All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 541

Chapter 543: Teacher Yue’s question

Early in the morning, the hospital.

In the single intensive care unit, Yue Zhentao was lying on the bed, his face was a little bad, but his mental state was very good.

The first aid last night had been tossing for a long time, but it didn’t affect him much.

Only now that the anesthesia had subsided, he began to feel a dull pain in several wounds on his body.

Zhao Zhu sat on the bed and carefully fed Yue Zhentao porridge with a spoon, while the little girl Shanshan fell asleep on the sofa, covered with a thin blanket.

In the corridor outside the door, Ying Sixue was talking with the doctor who had just checked Yue Zhentao’s condition, and Yang Xuming stood by and listened.

“Mr. Yue’s injuries are not serious and there are no fatal injuries.”

“But the trauma of the lung lobe requires a lot of time to recuperate. If the recuperation is not good, it is likely to affect the future life.”

“During this time, let him not do strenuous exercise, try to relax his mind and heal his injuries.”

The doctor said a lot of instructive words, but it was not much different from what the emergency doctor said last night.

After Ying Sixue sent the doctor away, she looked back at Yang Xuming.

Both of them understood each other’s meaning.

It seemed that Teacher Yue could not participate in the battle in a short time.

However, in the face of ghosts, being able to rush to save people in time and drive them away is already a remarkable achievement.

Yang Xuming sighed and said, “Go in first.”

He opened the door and walked into the ward.

Yue Zhentao, who was sitting with his back against the head of the bed, looked at them, “Did the doctor say anything?”

Yang Xuming shrugged, “It’s the same rhetoric from last night. You can’t walk around in a short period of time, don’t exercise vigorously, and take good care of your injuries. This is the only precaution.”

“That’s it…” Yue Zhentao groaned for two seconds, then looked at Zhao Zhu beside the bed, “Xiao Zhu, you should go to the cafeteria for breakfast first and leave me alone.”

Zhao Zhu nodded, didn’t ask much, put the bowl down obediently, and said, “Then I’m going to eat early.”

After speaking, she looked at Yang Xuming and Ying Sixue behind her with a little worry.

“Big Brother Yang, and Sister Ying, my brother-in-law…he is asking you… his injury is really serious…”

Yang Xuming smiled reluctantly, “I’m still young… don’t call me big brother.”

I’m a junior! You all graduated from college, you call me big brother?

Do I look so old? !

Ying Sixue nodded seriously, “Don’t worry, Xiaozhu, we know.”

After watching Zhao Zhu wake up Shanshan on the sofa and take his little niece to eat breakfast, Yang Xuming sighed, walked over and sat in Zhao Zhu’s position, picked up the bowl and spoon on the bedside table, and fed Teacher Yue Drink porridge.

“We want to talk to Teacher Yue about what happened after you,” Yang Xuming said, scooping up a little porridge directly with a spoon and feeding it to Teacher Yue.

Teacher Yue opened his mouth and just drank…

“Puff cough cough cough cough…hot…a bit hot…”

Teacher Yue looked awkwardly at the porridge spouting on the sheets, and said, “No need Brother Yang, I’m already full.”

Ying Sixue rolled her eyes and kicked Yang Xuming away.

“I’ll do it,” she sat on the side of the bed, taking over Yang Xuming’s job, “It’s tedious, what do you want?”

Ying Sixue breathed out the rice spoon absently, then handed it over, “Mr. Yue, open your mouth.”

Yue Zhentao looked at the absent-minded duo in front of him, as well as the obviously hot porridge in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

“Uh…I’m actually full…really…”

Yue Zhentao said aggrieved, “Let’s talk about the ghost face.”

Ying Sixue put down the bowl and sighed, “It’s okay… I have just received the news that the blockade of the ghost face last night was not successful.”

“The police searched the entire western suburbs, blocked all the intersections out of the city, checked all the traffic, and found no trace of the ghost face.”

“It seems that Guimian either escaped from Jiujiang city on foot, or went back to the city to hide.”

“No matter which news it is, it is a bit bad for us.”

“After all, our existence has been known to Guimian, and even the face has been known to her. Now we don’t even have the only advantage of being in the dark.”

“The next time I meet again, it will probably be the final battle, the one that never ends.”

After Ying Sixue finished speaking, Yue Zhentao thought for a while and said, “I think Guimian should have left Jiujiang City. Maybe she will go to Liupanshui.”

Ying Sixue nodded, “Go to Wangguanying to find the female ghost of the blood coffin? The most valuable information we got last night, in addition to Wu Xiaosong’s real ability, the most valuable thing is to confirm that Wu Xiaosong is indeed the ghost of the female ghost of the blood coffin. .”

“And it is working hard to suppress its own power and will not run away, afraid of being targeted by the blood coffin female ghost, that is to say, it is still incomplete and bound.”

“If you let it kill the blood coffin female ghost and get free completely, this guy might be even more powerful and terrifying.”

Yue Zhentao thought for a while, and put forward a suggestion, “But the ghosts generally cannot succeed if they want to resist the ghosts who enslaved them? What’s more, they are still the level of the blood coffin ghosts. We don’t have to do anything, maybe Wu Xiaosong Just fight the blood coffin female ghost and lose both.”

Yang Xuming smiled bitterly, and said, “The bad is here…The Yang Family’s corpse removal technique records the weakness of the blood coffin seal of the female ghost of the blood coffin.”

“With that blood coffin as the center, five corpses were buried nearby.”

“Among these five corpses, each corpse hides a resentful ghost.”

“The power of the five ghosts, plus the blood coffin itself, can always suppress the blood coffin female ghost without a head.”

“As long as any one of the five corpses is dug out and the ghost in the corpse is destroyed, the blood coffin female ghost can break free.”

“But only by destroying all five corpses, the power of the blood coffin female ghost will be complete.”

“If Wu Xiaosong goes to dig out any corpse and releases the blood coffin female ghost with incomplete power, with its current power and ability, it will almost certainly eat the blood coffin female ghost with incomplete power.”

“So I really want to let it go to the royal camp, then the situation will be broken…”

Yang Xuming’s words made Yue Zhentao a little confused, “If this is the case, why didn’t the person who sealed the blood coffin female ghost use this method to completely eliminate the blood coffin female ghost with incomplete power?”

“Because the blood coffin female ghost in that state cannot be touched by the outside world…Unless the five corpses are completely destroyed and the blood coffin female ghost jumps out completely, the outside world cannot interfere with her, nor can it cause any harm… …Unless she is herself.”

Yang Xuming smiled bitterly and said, “Of course, the blood coffin ghost in this state can only cause damage to the seal. In other words, in this state, the only target she can interfere with the real world is the five seals. With its corpse, it will not interfere with reality until the seal is completely destroyed.”

“This illusory state is consistent with both the female ghost and the outside world.”

“But the ghost is the continuation of the power of the ghost, and it can even be said to be a part of the ghost.”

“Wu Xiaosong does not need to untie all the seals. He only needs to destroy a corpse and release the blood coffin female ghost with incomplete power. As a ghost, it can easily destroy the blood coffin female ghost.”

“This is the only flaw in this technique, but who would have thought that a ghost can be so fierce as this?”

Yang Xuming was helpless, “If Wu Xiaosong is allowed to destroy the blood coffin girl ghost, although there will be one less hidden danger of a fierce ghost, it will completely liberate the power of Wu Xiaosong, a fierce ghost.”

“By then, we will be even less rivals… Even Plum may not be able to suppress it.”

“After all, Wu Xiaosong’s ability to freeze can freeze even Li Gui’s power.”

“And plum’s ability is to make everything around him age and die quickly… this kind of range ability just happens to be restrained by Wu Xiaosong’s ability.”

“I thought for a while, it is possible to restrain Wu Xiaosong’s ghostly abilities. There is only one big spider that I have ever encountered that has the ability to [the first sight will kill] bullshit, and the black cat next to my mother. ”

“In most cases, it is Wu Xiaosong’s ability to restrain the vast majority of ghosts.”

Yue Zhentao looked at the two people in front of him and frowned.

“But even if he doesn’t liberate his power, Wu Xiaosong’s ability to freeze is terrible.”

“If you want to stop it now… Do you think of any way to deal with it?”

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