All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 586

Chapter 587: The little cook of the Yang family

Yang Xuming, the pupil of the students, is naturally not clear.

At this time, he had returned to the teaching building and opened the teacher’s office.

The office was empty and there were no people.

After all, I will stay here during lunch break, probably only a guy like Yang Xuming who doesn’t want to go home at noon.

Finding the folding bed that the chemistry teacher had placed in the office, Yang Xuming opened the folding bed directly and lay down on it.

It’s only half past twelve, two hours before class in the afternoon, so I can sleep for a while.

Lying on the folding bed, Yang Xuming closed his eyes.

The school building at noon was so quiet that no extra sound could be heard.

Lying in such a quiet environment, Yang Xuming’s thinking quickly emptied.

Sleepiness gradually surged.

Soon, consciousness sank into the darkness.

He just fell asleep in a daze.

But falling asleep, I don’t know how long it has passed, what sound was heard by Yang Xuming in a trance.

The voice was a bit chaotic, as if several people were talking and chatting at the same time.

In the dim, there is some familiar feeling.

Yang Xuming opened his eyes subconsciously and found that he was sitting in the corridor, and not far from the window was the wide Yuanjiang River.

From the height of the water, it should be midsummer.

In the small attic not far away, the father’s figure stood by the railing, with his back to Yuanjiang, talking with grandpa and grandma.

Yang Xuming stared at this scene blankly, a little dazed.

He remembered that this was a two-story building built by his grandfather and grandmother on the bank of the Yuan River, but the layout of the first floor was more similar to the decoration of a restaurant.

Opening a shop at ordinary times is the main life of grandparents.

But this scene… Yang Xuming seemed to think of something.

He subconsciously looked at the door, and saw that the door was pushed open.

The mother walked out with a girl in clothes that didn’t fit well.

The girl Gao Yang Xuming is half of her head, her hair is wet, as if she has just washed her hair.

When Yang Xuming saw the girl, the girl also saw him.

Both sides looked at each other, and Yang Xuming subconsciously showed a friendly smile.

However, the girl looked away indifferently and ignored him, making Yang Xuming a little embarrassed.

As for the conversation between the girl and the father, Yang Xuming, who was sitting on the side, heard some intermittently.

“What is your parent’s phone number? We will call for you to notify them to pick you up.”


“Don’t have a parent’s phone?”

“No, no parents.”

“Uh…no parents…”

“Well, there are no parents. My dad jumped off the building and my mother cut his wrists, so there are no parents.”

“What about your other relatives? Your grandparents? Uncles, uncles, or something?”


“Uh… shouldn’t they…”

“They are not dead.”

“Can you tell us your story?”

“There is no story. My family is ruined. I don’t want to live anymore, so I jumped into the river. But thank you for saving me on your own terms, although I don’t need it.”

“But I see from your eyes that you don’t want to die… right?”


“If you don’t want to die, why do you have to commit suicide? The feeling of death is painful.”

“…I don’t want to starve to death, and I don’t want to ask others.”

“So…Amin, come here, this sister will be handed over to you in the future, and you are responsible for raising her.”

“Huh? Why?”

“The person you saved, you ask me why? Give me responsibility for the beginning and the end like a man, understand?”

“But I don’t have money, Dad, how can I raise it if I don’t have money.”

“I don’t like to listen to this, dad. Don’t you have the New Year’s Eve? And your little golden pig, which has a lot of money stored in it? It’s time to use it.”

“I don’t need your sympathy.”

“Tsk tusk… I don’t understand this little girl? This is not sympathy, sympathy is a kind of charity to the disadvantaged. But if my son raises you, it is not charity, but a deal with you. You have to pay the price. In return.”

“What do you want in return?”

“My family lacks a nanny. If you see my son is so stupid, you know that he needs someone to take care of him. From now on, you can come to my house as a nanny, cook and clean every day, take care of my son by the way, and we will give you the market price. Salary. At your age, should you be able to cook?”


“That’s it? You will be my son’s nanny from now on, help me stare at him, don’t let him be stupid all day long… are you okay?”

“No…no opinion…”

“OK, then introduce myself, my name is Yang Jing, this is my daughter-in-law Du Shuying, these two are my father-in-law and mother-in-law. As for the stupid boy over there, it is my son, Yang Xuming… how about you? Little girl, What’s your name?”

“Xu Xuan…”

“Well, Xu Xuan? Good name, then my son will ask you.”





In the office, Yang Xuming slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

In the corridor outside the office, the noisy and noisy sounds of students can already be heard.

I don’t know when the door of the office has been opened. Several teachers have already sat in their seats and are busy with their own affairs.

Yang Xuming checked the time, at 2:15, it was about to start class.

He quickly got off the folding bed, put it away, thanked the chemistry teacher on the side by the way, and then rubbed his eyes and hurried toward the toilet.

In the corridors of the teaching building, students are coming and going, and every classroom that passes by is also full of people.

This noisy and noisy teaching building looks like two completely different worlds from the quiet and silent teaching building not long ago.

When he went to the toilet and washed his face with cold water, Yang Xuming’s sleepy spirit became a little more sober.

He rubbed his face and walked out of the toilet, but bumped into a girl who had just gone upstairs.

“Hey…who sees…yeah! Teacher Yang!”

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Yang Xuming put down his hands, only then could he see who the girl he had hit was.

Gu Wen, the little girl who ate with him at noon.

At this moment, she was sitting on the ground with a surprised look, looking at Yang Xuming with wide eyes, as if she was a little shy.

Bumping against Yang Xuming with her small body is tantamount to shaking a big tree with a mightfly. Yang Xuming is as stable as an old tree, but Gu Wen fell to the ground.

Yang Xuming stretched out his hand to pull her up and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention just now. Didn’t you fall down?”

Gu Wen nodded timidly, “No… I’m sorry, Teacher Yang, I didn’t pay attention to walking… I’m sorry…”

Several students passing by saw this scene, their eyes widened in surprise, as if they had seen an alien.

Yang Xuming was a little uncomfortable with the eyes of these students.

What kind of look is this? Do you think he and Gu Wen have something?

This group of young students really…what are they thinking about?

To avoid suspicion, Yang Xuming didn’t dare to stay any longer.

He said a few words casually and left in a hurry.

However, after walking far, Yang Xuming recalled the situation for a while, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and looked back.

He watched from a distance as a girl named Gu Wen walked into the classroom, frowning slightly.

When he pulled the other party up just now, he found that Gu Wen’s hands seemed cold.

That feeling, it seems a bit like… a corpse?

But just now I was busy caring about whether Gu Wen was injured or not, Yang Xuming didn’t pay special attention to the opponent’s hand.

Only subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and now after I recovered, I discovered where the feeling of something was wrong originated.

Yang Xuming couldn’t be more familiar with the touch of the corpse.

The cold touch made him unable to ignore.

But Gu Wen looks like everything is normal, there is nothing strange, maybe it’s just her simple cold hands?

Or do you think too much?

Yang Xuming frowned slightly.

After all, it is an area where the veins of the earth have changed. Could it be that a new ghost has appeared in Liupanshui?

It seems that I will have a little chat with this Gu Wen after school.

It’s okay if you think more about it, but if Gu Wen really provokes something unclean, then you can’t just ignore it.

With this idea, Yang Xuming returned to the office, took away his books and notebooks, and walked towards the classroom with Teacher Keren in the afternoon when the bell rang in class.

“Attend class!”

“Hello teacher.”

The familiar ceremony gave Yang Xuming a little nostalgia sitting at the back of the classroom.

He used to spend every day like this, but he never imagined that one day he would return to the middle school class as a teacher.

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