level of holy law. Some even worse gold can’t resist a few tricks in front of the dry bone.” Li Junshan rode on the little black back and flew above the battlefield.

If it was a battle of this level before. Li Junshan may seem fascinated. I’ve seen “Donald” and the blood-eyed golden ape since I’ve played it, and I’ve just seen Fear Walker challenge the ravaged nine major lords with his own strength. Now I’m bored after watching a few bangs in the air.

Dry bones spewed out a tongue of fire and forced the two magicians to retreat, disrupting their magical casting and gradually turning the body into a sword. Punching and kicking like light and gold will instantly: Yeah. Weird warriors with sharp weapons tipped to the ground.

“Don’t you dare to resist even if Somani is dead!”

Withered bones at this time are like the previous fear walkers, Jin Jinzhanweiwei.

“If I give you a chance, if Jin surrenders to me, spare you immortal gold, then dare to rebel” Ni Kugu, who shouted, vainly transformed into a residual image, flashed to a “Wow” with a nail stick, and rushed in front of the bull head monster, In his frightened eyes, Ni Yiquan smashed his head.

“Hoo!” A round, blood-red bead flew out of the mouth of the dry bone, hanging over the corpse of the bull-headed monster, and smelt a black mist from his corpse, seeming to be torn by the force, and the black mist was hidden into a human shape. The horrible “Woo” sound gold was instantly thrown into the blood beads.

“Blood Soul Orb.” I don’t know who among the remaining thirteen people recognized Jin Hao greatly shouted: Where is the Blood Soul Orb of the War Demon. “

“Don’t say that the mad war demon bomb is the same as Somani who was beaten into a red powder bomb and contributed his own colorful crystal nuclear bomb devil armor. The fear walker disappeared into the dark swamp. Since the abyss The death and injury of the top ten lord of the South, the dead and wounded Devil Barto and Zahira, are not in the climate. I will find them sooner or later.

Looking at the dozen of Sommani’s men who were frightened and uncomfortable, Bone Bone coldly hummed and said: “From today onwards, south of the Golden Abyss. All of them are my Bone Bone King’s territory. Devil City is my number one War, do you fall or not?”

“call out!”

Withered bones and voice nets slammed into the soul of the soul of blood. Suddenly flying to the golden beads above everyone’s head, there seemed to be tens of thousands of undead souls screaming like gold, driving the field full of eerie atmosphere. The dozen people only felt that there was an invisible force tearing their souls, and dare to hesitate under the horror. Fall to the ground together.

“We are willing to surrender to the king.”

The people in the dark swamp, there is no loyal and loyal generation. Jin Quan relies on the strong rule of Ni Somani and the Bull Devil. The core of the two demonic cities leads to the bones and troubles the gold. They don’t see them. The gold bones kill and come back to bomb these people. Convinced of the boneless words, I do not doubt where Jin dares to resist.

What’s more important is that Xiao Hei in the sky naturally feels the horror of Xiao Hei. It’s not far from the dead bone. In this situation, the resistance is only futile. For them, it is irrelevant for them to bombard the lord. It is important that they save their lives.


As soon as the little black wings landed on the ground, Li Junshan leaped from his back, and Jin looked unexpectedly at the blood-soul bead that flew into the dry bone mouth. With the bone, the strength of this blood soul bead increased greatly. Li Junshan said to the bone in the spirit exchange: “Let them take us to the treasure room of Somani. It shows that there is no spiritual life in the spirit life without physical bombs. I can’t believe that for so many years he has searched for some unknown ruins. There are no good things. “

“Where are all the treasures that Somani searched for?” The boneless voice sounded.

“The king is very popular, in the city, in a secret room,” a monster with a horse face trembled.

“Leave me all the way.” The bare bones waved their hands and watched them walk through the city and wait until Li Junshan stepped in the city and walked with gold. This followed him. “Master, King.” The monster with a horse face is obviously very jealous, and he wants to give a good impression to King. Jin is a few steps behind and shows a flattering smile to Li Junshan. Jin ignores him and hangs him next to the dead bone. Said: “There is an artifact gold in that chamber that Somani recovered from a ruin”

“Artifact!” Li Junshan happily turned around and stared at the monster anxiously: “What artifact?”

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