All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Coughing

Anxious and panic, like an ant crawling in Yang Xuming’s heart frantically.

He was sweaty with anxiety.

You can’t wait for this corpse to actually appear!

He gritted his teeth and pressed the lid of the coffin with his back again, violently exerting force.

“Uh ah ah ah ah!!!”

Yang Xuming’s angry roar almost overwhelmed the cry of the little girl echoing in the coffin.

The heavy coffin lid was gradually lifted under his push.

Yang Xuming, who is 1.8 meters tall, often exercises, so his physical fitness is good and his strength is also great.

But this is so, he still feels extremely strenuous.

The dark figure outside the coffin was still pressing the lid of the coffin hard, trying to press him back into the coffin.

In the red candlelight, Yang Xuming has seen the little girl in the coffin more and more real.

The black green face that was distorted by suffocation looked hideous and scary.

Those staring eyes looked straight at Yang Xuming, seeming to curse the world silently.

The rotten smell in the air was so strong that the little girl’s cry was getting closer and closer.

It seems that it will soon crawl out of the dark corner.

And Yang Xuming was still struggling to push the coffin lid on his back, bit by bit to top the heavy coffin lid.

Finally, when the coffin lid had been raised to a certain height, Yang Xuming bit his teeth, grabbed the sides of the coffin lid with both hands, and lifted it forcefully!

With a loud noise, the heavy coffin lid was directly lifted off by Yang Xuming and hit the floor heavily.

The cold moonlight fell on Yang Xuming, and he jumped out of the coffin directly, staring angrily at the black shadow in front of him.

In the dimly lit room, a dark shadow stood silently beside the coffin.

Just like when he saw it on the first floor before, the black shadow turned his back to Yang Xuming, lowered his head, motionless, looking thin and weird.

But this time, Yang Xuming was not afraid.

He directly grabbed the red candle in the coffin, raised the flashlight, and rushed towards the dark shadow.

“Suppress your mother! You are so capable to continue to suppress!”

Yang Xuming’s face was flushed with hypoxia and strenuous exercise.

His expression became distorted with fear and anger.

The crisis of life and death made Yang Xuming’s heart beat like a drum of war.

Yang Xuming rushed directly to the dark shadow, with an angry expression on his face.

“You are so capable to continue to suppress!”

The light of the red candle illuminates the dark shadow for an instant.

At the moment when the candle illuminates the black shadow, the originally motionless black shadow seems to have been stung, and quickly fled.

With its back to Yang Xuming, it ran directly to the next room, avoiding the light of the red candle.

It is fast, but silent.

However, behind it, a tall figure chased out like a beast.

The violent footsteps broke the silence of the night.

In the darkness, the brawny man with a hideous expression held up a red candle, chasing this shadow crazily.

The rapid footsteps resounded throughout the room like a urging curse.

“You are so capable, don’t run! Stop for me!”

He chased the dark shadow angrily, passed through the empty room in the middle, and chased to the stairwell leading to the first floor.

In the dark enclosed stairwell, the shadows didn’t stop and ran directly towards the first floor.

Behind it, Yang Xuming still chased after him.

In the dimly swaying candlelight, Yang Xuming’s angry face looked distorted and uncertain, like a cannibal ghost.

In the stairwell, the roar of Yang Xuming echoed.

“You have to stop for Lao Tzu!”

However, Sombra ran faster.

It really slipped silently on the floor like a ghost, and quickly ran to the first floor.

At this time, Yang Xuming had only halfway through the stairs.

Seeing that the dark shadow seemed to be about to run into the hall in the middle of the first floor, Yang Xuming gritted his teeth and was about to jump directly from the middle of the stairs.

But at this moment, a painful cough suddenly sounded outside the house.

“Cough cough… cough cough cough cough cough cough…”

The coughing sound was so abrupt and so strange that Yang Xuming calmed down in an instant.

The shadow standing on the first floor also stood still at the moment the cough sounded.

Then, in the darkness, the stiff shadow slowly turned around.

Facing Yang Xuming.

In the darkness, Yang Xuming couldn’t see the opponent’s face clearly.

After being silent for a second, he directly raised the flashlight and shone the flashlight’s light on the black shadow.

Under the pale light, Yang Xuming saw a pale face.

A woman…

Cai Chunqin…

This black shadow is Cai Chunqin, the mistress of this red house and the mother of the Jiang sisters.

Although compared with the happy smiling woman on the marriage certificate, the face in front of Yang Xuming looked strange and terrifying.

The dull expression, pale skin, ghostly horror.

But hers is indeed that Cai Chunqin.

“What’s so special… It’s really lucky…”

Yang Xuming smiled without a smile, standing there motionless.

At the entrance of the stairs, the woman raised her head blankly and looked at him stupidly, also motionless.

In those hollow eye sockets, scarlet blood slowly overflowed, seeming to be two lines of blood and tears, which looked so strange under the light of the flashlight.

The coughing outside the house began to approach.

“Cough cough…cough cough cough…”

The rapid, painful cough sounded like a patient with a severe cold, and his scalp was numb.

Along with the coughing sound was the sound of slowly approaching footsteps.

Is there something walking outside the house? And is coming to this room?

Yang Xuming’s heart sank.

He froze in the middle of the stairs, looking at the pale woman facing him in front of him, struggling for a while.

Behind Yang Xuming, in the direction of the coffin, the little girl’s cry was getting closer.

It was clear that Yang Xuming had already ran out, but he still felt the cry lingering in his ears.

Along with the cry, there was also a harsh, tooth-wrenching squeak, as if the nails were scratching something crazily.

Yang Xuming’s heart was slightly cold.

He knew that this was the sound of nails scratching the coffin board!

The little girl in the coffin is about to crawl out!

As for the woman at the top of the stairs at his feet, she just stood there quietly, staring at him with a dull expression, motionless.

Yang Xuming can rush down and use a red candle to force the opponent back.

But after hesitating for two seconds, he chose to back off.

The sudden transformation of this shadow gave him an ominous premonition.

What made him more disturbed was the sudden coughing outside the house.

Yang Xuming decided to retreat temporarily.

He stared at the woman at the top of the stairs, looking at the pale and strange face of the other person, slowly backing away.

When Yang Xuming retreated to the second floor, the woman still stood there silently, coldly raising her head to look at Yang Xuming.

While staring at each other in silence, Yang Xuming glared at him.

Then, he quietly retreated to the sister’s bedroom next to him.

The door was closed.

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