Alien Queen

Chapter 80 - The alien queen

Whether Donald is human or not, Li Junshan can’t even think about it. Feeling that Dahei’s energy and power are disappearing sharply during the spiritual communication, he hurriedly thought about it, and took back the two black dragons together.

Donald didn’t move in the air, and all the black mist that had oozed out of Dahei’s body drowned into him. He was despondent in spirit, and his face was instantly refreshed. Facing the rushing one-armed blood-eyed golden ape, Donald’s eyes flashed with light, black mist appeared out of thin air, and instantly condensed into a long gun shape.

The blood-eyed golden ape glanced at this scene, and the soul flew away. Earlier, it ate the big loss of the “Flame Demon Gun”. At this time, he saw that Donald had released this powerful cursing magic again, flashing faster than he had before, and fled towards the horizon.

Donald didn’t chase the blood-eyed golden ape, his strange eyes turned to the dozen people. The flaming demon gun has formed and floats on top of his head. There is a palpitating sound like a crying wolf, and the tip of the gun flashes the light of death.

Slambi and others, including Donald’s cronies, were all in fear. Everyone felt that the flaming demon rifle that could take away his life at any time and locked himself firmly.

“Want to run!”

Donald’s hand flicked, and Li Junshan and .’s aliens just ran a few steps, and were suddenly blocked by an invisible gas wall.

“Dare you dare to betray me, 桀桀.” Donald laughed out in horror.

“call out!”

The flaming flaming gun flashed into the air, punctured the sky, and instantly reached Slambi.


Slane Bihun flew out of the sky and had no time to react. The grudge shield outside her body was torn apart by a detonating magic gun like tofu. Where can his defense compare with the blood-eyed golden ape, the long spear of Changhong spurs through, a large hole suddenly appears in Slambi’s body, and the flame of the bone attached to the wound is burning.


Slambi fell to the ground from a high altitude, and the flames of Yao Yan instantly engulfed his body.

“Adult!” The old man who had previously fought with Slambi saw that the flaming demon rifle turned around, and then came towards him from the back, hurriedly flashed to avoid it, and shouted to Donald in his mouth.


The red old man’s degree is not as fast as the flaming demon rifle, and the ng part is penetrated in an instant, falling to Slambi.

“He can draw the power of Dark Warcraft, it is the Demon Race, please don’t stand and wait for death, go together.”

Someone shouted tremblingly, and the other fourteen were startled, and immediately reacted. “Huh…” More than a dozen people separated immediately and jumped in all directions, but no one rushed to Donald.

Under the extreme fear, they even forgot that the whole blood valley was still in Donald’s enclave, and there was no way to escape.

Donald snorted coldly, and his body didn’t move. Under his control, the Flame Blaster pierced two people in an instant.

“Allegiance to me…”

Donald Khan saw sweat on his forehead, and the sharp exhaustion of his mental power made his face pale. Just halfway through the words, he turned suddenly and his body disappeared. This distractor almost dissipated the blasting flame gun nailed by Red Dragon and Gru in the air.

The blood-eyed golden ape that came out of nowhere, the body was surrounded by free lightning, which was several times faster than the original. It suddenly appeared beside Donald who was teleporting 100 meters away, and the left arm was lifted. The roaring wind beat the past fiercely.

That tremendous force, the wind charged, the space twisted, Donald didn’t even have time to teleport, and urged the magic power into the bone shield under the big shock.


Donald’s bone shield dissipated in an instant, but fortunately there was a layer of magic shield to condense the body surface, like a ball, the body flew out.

The blood-eyed golden ape still wanted to keep up. Suddenly, dozens of magic, fighting swordsmanship, as well as the flames and thunderbolt spit out from Warcraft, all struck Donald in the air. But it was the dozen or so people who fled, seeing that the blood-eyed golden ape had made a sneak attack, and they felt they had a chance to fly back.


Like the sparkling fireworks, Donald’s body was eroded by the blood-eyed golden ape and became a precarious magic shield. His body was like a shooting star in the opposite direction, rushing straight up into the sky.

Everyone couldn’t help looking up, suddenly, together with the panting blood-eyed golden ape, all looked horrified.

“All die…”

The sound of horror sounded terrifyingly in the suddenly dimmed sky and the sky suddenly covered with clouds. Donald’s body floated, as if full of breath, and he swelled very much, his body was several times larger than the original.

“Human body is too weak…dead…”

The violent and roaring roar came out of Donald’s mouth, and the physical expansion continued.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, sharp bone spurs of black se protruded from his head, chest, and back, strangely.


Donald’s body was completely exploded, and the sky was broken with pus and blood. Replaced by another monster, it grows when it sees the wind, and it grows to about 100 meters in an instant. The whole body is covered with horrible sharp bone spurs, and the disgusting black se viscous liquid and pus blood cover the whole body.

Its head was extremely small, and its blue eyes were full of bloodthirsty cruelty, and in a blink of an eye, its huge body rushed down, opening its mouth halfway and hitting a black se lightning, straight to the blood-eyed golden ape.

The blood-eyed golden ape was already panic-stricken at this time. He didn’t dare to pick up the black se lightning that was more than ten meters long and torn in the sky, and wanted to flash away.

“Bash!” The black se lightning was faster than the detonator gun, rubbing the shoulders of the blood-eyed golden ape, flying a large flesh of flesh, and remaining straight, went straight to the ground.

On the ground, Li Junshan was riding on a special-shaped back but couldn’t rush out. Looking at the black se lightning that came straight to himself, his head exploded.

Big black and little black appeared in front of him, but the black se lightning was like a sword running through the tofu, stab directly through their heads. In an instant, the two black dragons lost their spiritual connection with Li Junshan.


There was a loud noise in Li Junshan’s mind, only to feel that the mental space suddenly shook, and he didn’t understand what was going on. His eyes were dark and he was shocked.

The alien queen appeared!


As soon as the huge alien queen appeared, she stretched out her forelegs like a knife, and easily pinched the black se lightning to her claws, crossed a horrified blood-eyed golden ape, and jumped into the air.

The blood-eyed golden ape looked at this scene with his eyes wide open, and saw a tail full of bones pumping towards himself, unable to react, and felt that an unmatched force hit himself, vomiting a large gulp of blood, and the body ripped through the space. The sharp screams flew out seven or eight hundred meters, turning over and hitting the forest below.

“My life can still be so fast?” In mid-air, the blood-eyed golden ape only felt that the things in the eye range were blurry, the space was twisted, and the brain stunned a question. Immediately, its body smashed several giant trees and landed on the ground, hitting a crater tens of meters deep.

The blood-eyed golden ape climbed up and ran out of thousands of kilometers, tore the enchantment of the enchanted field, and ran deep into the forest without looking back.


The tailbone swings and draws the flying blood-eyed golden ape, and the body of the alien queen flashes to the monster who can’t escape, and in its frightened glance, thunder strikes down its back.

At the same time, the sharp queen’s tailbone of the alien queen wobbled, and the tail tip shimmering with cold light cut the tail of the monster from the middle, and stabted it from the abdomen.

“Oh…” the monster screamed in horror. Two bone spurs stretched out of his chest, and he stabs the alien queen.

The alien queen couldn’t avoid it, holding the two bone spurs on the monster’s head with her forelegs and gently pulling. “Bash!” Black Se’s blood flew out.

“Oh…” The monster’s head shook desperately, and the pair of bone spurs hit the chest of the alien queen, breaking their bones and splattering black blood.

The monster’s huge body, now in the hands of the alien queen, is like a baby without resistance.

The alien queen kissed slightly, hersing loudly, her head down.

The monster’s head shrank desperately, as if it was trying to squeeze back into the cavity, full of panic, and strange syllables in his mouth, like talking to the alien queen.

Suddenly, seeing the head of the alien queen was about to reach the monster, its body suddenly spasmed, and its huge body was like a phantom, free and uncertain.


The alien queen turned and threw the monster a few hundred meters away, flashing to the stunned Li Junshan. At this time, its hind limbs had spread out in the air like star dust, and the queen of aliens stretched out her long coccyx, making a space in front of Li Junshan.


Like a piece of cloth, there is a gap in the space.

After all this was done, the Queen of Shaped spit out two groups of black mist, and quickly fell into the two Black Dragons. At the same time, its body dissipated in the air, and turned into a black spot and disappeared into Li Junshan’s brain.

From appearance to disappearance, the queen of aliens has a series of dazzling movements between a few breaths.

The person I Li Junshan, or Gru and others who had been watching here in mid-air, they were all stunned.


Numerous words of “walk” echoed in Li Junshan’s mind, pulling him back from the deep shock. Looking at the dark fog lingering in front of my eyes, there was no space crack that closed up in an instant, I felt the two black dragons and his weak spiritual sense of recovery, and in the spiritual space, it seemed that he had never moved and fell asleep. The queen of aliens, Li Junshan’s brain buzzed.


A terrified cry in the air awakened him. Li Junshan looked up and saw that the monster “Donald” flew towards himself. There was still time to hesitate, and all the aliens and big blacks scattered around him were taken back into the spiritual space. The foot stepped into a crack in the space.

The monster flew towards the crack of the space, seeing that it would close together, and grabbed the stunned Edie, and quickly hit two blue dots in her eyes, which didn’t enter her brain, and threw her away.

“Oh!” Just at the moment when the space crack was about to close, Yidi’s body was dangerously digging into it. A twist in the air restored it to its original state.

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