Alien Queen

Chapter 4 - Summoning is the key

Fatt understood today why Fenghuo Town looked a bit deserted yesterday. It turns out that most people ran to the Moon Moon Mountains to hunt Warcraft, and some mercenaries protected several teams of merchants to the Lance Empire. Just like the appointment, all came back today.

   Anna’s tavern was squeezed, saying that it is a tavern, that is, some rough rye wine, most of them came for the unique spicy hot. The vegetable washer and Fatere, who came to run the hall, could not cope with it.

  More than 3,000 skewers were sold out in the afternoon. Some mercenaries and adventurers who rushed over did not eat them, and left in a huff. Several new adventurers who had just arrived in Fenghuo Town wanted to lose their temper because they hadn’t eaten, and they were thrown into the street by a few people without waiting for a few words of scolding.

   “The eyes are polished, this pub has a wooden board, so you have to make up your bones.” A strong man grinned and added a foot to the adventurous face of the adventurer.

“Uncle Huck.” Li Junshan bit a bunch of chicken and asked, “Why didn’t you see Xilu come today?” Fatt beside him was holding a pot of hot dishes, eating leisurely, and wearing a magic robe It has been changed for a long time.

   “The kid came to eat spicy hot yesterday, and I didn’t know how to bring me a few skewers. Today, I was kept at home to practice, and I have to eat the remaining dozens of meals.” Huck said with a smile.

   “No breath.” Anna jumped out and kicked a moaning rookie a few steps away, and the spit in the mouth sprayed Huck’s face.

   “I said Huck, you are a lifeless thing. The hot and spicy things of Xilu were replaced with your own skills. You can eat it if you want to eat, and I am afraid that the old lady will not receive money to move things in your house.”

  Hack had a black thread, and he didn’t dare to quit, and just stepped back.

   “Hide what to hide, you are so afraid of the old lady, I am afraid that you will not eat it? Look at your virtue.” Then, Anna, who didn’t hate, twisted Huck’s ear and dragged him to the side of the road.

   “Are you all right?” Fatt was very dedicated to caring for the safety of his boss.

   “It’s okay.” Li Junshan spit out the chicken bones and smiled: “The two of them are Langqing concubines, and the more they fight, the sweeter they will be. Huck will not fight back.”

  Fat’s eyes lighted up, who said that men are no more gossip than women, he asked: “Why did the lady boss chase after Xilu for money yesterday, since she is interested in Uncle Niu, it’s fine if you don’t collect money.”

   “That’s Anna, not someone else.” Li Junshan said: “Money is money, feelings are feelings, no one is more clear than her.”

Seeing Anna and Huck standing on the street corner from afar, the voices of the two were getting lower and lower, I don’t know what Huck said, and Anna twisted the waist of the bucket unsteadily. in.

   “Mr. Fatt, it’s okay now, we’re closed at night, I’ll take you out for a stroll.” Li Junshan washed the greasy hands and changed to a cleaner one.

  Fat naturally sought out, and kept up with it. The two walked along the Central Avenue of Fenghuo Town for a few laps, and Li Junshan took him to the woods beside the town.

  Fat couldn’t figure out what he thought. He didn’t treat Li Junshan as a child at all, so he didn’t ask anything.

   entered the woods and found an open space. Li Junshan sat on the ground and waited for Fatt to come over, and he asked: “There is a big place in my head. What’s going on?”

   “There is a big place in his head?” Fart frowned and thought for a while, then said: “Are you talking about mental space?”

   “Mental space?” Li Junshan’s eyes lit up. This statement is indeed much more accurate than what he described. He quickly nodded and said: “It is spiritual space.”

   “How old is it?” Fatt was also interested.

   looked up blankly and looked around, Li Junshan tentatively said, “I feel about the size of this town.”

   “What?” Fatt was surprised, his eyes were round and lost his voice: “As big as Fenghuo Town?”

  Li Junshan nodded. In fact, he did not dare to tell the truth. Although the space was dark and unclear, he could feel that it was so large that he could not describe it at all.

   “You are a summoner.” Fatt said excitedly: “Oh, I was wrong, you will definitely become a summoner, one of the greatest summoners in the future.”

   “Summoner?” Although Li Junshan had heard the term, it was not very clear.

“Yes.” Fatt said excitedly: “The type or number of Warcraft that a summoner can summon has a great relationship with his spiritual space. If you are so small, you have such a large spiritual space. If you practice the summoning skill well, the future There must be unlimited achievements.”

   “Summoning technique?” Li Junshan vaguely felt what he had caught.

“I’m so excited.” Fatt took a few deep breaths, and said when the mood was calmer: “The summoner is a blighted profession on the mainland, because the summoner itself is too weak and has no attack power. Summoned beasts fight, based on a special law of the land, but must also step on the ground to release the summoned beasts, and most magicians can also have powerful warcraft in the form of magic contracts or equal contracts. So now few people on the mainland To practice the profession of summoner, unless…”

   “Unless what?” Li Junshan was anxious.

   “This is like a normal child.”

Fatt thought about it, smiled slightly, and felt that he had recovered some self-confidence, and said eloquently: “Unless the summoner’s spiritual space is huge and he has strong spiritual power, he can summon a large number of Warcraft groups. The summoner is definitely a nightmare for other professions. Just like the most famous summoner Anoriva on the mainland, he can summon 108 Warcraft, and Mr. Anoriva is also the first in history. The summoner who squeezed into the Sanctuary strong.”

   “The number is naturally okay, but it is a pity not to try one.” Li Junshan thought in frustration.

   “What was the Warcraft egg you brought out yesterday? Where did it come from? Has it been hatched yet?” Fatt took the opportunity to throw a problem that puzzled him for a day.

“That… um…Mr. Fatt, when my mental space was born, there was an inexplicable egg of Warcraft in it, which you saw yesterday, what is going on?” Li Junshan organized The language, while speaking, stared at Fatt firmly.

   “Innate summon beast.” Fatt gasped, his mouth wide open indefinitely.

   “Innate Summon Beast? What do you mean?” A Warcraft egg scared Fatt like this. Li Junshan felt wise to hide the alien queen and other countless Warcraft eggs.

Fatt calmed down after a while and said, “There is a very low chance that the summoner will have a congenital summon beast when forming a spiritual space. Unlike other Warcraft, the congenital summon beast can grow indefinitely. This kind of powerful, no one dare to predict. According to the epic records, no such precedent has appeared in 10,000 years, so many people regard this statement as a legend, but did not expect it to be true.”

   “Hey, if I didn’t appear in this world, maybe this will always be a legend. Aliens can grow and evolve without stopping, but the problem is that they dare not use them.”

Li Junshan said in his heart, frowned for a long time, and asked again: “I have a very bad hunch, this Warcraft egg is very dangerous, so dangerous that every time it hatches, my spirit is very nervous and disordered, I feel myself There is no way to control it, you can only send it back, but fortunately this egg will stop hatching in the mental space.”

“So you have to learn the summoning technique and cultivate spiritual power, so that you can communicate with the summon beast and control it. At that time, the danger is to your enemies. No matter how fierce the summon beast is in front of your summoner, It’s an obedient dog who only acts according to the summoner’s mind.”

   “It turned out to be the case.” Li Junshan’s eyes were bright, and he slap in excitement.

   “How do you know so much? You are a magician, not a summoner.”

  Fate blushed, and Zhiwu died for a while, before saying: “My father and my grandfather are both a summoner. It was precisely because of the decline of this profession that they made me change to study magic.”

   “It turns out so.” Li Junshan said anxiously: “Then do you have any family secrets, very powerful summons and other things, lend me to see if it’s okay?”

  Fat rolled his eyes and said: “There are no secrets, books on summoning are available all over the continent, they are worthless, and the cultivation methods are similar. The difference is in personal perception and talent.”

   “Go, go back to town.” Li Junshan stood up and ran to the town quickly. Fatt is a little unknown, so keep up with it.

   The two ran back to the tavern. Anna and Huck sat in the corner of the tavern, talking and laughing, and ignored them. Li Junshan turned over a wooden board, took out charcoal and wrote a few words, and ran to the busiest trading market in the center of Fenghuo Town with the wooden board in between.

   “Can I do this?” Fatt was sitting next to Li Junshan, looking at a few large words on the wooden board, “Calling a book of cultivating skills for a thousand strings of Anna Tavern.”

“You can rest assured that you can get everything here. I heard that there was a golden lion nobleman in an orc kingdom who still bought the daughter of a duke of the Lance Empire with 20,000 gold coins. Besides, my spicy hot is in Fenghuo Town But there is no semicolon in this family alone, and the price of Anna’s wealth fan is so expensive. Someone will definitely change it.” Li Junshan is very confident.

   Sure enough, after a while, a group of people crowded over.

   “I have it, you see, it’s still new.” A triangular eye waved the blue book in his hand.

   “Mine, as long as five hundred strings.” A fat man desperately raised five stout fingers.

   “I also have, three hundred, just three hundred.”


Looking at the book packs in the hands of those people, Li Junshan estimated that these were all printed by the mainland officials, and they just wanted to pick a copy to buy, and saw a black hand handed over from the crowd, holding a copy Huang’s book, immediately after the Lord appeared, turned out to be a dirty beggar.

   “Family summoner secrets, there are a thousand less to change.” The old beggar covered with sores and smells desperately called. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   “It’s his, everyone’s gone.” Li Junshan’s heart moved, the plank turned under his arm, and he lifted the old beggar.

  The trading market naturally has his rules. Although others did not succeed in the exchange, they did not dare to mess up, and slowly spread out, but the screams were indispensable.

   “What family secrets?” Li Junshan took over the book in the hands of the old beggar and randomly turned it over several times.

“My grandfather said that this was Mr. Anoriva’s textbook that he personally wrote when he taught at the Imperial College. However, with the decline of the profession of summoner, these textbooks were also out of print.” The old beggar said tremblingly: “This book But my grandfather’s grandfather… I can’t tell, anyway, for many years, it’s unique out of print.”

   “The life of the summoned beast is your life, you can grow up only if you respect and treat it kindly.”

   The title page of the book wrote such a sentence, Li Junshan turned a few pages at random, and said: “Okay, this is it. Tomorrow you come to Anna’s tavern early, I will add you five hundred more strings.”

“Good man.” The old beggar burst into tears with excitement, saying: “Smell that scent there every day, Master, you have sent me a few strings, I think the boss lady scolded you for not being able to go, it was so delicious .. I can’t live for many days, and it’s worth it to eat one at a time.”

   “It’s okay.” Li Junshan smiled and said: “Anna is the tofu heart of the knife mouth, you are fine every day.”

   said that he asked the old beggar several times to let him come early tomorrow, and Li Junshan walked back with Fatt.

   “Let’s pick up the treasure.” Li Junshan said halfway along the way: “My favorite thing I used to do is to hunt for treasure in the flea and second-hand market. I can always buy good things.”

   “Flea? The second-hand market?” Fatt said blankly: “Where is it? The Lance Empire or the Baolong Empire, I have never heard of it.”

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