All-American Collection

Chapter 94

Chapter 94:

“Lord Naihe, they are here again.” said Ryoko, who accompanied Naihe.

“This time?” Nai He’s words were very unexpected.

The sun is still overhead outside, which is a life-threatening charm for ghosts. Once the ghost is not careful, it will end.

“Yes, do you want them in?” Ryoko continued to ask.

“Let them come over.” Nai He was still very interested in the girl Duo Ji, and wanted to see if she was as beautiful as rumored.

“I see.” Ryoko got up and walked out of the room.

Looking at this spider girl who has not grown at all in appearance and body just like a dozen years ago, she is quite satisfied with her performance.

Very obedient, she will do what you say, she is simply a good girl.


She didn’t play any more careful thoughts. In addition to monitoring the work of the whole town, she behaved like an ordinary girl.

Go shopping with friends, discuss rouge gouache, and occasionally buy some new clothes.

The last point is that I like children very much, and I often bring (abduct) some little loli outside to play at home.

She gave Nai He the feeling that she was already satisfied with this peaceful life.

Once Naihe also specifically asked the question if he wanted to regain his freedom.

Of course, this is just a casual question. Even if she answers in the affirmative, Nai He will never let her go.

The result surprised Nai He, but Ryoko was reluctant to leave.

“It’s better to live a calmer life. If it’s too complicated, it’s easy to spoil.” This is Ryoko’s original words.

Although I don’t know if she answered sincerely, but there is no strange feeling in the answer, which can still be detected.

After a while, Ryoko led the two girls into the room.

Fallen Ji and Naruto.

The upper half of Naruto’s face was covered by her hair, so she couldn’t see her overall appearance.

But even so, Nai He can still be sure that she is a beauty.

As for Duo Ji’s words, it was just as rumored, she was outrageously beautiful, and even the most beautiful qin leaves in the family, and Tian Yin, who had gradually matured, were slightly inferior.

It’s just that the appearance she is using now is not the mature and coquettish adult posture that Nai He is most familiar with, but the appearance of a loli who has not grown at all.

White waist-length hair, emerald green eyes, staring at him curiously.

“What, you don’t seem to be anything special, why does that adult like you so much?” There was a hint of doubt in the words, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

That’s right.

Fallen Ji is very jealous of Nai He, jealous of Guiwu Tsuji Wumai’s respect and tolerance for Nai He.

“You can only ask Wu Mian herself, why does she like me so much? Maybe she likes me.” Nai He responded immediately.

“Don’t call that lord’s name directly, there’s absolutely no way that lord will like you, I police… uu~” Falling Ji suffocated halfway through.

“What’s the matter? Why don’t you continue talking?” Nai He looked at Fallen Ji in anger.

“no! I can’t have a conflict with him now, otherwise, the task that Lord Wuxian has given me will not be able to be completed. ‘ The expression on her face quickly calmed down as she muttered to herself in her heart.

169 Fallen Ji is a gift

“No, it’s nothing, I was in a bad mood just now, please forgive my rudeness.” Fallen Ji immediately chose to apologize.

In fact, what she said was not a lie, it was true that she was in a bad mood.

After leaving last night, Duo Ji wandered around the town for a while, and the result surprised her immensely.

The whole town is simply a large-scale food storage place. If you enter any house, the girls who live in it all meet her standards for food.


When she was trying to catch a few as food reserves, a large number of spiders suddenly appeared and stopped her from moving.

However, Fallen Ji knew from the very beginning that Naihe, a human being whom Oni Wu Tsuji liked, had a ghost beside him.

So I just thought that the target in front of me was actually seen by other ghosts.

She can only give up and go to find new prey. After all, this is someone else’s territory, and with the task tied to her body, Fallen Ji doesn’t want to conflict with the other party, so as to avoid the other party causing trouble for her.

However, what Luo Ji couldn’t accept at all was that no matter how many goals she changed, they were all blocked in the end.

In the end, even a big ghost of Opie appeared in front of her, telling her to stop looking for prey.

Even threatened.

The people who live in this town are all the targets of their protection.

If they continued, they would force themselves out of town.

Fallen Ji laughed at that time.

Do ghosts protect humans? If you want to eat alone, just say no, and even say such things that are just lies.

However, everyone’s attitude is very firm, and there is absolutely no intention to make any concessions.

How could this kind of grievance fall Ji eat, so I couldn’t help but argue with the other party.

Even if you really don’t move the people in this town in the future, you have to fight with the other party first to vent your depressed mood.

But the problem reappeared.

Fallen Ji found that she couldn’t beat the opponent, and was tied into a zongzi with spider silk.

My mood exploded in an instant, and as the winder, I lost to a little-known ghost.

Immediately, the idea of shaking people was born in her heart, but the girl lost one-on-one, which made Luo Ji feel that it would be too humiliating to shake people.


If you shake people, others can also be good or not.

Senior Zhu Mizi was on the other side. Even if his brother came out, it was very likely that he would just be repaired together.

In desperation, he could only promise that the other party would not continue to look for prey, and they untied the spider silk on his body.

Just a shame.

When the other party finally left, Yuji, who wanted to wash away the shame in the future, asked the other party’s name——Ami. (Spider Mom)

There are so many delicious prey in the town, but the result can only be seen and can’t move Fallen Ji’s incomparable greed.

In particular, she also found a lot of people with thin blood in the town. This kind of good prey lives in the town without being eaten, which makes her completely incomprehensible.

After the apology, Fallen Ji waited for Nai He’s answer, the smell in the air made her shrug her nose.

The originally bad mood coupled with the jealousy of Nai He, the smell that made her ignore it for a while, has completely entered the perception.

very familiar.

Fallen Ji immediately thought of this smell, which was the smell that came out of her tea cup when she was summoned by Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable before.

The source of the smell was the man sitting in the room.

Staring at Nai He.

Now Luo Ji wants to attack Nai He, but he is obviously the prey of Guiwu Tsuji, and as a little fan girl, she can’t do anything to **** it.

“The drool is going to stay.” Nai He reminded.

The stronger the ghost’s strength and willpower, the better the resistance to temptation.

Fallen Ji obviously didn’t belong to this group, and even Naruto who came next to her was inferior.

At least Mingnu has not been greedy enough to salivate, which means that their willpower or strength is much better than that of Fallen Ji.

In Nai He’s opinion, Naruto should surpass Fallen Ji in strength.

Even Naruto’s main ability, and the reason why she will become a string in the future, are all because of the convenience of the city of infinite blood ghosts that she has mastered.

Fallen Ji is really not strong, and the pillar of the ghost killing team can even chop off her head when she doesn’t react.

The reason why she really became the string is completely the sleeping prostitute Taro.

Aside from the prostitute Taro, the strength of the fallen princess may be stronger than that of the lower string, and it is a dream to want to be in the upper string position.

“Sorry, because the smell on your body is really good.” Immediately wiped the corners of her mouth, Tuo Ji’s answer was also very honest.

“Lord Naihe, do you want me to kick her out?” Saying such words the first time they met, Ryoko couldn’t bear the impolite attitude towards Tuoji.

“No.” Nai He shook his head.

I’ve heard this kind of thing a lot. As long as it’s a ghost, basically all the girls in my family have said this kind of thing.


I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to. “Duo Ji’s words are very sincere.

Onigiri Tsuji’s mission must be completed. If this is directly driven out, his head may be unscrewed and kicked as a ball.

“Wu Mian asked you to come here and tell me if you have anything to do.” Nai He looked at the two girls in front of him.

“The lord asked us to stay here. If you change your mind, you can contact that lord directly.” Fallen Ji gave the superficial reason.

She didn’t dare to say anything about how Temptation Naihe became a ghost.

It’s just that at this moment, Fallen Ji feels that she may be a little dangerous to stay.

It is not so much to say that he is tempted to become a ghost, whether he can bear the smell that fills the entire space and is constantly tempting him in the future will be a problem.

Now Tuo Ji feels that her stomach is already hungry, and she wants to eat something to fill her stomach.

“I can send you to that adult by teleportation.” Naruto also spoke at this time.

“That’s it.” Nai He nodded.

Nai He can still believe that Naruto can be the person who communicates, but the arrival of the fallen princess is worth thinking about.

Besides, it doesn’t take two to come together for the summons, one is enough.

“Can we stay?” Fallen Ji couldn’t help but asked.

“No problem, just stay, Ryoko, arrange a room for the two of them.” Nai He agreed and instructed Sister Spider next to him.

This intention is too obvious, and the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai doesn’t seem to have any intention to hide it.

It is clear that the fallen princess is here to give it, whether you want it or not.

170 Xie Huamei

Fallen Ji must stay, but there is a problem with her.

She has to figure out a way to arrange for her brother, the prostitute Taro, who doesn’t want to stay.

So Nai He contacted the goddess above him without hesitation.

Anyway, it is similar to the right, it is not used now, but it will be voided when it expires.

After all, this goddess Xiaoye, who clearly has some grudges with herself, didn’t directly engage herself, which means that she needs to do things by herself, so about some minor troubles, I think she wouldn’t mind helping herself to solve it.

In the end, just as she thought, she agreed to help.

Since he couldn’t use his abilities directly in this world, he prepared a potion as usual and gave it to Nai He.

For this, Nai He directly went to Luo Ji, who had settled down at home.

“Stare~” Luo Ji, who opened the door, revealed a strong desire in her eyes.

This desire is not **** but appetite.

Because since coming here, Fallen Ji’s movements have been restricted.

There is no way to attack others in this town, and the ghosts who can manipulate spiders are always watching.

And there are even more important reasons.

There is a prey that can’t help drooling just by the taste, even if you put the prey that used to feel good to your mouth, there is no way to arouse any appetite.

But the problem is.

This prey can’t be attacked by himself, because he is an existence that Oni Mai Tsuji looks at.

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