Alien Queen

Chapter 98 - Iron Golem vs Iron Man

Unlucky death lucky to travel through spiritual space, alien queen and countless alien egg black dragon **** narrow valley sanctuary strong order holy ground monster…

After a series of strange and bizarre things, Li Junshan feels that his mood and nerves are much stronger than before. He feels that if he encounters any bizarre things, he will not be shocked even if he can’t be calm.

But from the distance between the trees, Li Junshan’s pupils contracted with a single glance.

A huge iron man with a height of more than forty meters appeared in the forest. Its whole body shone with silvery white light. The body was covered with some terrible pits. As it moves, some mysterious patterns on the surface of the body have something like a streamer. It is vaguely visible in the swimming. A huge circular lace array is carved on the chest. The golden light is burning.

“Ka…boom…” The iron and big trees with the thick legs moving in front of it were all crushed by the shock or broken by its powerful iron fist.

“What is this? Devil? How could there be such a devil!”

Watching the big iron man go deep into the forest, every step of the ground responded like a terrible tremor, and the snow on the top of the tree rustled, and Li Junshan could not help staring.

When reading the history of the Big 6 in the city of Florence before, Li Junshan had seen the record about the devil. These dolls, which look like Transformers, attracted his attention. I was particularly impressed when I watched one of them.

The 6th greatest in the history of Atlanta. Alchemist Raynath #Yankeman, a wise man from the noble family of the Baolong Empire, made six giant monsters famous all over the world hundreds of years ago. Relying on these six demon Reynats to reach the peak of career and power and the military power of the Baolong Empire has also been elevated to a terrible height. Without thinking, the cold mechanical power, the infinite six magic figures only appeared in the war a few times without exception, all affected the battlefield situation.

In the epic, the six magic figures are described as tireless warplanes. The description of these six magic figures is only about 20 meters made of steel, which is powered by crystal nuclei and magic arrays.

This kind of steel devil not inferior to Yalong Warcraft was enough for Li at that time. Jun Shan was surprised and didn’t think that he would see a devil more than 40 meters high today!

At this time, Li Junshan only realized what he had seen before. How did the giant pit footprint come? The huge steel devil with a height of more than forty meters, how much weight should it have!

Tens of thousands of pounds? Hundreds of thousands of pounds?

In the rumbling sound of steel, the devil took a firm step to squeeze out a passage in the forest, almost disappearing in Li Junshan’s sight.

Its pace is great. It is more than 20 meters. There is nothing that can stop its stable and firm pace.


Since he saw that it was not the Holy Order of Warcraft Li Junshan, he did not fear to turn over and ride on the alien to follow him.

He wants to know who is manipulating this giant steel devil that has never appeared in Big Six history.

The steel devil dashed into the direction of its movement, and left and right and fluttered like he was chasing something. Two huge arms swayed back and forth and the huge steel devil actually ran up. The golden light flowing on the body surface dazzled.


The ground in the forest and the trees were together where the trembling steel goblin traveled like a dozen tanks overwhelming the past.

“What is it chasing?”

Li Junshan wondered for a while that there was no sign of Warcraft in his sight. After the steel devil ran up, it was awesome, but its body shape was limited, plus the trees blocked Li Junshan to drive the alien and it was far parallel and it passed it easily.

At this time, Li Junshan noticed an abnormality in his spiritual perception. A figure in the direction of the Iron Goblin was rushing.


Li Junshan squinted his eyes down on the abnormity back before he could even think of the rumbling noise that the steel devil’s marching suddenly disappeared.

Li Junshan hurriedly turned his head to look inexplicably and stunned.

In his imagination, the manipulator should be a magician wearing a neat magic robe and holding a superb staff, noble and elegant. Even for other professions and even ordinary people, Li Junshan feels that it must be a personal one anyway.

The iron demon turned into a white light and disappeared like lightning. It was an orc, exactly a lion.

He has a human-like figure with a golden-yellow head slightly curled and fluffy ups and downs in a hurry. The muscles bulging high under the delicate soft armor are full of explosive power.

“When did the orcs have such a brilliant alchemy technology that they could make a steel devil even rare in human country, not to mention so tall? How much steel would it take!”

Li Junshan rode slowly behind the orc on the alien-shaped back and only felt a ball of paste in his head.

If the use of lightning to describe this lion’s degree is a bit exaggerated, then compared with the blast, it will not succeed. The lion’s muscular body is driven by the wind, and the agile movement of the trees and the jungle can’t affect his footsteps.

“Obviously this lion is much faster than the one he chased.”

Li Junshan garnered more than three hundred meters, which was far from the spiritual perception extending behind the lion. He felt that the lion was getting closer and closer to the figure in front.

Suddenly there was an abnormality in the forest. Li Junshan saw dozens of vines abruptly extending from the ground, as if he had seen the big monster’s tentacles under the ground. He stretched out towards the lion.

“Huh…” Dozens of vines spread out in the air, enveloping the lion’s whereabouts and twisting like a snake.

The dazzling golden light flashed through the suffocating huge steel demon and appeared on the ground while the lion disappeared.

Li Junshan chased in parallel at the moment when the steel demon appeared. He clearly saw that the lion disappeared into a hole in the shoulder of the steel demon and was immediately covered by the iron plate.

“Huh…” Dozens of rushing vines fastened the steel devil tightly. At the same time, the original slender vines on the side trunk grew like crazy and instantly became more than a hundred meters long, binding the steel devil firmly like a rope.


Because of the angle problem, Li Junshan has not seen the figure in front but can make these vines grow and attack the enemy in the shortest time. There is no one but the elves.


A dozen vines were broken by the steel demon, and more vines rushed wildly, almost covering the huge body of the steel devil.

“Is she the female elf the elves are looking for?”

Li Junshan climbed a towering giant tree and looked far away, and saw an elf woman in green clothes standing on the ground 100 meters away from the steel demon. There was a green staff standing in the hand and the top of the staff was green. .


Tough vines couldn’t help Juli to cut off the huge body of the steel devil, Jin Guang, who appeared to rush towards the elf woman without hesitation.

The green light on the staff in the elven woman’s hands was dazzling, the green and thick in the blink of an eye almost seemed to drip water.


A big tree blocking the way was interrupted by a steel demon with a punch and flew out for more than ten meters.

Eighty meters… sixty meters…

A steel devil in a breath is less than fifty meters away from the elf girl, but still violently rushing, as if trying to trample the elf girl into meat.

Seeing that the steel demon was only more than forty meters away from her, the green light at the top of the staff of the elf girl suddenly hit the giant tree beside her and she flashed aside quickly.

Li Junshan noticed that the dazzling crystal nucleus at the top of the staff in her hand shattered with the green light.


Seeing that the steel doll would rush to the ground beside the elf woman, the soil suddenly rolled and the soil cracked and a “thick leg” stretched out to trip the huge steel doll to the ground.

The steel devil failed to break the “thick leg” and fell to the ground with amazing sound, rolling and crushing countless trees. The ground was full of bumps.

The giant tree projected by the green light thundered and pulled out another “thick leg” with thick branches all over the body as if it were alive. Generally, the giant tree was hurriedly waving in the air, dragging two feet of mud to the steel devil who struggled to climb up. Even walked firmly.

“Boom!” “Boom!”…

Watching the “tree man” more than seventy meters high walk at a slow pace towards the steel devil’s snow, squirting from its cloud-like “head”, Li Junshan’s mouth opened infinitely~www.mtlnovel. com~ He recognizes this kind of tree-iron wood is as hard as steel as its name. The average iron wood has been growing for ten years before the thickness of the wrist. This iron wood, which has ten people together, does not know that it is hundreds of years old.

“What method did the elf woman use to make such a tall iron tree come alive!” Li Junshan was surprised.

The huge body of the Iron Golem was one size smaller than the tree figure. Slowly extend his right arm to support the ground. His right knee slightly flexed while extending his left arm to stand up slowly on the ground.

The upper body slightly bent down and the giant feet of the steel demon figure stepped out of two deep pits on the ground, and rushed towards the tree man who came slowly.

The elf woman hid behind the tree man.


The two behemoths violently struck together with a thunderbolt. The airflow at the impact point flew out with a trajectory visible to the naked eye.

Li Junshan, who was on the top of the tree in the distance, could not help but see this eyelids jump.

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