Alien Queen

Chapter 90 - Elf refuge

“Fruit wine made from lime fruit and red cherry, well, I miss this taste so much, thank you Master Summoner.”

Icido stretched his tongue and licked a few times at the mouth of the bottle. He was intoxicated, but he was reluctant to drink. He handed the corner of his mouth to tears, and he went straight down, and he saw the grandson “Big Bear” crying out loud.

The face of the bear suddenly turned cloudy and sunny, and he grinned and took up the wine bottle, then “Guru” pours in, and his nose dragged a long gleam on the bottle.

“You’re welcome, I still have it.” Li Junshan watched a chill, seeing a group of “little kids” who were taller than himself, staring at him, he had the most wine in the space ring, and simply took another ten. A few bottles came out and slid on the grass in front of me.

Ysidola couldn’t help but thankfully, turned around and shouted a few native words, then dozens of savages screamed and rushed over with his nose bubble.

Isidola reprimanded a few words with a straight face. The little savages were obviously afraid of the chief who was shorter than himself, sucking his fingers and staring at the fruit wine, salivating, but no one dared to move.

After grunting a few words, Isidola picked up the fruit wine and gave it to them. When seeing the savage cried and holding the bottle to his parents, Isidola’s face filled with a satisfied smile.

“These indigenous people have been wild for thousands of years. I have corrected my bad habits for so many years, and I have not seen any changes.” Isidola turned to Li Junshan and said with a smile: “We Xiali tribe owe a summoner Master If you are not your help today, although the Xiali tribe will not be annihilated by the brutal and cruel Huacha tribe, it is estimated that it will be seriously hurt. No matter if you have a place to go, the Xiali tribe is our guest, anyway. It will take some time.”

Li Junshan nodded and smiled slightly, and asked in a puzzled way: “Above these indigenous tribes fighting or something, is there a place to fight? I don’t believe they don’t even know what they attacked.”

Isidola sighed, opened the fruit wine in his hand, took a sip, and said: “This is also thanks to the elf’s shelter, otherwise the poor Xiali tribe has been annexed by other tribes.”

“The elven shelter?” Li Junshan was a little confused. The arrogant and narcissistic spirit. The Ling family is not even pleasing to humans, how can it shelter these savages who have not evolved completely?

Isidola apparently saw the doubts on Li Junshan’s face and explained: “It is not only our Xiali family who are sheltered by elves, Huacha, Kagu, Tianfeng…”

Isidola said the names of more than a dozen indigenous tribes in succession, and couldn’t help but sip a bite of fruit wine. He swallowed a few words before continuing: “As long as there are indigenous tribes with ores in the territory, the elves will take shelter.”

Isidola pointed out his dry fingers and pointed to the small stone mountain immediately behind the tribe, and then said: “This mountain is the treasure given to the Xiali tribe by the gods. The blood can be preserved and continued. If any tribe dares to attack the Xiali tribe, then it must have the courage to withstand the punishment of the elves.”

“Dan stone mine?” Li Junshan had never heard of this kind of ore.

“In addition to the natural magic spirit, the elves are basically sharp shooters. In their unique ranks, only the moon blade shooter can condense the element to grow the arrow, while the other shooters still rely on ordinary arrows to attack the enemy.”

Isidola talked eloquently and said, “The Elven Garden is the only country of the Nasti Moon Elves in Atlanta 6. There is a natural barrier of the Moon Moon Mountains. Although they are not afraid of human invasion, they must always beware of the west. In the orc empire, the elven clan consumes the most strategic material on the battlefield, the arrow. So it is important for them to extract metal ores.”

“The metal extracted from the Dan stone mine is extremely unstable. It can be made into a violent arrow after being processed by the alchemist. Although the killing effect is limited, it can be stronger than the ordinary arrow. The elf likes to marry the heaven and earth. It doesn’t mean that they like to martial Qiankun to mine underground, so whenever there is a source of mine, they will work together and let the nearest indigenous tribes mine for them. In return, they will protect the safety of that tribe.”

“Then why do you fight with that Huacha tribe?” Li Junshan said.

There was a glimmer of sadness in Isidola’s eyes, saying: “In fact, the indigenous tribes are the slaves of the elves. They collect the ore once a month and come back empty-handed. The shelter is just relative to the tribe. If the people of our tribe go out to hunt and encounter people from other tribes, such conflicts, the elves keep their eyes closed and ignore one eye. The desert in the south is not short of anything, and it will not be lacking A strong indigenous slave.”

“Now that winter is coming, our Xiali tribe has to go hunting in the forest often in order to prepare food for the winter. In order to compete for hunting territory, we have been in conflict with the Huacha tribe many times for more than ten days, each with casualties. Both They are all unbearable, so I made an appointment today and decided to use the primitive fighting of indigenous tribes to determine the ownership of the hunting territories. I did not expect them to invite a sacrifice to help…”

Speaking here in one breath, Isidola couldn’t help but shivered, and there was still palpitations in his eyes.

“How far is the elven garden from here? Orc Empire?” Li Junshan asked for a long while.

Isidola frowned and replied: “I know the garden of elves, from here south into the forest, it takes three days to walk on foot. The orc empire is not very clear, I heard the natives say to go west for a month, It’s almost time to get to the forefront of the orc empire.”

“One foot stepped into the space crack, and even spanned more than half of Atlanta 6.” Li Junshan smiled bitterly in his heart, took out a bottle of **** Anya, and took a sip, seeing Isidola staring at him and swallowing saliva, he was convinced. Throw it to him, and then he fell into contemplation.

If there is a flying Warcraft, without fear or danger, you may rush back to the Lance Empire in the rest of the month, provided that you will not encounter the Holy Order Warcraft in the core area of ​​the Moonrise Mountains. The goblin drove the “plane” safely through the core area of ​​the Moon Moon Mountains. Perhaps those Holy Order Warcraft did not feel the breath of Warcraft. Even if the **** little black woke up and could fly, it is estimated that it was not close to the core area of ​​the Moon Moon Mountains. Will be noticed by Holy Order Warcraft.

The dark swamps in the west and the waters of Macedonia in the east are not a flat river. Evil and evil dark creatures and the legendary mysterious sea clan are not the main mess.

There is one more crucial question. What do you do when you go back to the Lance Empire?

Before that monster could tear Donald’s body out and drill it into others’ bodies as well. No one could threaten him with the Scarlet Valley. Li Junshan used p-shares to know that if he went back, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

“I don’t know what happened to Brother Robin and Thunderstorm.” Li Junshan thought in his mind and smiled bitterly.

At that dark moment, my eyes began to see

I met my shadow…wow…in the dark shadow

I hear my echo, in the forest full of echoes


A beautiful harp melody and desolate singing interrupted Li Junshan’s thoughts. He looked up and saw Isidola’s old face red, holding a teak harp full of vicissitudes of history in his arms, while playing his head shaking his head. Sing loudly.

“I haven’t drunk for many years, and the fruit wine is still okay. A few mouthfuls of **** Anya drink him like this.” Li Junshan raised his mouth, showing a smile.

I heard my life dance from ear to ear

I woke up to sleep and let myself wake up slowly… um~~


The rough, hoarse voice, not only the melancholy melancholy, but also the affection that can’t be concealed.

The other savages spread apart, and Li Junshan noticed the female savages, that is, Isidola’s wife, and looked at Isidola, who sang the affectionately from afar, her eyes were full of indelible tenderness and affection. Deep love.

“Perhaps this is why she fell in love with Isidola.” Li Junshan saw this scene and smiled slightly.

Bloody Anya’s wine power was quickly made, and Isidola planted it halfway through his singing, and his forehead banged on the bottle. His wife felt distressed for a while, but he dared not come when he thought about it. He looked at Li Junshan and the two messengers beside him with a terrified look.

Li Junshan smiled and nodded to her, put away the messenger.

“Let’s live here first. There is no place to go anyway.” Li Junshan stood up and gestured to a savage next to him in a sleeping position.

Isidola had told him when he was chatting with The wild man quickly took Li Junshan down and entered a wooden house in the middle of the tribe. Li Junshan’s probe went in and saw that there was a wooden bed with a few pieces of Warcraft fur on it, which was very clean and tidy. Isidola had lived here for decades, and nowhere else could be seen, at least The health aspect is still somewhat fruitful.

Li Junshan smiled and thanked the savage. The savage grunted back and then stooped back. Fearing that they would come in and disturb them suddenly, Li Junshan closed the wooden door and sat beside the bed.

Pulling out Yi Di’s space ring from his arms, Li Junshan moved, and a large stack of books appeared in front of him. When the ring was at the bottom of the ground, Li Junshan re-blooded and recognized the Lord. In addition to a stack of books, there were only some simple things commonly used by women. Trapped in the ground and dim again, Li Junshan did not go to see it in detail.

“”Top Ten Misunderstandings of Magic”, “Theory of Space Magic”, “Taboo of Cultivation of Victory”, “Strengths and Weaknesses of Summoners”…”

Li Junshan turned over, murmured in his mouth, couldn’t help being strange.

“Eddie is just a magician. How come there are so many messy secrets? And every book is yellow, and it looks a bit old.”

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