All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Police action (6 more for blade monthly pass)

That is not a very happy life, nor is it a memory worthy of joy.

Now when he wakes up, Yang Xuming only feels that his heart is empty, there is a kind of melancholy.

Why did I dream about the story of the Jiang sisters last night?

Overcoming their souls, they should have left.

Or do they want people to know what happened in their home?

Yang Xuming didn’t know.

But in this world, there is at least one insider who knows the suffering of the Jiang sisters and understands their grief.

Yang Xuming got up and opened the curtains.

The warm sun shining on him, he opened the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, as if to relieve all the pressure in his body.

A few seconds later, Yang Xuming closed the window.

As a result, at this moment, Yang Xuming’s cell phone rang suddenly.

“Let me grow up for three thousand years, wandering in the world…”

In the bedroom, the sudden sound of music frightened Yang Xuming.

Damn it? Plum texting again? I haven’t gone out yet.

But when he walked over and picked up the phone, he realized that it was not a text message.

It’s Wang Zhen’s phone.

Seeing this caller contact, Yang Xuming was a little strange.

Why is Wang Zhen looking for him at this big noon?

Yang Xuming answered the phone.

“Brother Wang? Is there anything to do with me?”

The other end of the phone seemed a bit noisy, and it sounded like it was in a restaurant.

Wang Zhen’s voice was a bit ambiguous, and he was obviously calling him while eating.

“Student Yang, are you at home?” Wang Zhen asked.

“Uh… at home, what’s the matter? Brother Wang, are you coming here again?”

“You don’t need to come here. I will tell you directly on the phone,” Wang Zhen said. “This morning, an employee of Shuanglong Hotel was found dead in the employee dormitory. The forensic doctor is still examining the body. But it is currently speculated that, The cause of death may be pneumonia caused by a bad cold.”

“We adjusted the surveillance and found out that your kid met this female employee yesterday…Why are you going to the Shuanglong Hotel?”

“Uh…is the dead employee named Gu Yue’e?” Yang Xuming asked.

“Yes, it’s her,” Wang Zhen said. “When you saw her yesterday, did you find anything unusual in her? We investigated and everyone else in the hotel said that the deceased had no symptoms of a cold before, but this Gu Yue’e Suddenly died of illness last night, it was strange to die.”

“Um…this…” Yang Xuming said, “If she is abnormal, it seems that her behavior is a little abnormal?”

“How to say?”

“When I found her yesterday, she was normal at first. After I asked her if she was a fortune-teller, she suddenly went crazy, saying that I am the ghost of the Jiang family, and what is the Jiang family? The ghost wanted to kill her or something, so I was driven away by her,” Yang Xuming told the truth.

Wang Zhen’s voice sounded a little confused, “The ghost of the Jiang family? What Jiang family?”

“Uh…I don’t know, it may be the Jiang family in Shuangga,” Yang Xuming said, “I heard in Shuangga that there is a red house over there, and all the family members are missing. It is said that this Gu Yue’e was for that The family’s fortune-telling, that family seems to have the surname Jiang.”

Wang Zhen was a little confused, “Why are you going to Shuangga?”

“Find someone to help, Brother Wang, have you forgotten? I have been having nightmares about my girlfriend recently. I suspect she has turned into a ghost, and may even come to kill me.”

“So you go to Shuangga to find a goddess? How did you know that there are goddesses in Shuangga?” Wang Zhen asked.

“Urban legend! It is said that a family of four died in the red house in Shuangga, all mysteriously disappeared and turned into ghosts, and the cry of a little girl would be heard in the red house in the middle of the night. According to someone, there was a wet lady named Gu Yue’e who used to tell the family fortune-telling, so I went to her for fortune-telling to see what happened to Li Zi.”

After listening to Yang Xuming’s explanation, Wang Zhen seemed to be speechless, “You…you guys are also a 21st century college student anyway. When is he still playing feudal superstition. Do you really believe that Gu Yue’e can tell fortune-telling?”

“But I do dream of plum every night, I feel she has a deep grievance, maybe she will come back to kill me.”

“I suggest you go see a psychologist,” Wang Zhen said helplessly. “It’s more useful to find a psychologist for treatment than to find any goddess. Jiujiang is more than a thousand kilometers away from Liupanshui, even if your girlfriend becomes a ghost. Can she fly more than a thousand kilometers to kill you?”

“And that Gu Yue’e we investigated three years ago. It’s a real liar, the kind who specializes in cheating and abducting.”

“As for the Jiang family, it’s not like a ghost.”

“Jiang Yun, the man of the Jiang family, committed suicide by jumping off a cliff three years ago. His wife probably left with his two daughters. Although we have not yet found the mother and daughter, it is certain that the Jiang family of four is definitely not mysteriously missing. ”

“Three years ago, when the Jiang family committed suicide by jumping off a cliff at Meihua Mountain, I was among the people who were investigating the scene, okay? Don’t believe those urban legends, it’s pure nonsense.”

“If you don’t believe me, let me give you another example.”

“Last time we heard that Baiyun Mountain Villa was haunted, and it was spread that there were noses and eyes. As a result, some of our colleagues in the bureau stayed in it all night and didn’t see any ghosts.”

Wang Zhen’s painstaking education Yang Xuming said, “Your kid is also a college student in the new century, with knowledge and culture. If you think about it, if there are ghosts in this world, why haven’t you seen them?”

Uh… Brother Wang, if you don’t believe me, I now have three ghosts in my house.

One is my girlfriend, and the other two are her ghosts.

The embroidered shoes hanging on my door were given to me by sister Li Gui from the Jiang family.

In my handbag, there is also a notebook from my classmate Wu Zi.

…Of course, it is impossible for Yang Xuming to say the above words.

So he decided to divert the subject.

“Well, Brother Wang, can I ask you one thing?”


“Regarding the death of my classmate Wu Zi… Has the case progressed now?”

“Not yet, and it is impossible to tell you, who knows if your kid is a murderer?” Wang Zhen said straightforwardly.

Yang Xuming was a little embarrassed, “Haha…well, I won’t ask, Brother Wang, you’re busy, I’m going to eat.”

After hanging up Wang Zhen’s phone, Yang Xuming breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the police are acting very quickly.

Gu Yue’e’s death was discovered so soon, and he was investigated.

But unfortunately, no matter how the police investigate, it is impossible to have anything to do with Yang Xuming.

Yang Xuming kept a distance from Gu Yue’e during the whole process. It was the sisters of the Jiang family who did it. What does it have to do with me, Yang Xuming?

Regardless of Gu Yue’e’s death, Yang Xuming directly pulled out “The Record of Life and Death”, wanting to see how the derivation of this broken book turned out.

Now for him, finding Xiaozi is the most important thing.

That was his only help!

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