All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 486

Chapter 488: Plum

“You are an older sister, you must take good care of your younger brother.”

“Study hard and earn more money for your parents when you grow up. It is not easy for your parents to support you.”

These two sentences are the words that girls have heard the most since they were young.

She is the eldest daughter of the family and the first child born to her parents.

Girls like her are often not treated well.

When she was very young, she was almost abandoned.

How small is it?

At that time, she had just left her mother’s belly and came to the outside world for less than two days.

After several quarrels and discussions, the parents decided to take her to the river and hand her up to good-hearted people passing by.

Of course, if you don’t meet a kindhearted person, then her life is bad, and you can only blame God for not hurting this little life.

As for her parents, they are all innocent.

Because they are the poorest people in the world.

The first birth was not a son, and it was a heavy blow to a family like her parents.

They don’t have the courage to live beyond birth, and they are afraid that the second child will still be a girl.

So the grandfather asked them to send the child to the river. If someone who was passing by saw it, he might pick up the abandoned baby girl home and raise it.

And she was indeed carried to the river.

Only the neighbor’s grandmother followed, took her back, and gave her grandmother in front of everyone.

Her grandmother cried and begged, and this fragile little life was able to survive.

But her family, therefore, turned against the neighbor’s grandmother, and never came back.

When her father scolded her occasionally, he would scold, “If it weren’t for my softheartedness, you would have died a long time ago! You dare to talk back to me! I said you would listen to me!”

But in front of outsiders, her father is a gentle and kind old person, always welcoming people with a smile, and never said a word to anyone.

Even if he met relatives who looked down on her family, his dad would give gifts to those relatives every Chinese New Year.

One does not fall.

“The relatives all have to move around. If you don’t move, you will be unfamiliar.”

Her father would say this every year.

It’s just that the relatives’ contempt for her family and her parents, even the young, she can clearly see.

But the parents still smile every year, and in any case they have to personally deliver the gifts to other people’s homes.

Of course, this behavior of the father is not alone.

Among them, this gift-giving custom seems to be persisted by many people.

As long as they are acquainted with relatives, they must come to the door to give gifts. These people go out in the morning until they come back at night, and they are more busy than couriers.

But her father looked extremely humble among these people.

And this man who is particularly humble and gentle in front of outsiders rarely gets angry at home.

He was extremely obedient to his wife and did not dare to disobey his father. Only in front of his children, he could show the demeanor of the head of the family, majestic and majestic.

The girl has held a grudge against her father since she was a child.

And her mother, the youngest daughter in the family, has four elder brothers upstairs, who grew up under the care of them.

Although his family background is not good, he has not been wronged much.

Her mother gave birth to a son in her first marriage. When she was still in confinement, she wanted her husband to pour a glass of water but was rejected, so she cursed and was dragged off the bed and slapped a few times.

So her mother went directly to her natal home.

As for the newborn son, he was starved to death at home because he did not breastfeed.

Later, her mother married her father because her father was honest, gentle and good-tempered, and was a well-known good person.

The marriage of the two was indeed very smooth, and there was never any beating or scolding of each other.

Only when the girl was less than two years old, the parents decided to go out to work in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Even her parents knew that others looked down on them and knew that they were despised.

So her parents have been suffocating, wanting to make more money, build a big house, buy a brand-new car, so that all those who look down on her family will look at them with admiration.

Therefore, not long after she was weaned, her parents went out.

Since then, the parents will basically only come back before the Chinese New Year, and then rush back to the factory before the Lantern Festival, the seventh and eighth day of the year.

There is only less than one month each year to see my parents.

Grandparents live with her.

In school, she has been envious of those children who are accompanied by their parents.

She never dared to offend any child, even if she was bullied by others, she only dared to cry secretly.

Because other children have been bullied, you can go home and ask your parents to complain.

And she was bullied and went home to look for her grandparents. Grandpa would only scold her to cause trouble, and grandma would only tell her not to care about those people.

As for the others, no.

And she will not take her to school aggressively and seek justice from the parents of the bad children who bully others.

Later, her parents gave birth to second children.

It’s a boy.

The family is very happy, even she is very happy.

Because she has a younger brother.

And mom and dad like boys so much, they will definitely stay and take care of their younger brother this time, right?

She is very happy.

In the future, she will also have her parents by her side.

But after the younger brother was born, his father left and returned to the factory to continue working.

The girl was a little depressed.

But fortunately, the mother is still there, and it’s not bad to have a mother.

However, not long after the younger brother was weaned, the mother also left and returned to their factory, leaving her son and daughter in the village.

Later, the younger brother asked her ignorantly, “Sister, why are our parents not at home.”

The girl at that time didn’t know how to answer her brother, so she could only cry with her brother in her arms.

And because he made his younger brother cry, he was beaten by his grandfather.

This experience is not the first time.

She is always beaten by her grandparents because of her younger brother.

My younger brother wanted to watch cartoons and cried with her for the remote control. She would be beaten.

The younger brother was bullied outside and went home crying, she would be scolded.

Even if her brother walked on the ground and cried, she would be scolded.

“You are the older sister, why don’t you take good care of your younger brother?”

Because she is a elder sister, of course she must let her younger brother.

So every time parents buy new clothes for their siblings for the New Year, the younger brother may always pick them in the big shopping malls, and buy the good-looking clothes he likes.

And she can only follow her mother to buy street stalls for dozens of dollars.

Of course, her mother will also let her pick, but if she picks a more expensive one, she will be taken away directly to another house.

She still remembers clearly so far.

She was seven years old that year, and his brother was three years old. On the way home, his brother clamored to eat buns.

So my mother bought two steamed buns for her brother to carry.

When I got home, my brother wanted to eat buns, so he took out a bun and gave her one.

“Sister eats buns.”

As soon as she reached for the bun, her mother snatched the bun and put it back into her brother’s hand.

“No, sister doesn’t eat buns, you eat them,” the mother said, completely ignoring her daughter’s expression of consternation and aggrieved aggrieved expression.

Grandma couldn’t stand it anymore, she walked over and grabbed one of her younger brother’s buns and handed it to her, asked her to run with the buns, and stopped her mother.

She was running, listening to the scolding of her mother behind her, crying and hiding behind a small hut in the village, squatting beside the pit and eating the bun with tears.

“You are an older sister, you must take good care of your younger brother.”

This sentence is the same as the other sentence ‘study hard and earn more money for your parents when you grow up. It is not easy for your parents to support you”. It is the two sentences most heard by girls since childhood.

Grandparents, parents, and parents must let her study hard, and then go to a good school, then go back to the county to find a good job, earn a few more years of money back home, and then marry.

These words, these exhortations, were spoken in her ears by her parents and grandparents since she was a child.

Because she told fortunes when she was a child, the fortune-telling woman said that she would have to marry and run away from home in the future, so her parents “valued” her very much, and they kept warning her that she would return to Pengze in the future and not be far away. marry.

But the more her parents said so, the less she didn’t want to stay in Pengze.

She doesn’t want to stay in this place, let alone live with her parents.

She just wanted to escape, escape far away, escape this terrible place, escape these terrible people.

So when applying for the college entrance examination, she filled in a school she had never heard of.

That place is in Guizhou, more than a thousand kilometers away from Pengze, and there is only one university in the city, which is absolutely remote.

From there to Jiujiang, it takes a day and night train.

So she went there.

She hopes that she can start a new life in that unfamiliar and remote place, stay away from these terrible people, and never receive those terrible treatments again.

Then, I hope I can live happily on my own…



Yang Xuming’s eyes slowly opened.

The dim morning light shone into the room through the balcony glass, causing the dark shadows in the bedroom to interlace and look a little gloomy.

Now, it is six o’clock in the morning, when most people are still asleep.

And he has woken up.

The first time I woke up, I saw the blurred vision, and felt that the wet pillow was sticking to my face, which was a bit uncomfortable.

I don’t know when, he actually burst into tears.

Slowly, Yang Xuming sat up.

He rubbed his red and swollen eyes and stared blankly at the darkness in the bedroom.

Are these plums that I saw just now…

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest.


The sound of the heartbeat fluctuates rhythmically.

This is a proof of life.

But he is the only one alive.


In the darkness, Yang Xuming whispered the name.

Then, tears gushed out like a bank burst, and couldn’t stop it anymore.


The scream of grief echoed for a long time in the bedroom, but no girl by this name would answer him again.

There was silence in the empty bedroom.

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