Alien Queen

Chapter 65 - Encounter Robin


  Tami’s companion’s right foot did not succeed in striding out, a scream was made in his mouth, and then the struggling body floated up.

  Tami heard the sound and looked back in his busy schedule.

   His companion’s heart was pierced from behind with a shaped coccyx. The swing of the shaped coccyx would be struggling. He mentioned his salivating mouth. “Poop!”

  Tami gall was almost frightened, he didn’t dare to read it anymore, he turned and wanted to run.

   “Shoot…” Seven or eight aliens rushed from all directions.

   “Why didn’t Edmund come yet?” Tammy soul flew out of the sky, and the thought spread through his mind, and he was surrounded by aliens.

   Fighting sound, “Ah!” A scream of earth-shaking screamed through the forest, the echo dispersed, and the forest regained the silence of death.

   Tammy was looking forward to Edmund before he died, and Edmund did not know that they had been wiped out by the whole army.

The war sage ranks can carry their grievances and fly in the sky. The leaves are towering and the shadows are full. Edmond does not see the traces of Tammy and others. His heart is full of anger, and he ignores them. Chase up in the air.

   “The kid alone, where he can escape, must have escaped towards the entrance to the forest.” Edmond murmured, flying through the air, his eyes glowing in the eyes of the forest.

   This forest was originally an old forest. After hundreds of years of people in the narrow valley of the blood, they acted wildly, and there were many plaque-like vacant spaces in the towering green shade. Edmund’s eyes looked like a torch, and after a short flight, he saw the movement in the forest.

   “The summon beast is below, and he should not be far away.”

   saw two spooky bodies sprinting through the woods, and the direction was just over the entrance. Although Edmond was a little surprised at the speed of the spooky shape, he was not afraid, and his luck pushed the speed to keep up.

   The forest is lush, and Edmund can’t see clearly, and simply falls on the ground to catch up. Compared with the Warlords, the War Saints naturally couldn’t speak the same way. Edmond’s feet just touched the ground, his expression moved, and he felt something was wrong.

“Come out.” Edmond snorted, and there was a black and long sword in his palm. At the same time, a grudge shield floated on his body, and a ten-meter-long sword mandrel was free from the blade, and he directed a giant forward. The tree was cut down.


   The giant tree with three talents could not bear the power of Edmund’s sword. Since the ten-meter-long tree pole was cut off by a grudge, he was hit **** the ground.

   “I still want to run.” Edmund saw a special shape standing up from the broken leaves and rushing to the east. The tongue burst into spring thunder and his body suddenly caught up with the special shape.

   Fighting qimang comes first, and the five-meter-long swordmang cuts across the abnormity neck. When the abnormity feels dangerous, it wants to change its direction, but where can it be.


   The shape of the back neck was cut by the aggressive Qimang, and half of the skull flew up to the sky. The green blood splattered out, but the body ran forward for five or six meters before it fell to the ground.

   “Huh!” Edmond looked awkward. He saw the shaped blood eroding into the ground, and the thick tree pole turned to a big hole, and then fell to the ground. “哧哧” continued.

   “Look for death.” Edmond’s expression was cold, and he didn’t turn. The long sword turned out of his armpit, and the grudged sword burst out.

   “His…” I don’t know when I touched a special shape behind him, the coccyx has not been pierced, and a big hole was pierced by the sword on the chest, and he fell to the ground and died.

  Splashing alien blood spattered on Edmund’s yellow grudge shield, and it turned into blue smoke, which could not be corroded.

   “You dare to come out, boy, brave enough.” Edmund closed his body and looked to the front of an open space in the shape of Li Junshan.

Li Junshan was shocked and angry at the moment, and in spiritual communication with the scattered aliens, he knew that killing six people only caused two aliens to be slightly injured, but did not think that this war holy killing in the blink of an eye Two.

   “For ordinary people, the alien is definitely a nightmare, but can you really meet a master, or…” Li Junshan stared at Edmund who slowly walked over like a leisurely stroll, and packed his mind and moved his mind, and the black dragon alien was released.

Edmund didn’t take Li Junshan in his eyes at all. Although he didn’t know why the six of Tammy hadn’t caught up, he was not in a hurry, his face was full of careless contempt, leisurely walking like a walk, he wanted to start Psychologically devastating Li Junshan.

  The appearance of the black dragon alienation caused Edmund’s leisurely mood to be thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face filled with unbelievable.

   “Black Dragon? What is Warcraft?”

   Edmund stared at the black dragon abruptly, and his head became a paste.

   The black dragon abnormity obviously does not care about the tiny human in front of him looking at himself, as if it is dull, the appearance of it is like a signboard of Longwei, a majestic and irresistible dragon roaring.

   “Run!” Edmond only felt a heart palpitation, but he still didn’t understand it. It was Longwei. Even if he could resist a 9th-level Warcraft for a while, if it stiffened and was torn into pieces, it would be sooner or later.


  Edmund escaped the black dragon’s abruptly swept tailbone and flew into the air with luck.

   The black dragon’s profile flapped its wings violently. Li Junshan leapt to its back with the wind, and Long Yin screamed. The black dragon’s profiled wings flapped in a burst of hurricanes, and took off to chase Edmund.

   Warriors of the Holy Order can fight eight levels of Warcraft and stand in an invincible position, or even win. Level 9 Warcraft is not so easy. Although Edmund can’t see what kind of Warcraft the Black Dragon Alien is, but the sound of Long Wei told him clearly that this strange Warcraft in front of him is definitely more than Level 8.

   The black dragon has a huge volume, flying powerfully, but its speed is limited, and it will not be able to improve in a moment and a half. Li Junshan rode on its back, narrowing his eyes as he watched Edmund’s body get farther and farther, and could not help being anxious.

   “Hoo!” After a fierce wind sounded, Li Junshan noticed that there was an additional person around him, fixed his eyes, and busy controlled the black dragon alien who wanted to attack the coming person.

   “Brother, why are you?”

   floated beside the black dragon alien but no one else, it was the war holy Robin, who carried his grudge and flew in parallel with the black dragon alien.

   “I just saw this Warcraft on the ground and I knew it was you. What’s wrong? Who are you chasing?” Robin asked Li Junshan loudly.

   “They…a group of people wanted to kill me and killed two of my summoned beasts.” Li Junshan was not as strong as Robin, only to hear his voice blown away by the strong wind, could not help reaching out his mouth and screaming.

  Robin’s complexion changed, his body suddenly accelerated, and turned into a residual image chasing forward.

   “I will intercept him.”

  Robin’s voice came from the wind, and Li Junshan and the Black Dragon were thrown behind him.

   “The old man in gray robe estimated that he had just advanced to the war saint, but his speed was not as fast as that of his elder brother who had been soaked in war saints for decades.” Li Junshan saw that Robin was getting closer and closer, and he was relieved.

   The speed of the Black Dragon Alien also increased at this time, narrowing the distance between Li Junshan and the previous two.

Robin was getting closer and closer, the entrance was in sight, he withdrew his broad sword across his heart, but he was not willing to sneak attack, and screamed: “Leave me.” Then, the flaming sword flashed on the fire, more than ten meters. Long Jianmang slashed back to Edmund.

  Edmund had already discovered Robin, and a black dragon abnormity was enough for him. Needless to say, there was an additional war sage chase, and his heart was repeatedly complaining.

   Hearing the voice behind the Douqi Jianmang piercing the sky, Edmund reluctantly took the sword and turned back, hitting him with a Douqi Jianmang.


   Two fighting qimangs collided together in the air, making a loud noise. After the raging fighting qimangs collided, they had no direction, flying the stumps of the giant tree under their feet.

   This delay, Li Junshan took a black dragon dive, copied behind Edmund, blocking his retreat.

   “Misunderstanding.” Edmond waited for the two of them to explain and hurriedly explained to Robin: “Robin, don’t do it first. This is a misunderstanding.”

“Edmund, you don’t need to explain it to me.” Robin stared at him, and said aloud: “Although we know, we can’t talk about anything. Hill is my brother, if he is unreasonable, It’s best for us to shake hands and to go our own way. But I heard him say that you shot first and killed his two summoning beasts. Since I am a big brother, do I have to talk about it?”

   Edmund suffocated, his face uncertain, and he couldn’t say a word for a while.

   “It’s just a fight, my elder brother, really…” Li Junshan thought on the back of the black dragon. Robin was talking to the other party. He wasn’t easy to do it directly. He had to sell this elder brother a little face.

   “I lost money.” Edmond gritted his teeth.

“What kind of money to lose, I’ll say it after finishing playing.” Robin thought he would apologize for his loss, but he didn’t want to hear this. He was bold and unscrupulous, and money and money were not taken into consideration. angry.

   The words have been exported, and Robin no longer talks to him. Once the broad sword turns, he rushes over with anger.

  Edmund had miserable words and could not stand and be beaten. He had to greet him with energy.

   Li Junshan urged the Black Dragon to fly back a hundred meters, and the two warrior fights were not easy to stand too close. The collision in front of the light was amazing enough.


  Edmund waited for Robin to get close, and the whole figure was divided into a residual quickly circling around Robin. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that a large group of people were around, all in all directions.

  Robin sneered, a giant sword as wide as a blade was held in his hand, and his mind was still.

   Suddenly, the remnant shadows at the same time carried the sword and rushed to Robin in the encircling circle. For a time, there were human figures on all sides, and there were sharp swords everywhere.

  Robin’s grudge shield lightened up and shrunk inward a bit, the color dazzled.

   “Broken!” Robin screamed, staring at the right, and a broad sword with a broad flame in his hand split the flame.


   Two grudges collided together in the air, and there was another bang.

  Li Junshan was separated by a hundred meters or so, and he felt the strong wind and heat wave blowing his face, and the shaved cheeks were painful. The black dragon roared in a strange shape, and under the appeasement of Li Junshan, he didn’t spread his wings.

   This fight, Edmond’s real body also showed up, and he saw his face blue, holding his sword back a few tens of meters away, Zhangkou wanted to say something.

   Suddenly, Edmund, Robin and Li Junshan looked in the air from the sky to the north.

   saw dozens of people scattered on the ground sprinting toward the entrance, and several magicians flying in the air.

   “Run!” When a middle-aged magician passed by three people, he yelled in a panic and flew by.

   “What’s the matter?” Three people questioned at the same time. At this time, the overwhelming rumbling came and saw the black sky in the north.

   The three of them looked at each other and were shocked!

   PS: Happy New Year! New year auspicious ~~~ Tickets are brought ^_^[bookid=1434471,bookname=”Ask to the Immortal Road of Rebirth”]


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