All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 118 - Reach cooperation

Edgar Hoover became more and more powerful during Roosevelt ’s presidency. He even held **** photos of Mrs. Roosevelt and **** recordings of her sympathizers; after Truman became president, he saw that Roosevelt left him a number and The FBI, which has greatly expanded its power, can’t help but be surprised and dissatisfied.

This is normal. No politician wants to have such a strong man. Truman wrote in a memo just one month after taking office: We do n’t need Gestapo or the secret police. The Bureau of Investigation is moving in that direction; they The responsibility should have been to catch criminals, but they are keen to engage in **** scandals and blackmail. They are also used to defying local law enforcement officials; this practice must be stopped. What we need is cooperation.

Edgar-Hoover immediately responded. In the Bureau of Investigation, he identified a person familiar with Truman as a new liaison officer who maintained contact with the White House by the Bureau of Investigation. Through this person, he expressed his Truth to Truman: he and the Federation The Bureau of Investigation is subject to your control. He will do whatever you want him to do.

But this is not enough. Truman immediately retorted when he heard this: When I need the investigation bureau to contribute, I will do so through my attorney general.

Made Edgar Hoover angry, but the other party was the president after all. He is now having a headache about how to deal with Truman.

“I suggest that you don’t have to deal with Elizabeth Bentley in a hurry first, because she seems to be planning to establish a connection with an important staff member of your Excellency the President recently.” Once Truman’s important men were found to be involved with the Red Empire spy, presumably The situation of the Buddha can be eased a lot.

Hoover nodded silently, motioning Shen Long to continue.

“The Corleone family also has some business dealings in Kansas City, Michigan.” Shen Longji said slyly that Kansas City was Truman’s hometown, where he also got the support of the local political leaders before he embarked on the road to flying. “So we With a little understanding of the underworld figures in Kansas City, we learned that some local underworld figures are closely related to Tom Pendgast. “Pendgst is the noble person who recommended Truman as a senator.

“What you said is true?” Hoover took it seriously. What he was most good at was investigating the handle of politicians and forcing them to follow. Although this news could not make Truman hurt, but with the one just mentioned It’s the same.

“Pendergast’s rule in Kansas relies heavily on the help of the Mafia. Many people know this matter.” The history of American gangs can be divided into several stages. The first stage begins with the Irish famine in 1845. A large number of Irish people poured into the United States to form an Irish gangster. Martin Scorsese’s “New York Gangster” reflected this history.

The second phase is closely related to the prohibition order of the 1920s. The prohibition order promoted the development of gangs. “Atlantic Empire” clearly describes how the gangs of this era made their fortunes. The rise of the Corleone family also benefits from this Laws; in addition, Al-Capone, Gambino, Luciano and other famous gangsters also made a fortune.

The growth of gangs has made politicians in many places have to accept their influence. The godfather and many politicians in New York have close contacts, and Pende Gust also rely on the local gangs in Kansas in many places.

“It seems that this guy has many problems in addition to tax evasion and tax evasion.” Hoover nodded and made a note of this matter. When he was in Kansas just a few years ago, he just met Pendgast accused of tax evasion and tax evasion. He I just took this matter as a potentially useful weapon, and now this weapon has become more useful.

“Speak, what else do you know, and what do you want me to do.” These two messages are very useful to Edgar Hoover. He knows that Shen Long still has more news in his hand. Know that the other party will not give away these messages for free.

“The godfather once taught us that friendship is everything. Friendship is more important than talent. Friends are more important than government. Friends are simply equal to your family. Never forget this. If you build a line of defense with friends, you will become More powerful. “Shen Long didn’t immediately say his request. This was a simple transaction. This was not what he expected.” The Corleone family hopes to be your friend. “

“Please believe that we have no conflicts of interest, and in some places, we can also help you notice some places that the FBI did not notice.” Shen Long continued, he did hold a lot Useful news for skin care, but it is not suitable to be released all at once, so it will appear that these news are not precious enough ~ ~ Very good, someone will give you a call later, when you have collected useful news, You can call me to tell me. “Hoover nodded and rang the call bell on the table. The expressionless man came in just now and gave Shen Long a note. Shen Long made a note of this number and then put the paper in front of Hoover’s face.” Strip off.

This conversation ended like this, Shen Long turned and left, Hoover sat there and did not get up, do not know what to think, today Shen Long gave him too many accidents.

Shen Long is very satisfied with his performance today. Although Hoover did not promise anything, he can see that they have reached a preliminary cooperation agreement. As for how to consolidate, it depends on whether he can provide more useful in the future. News, and what he or the Corleone family will ask Hoover for.

He came out of the house and parked a black car with a hunting brand at the door. There are at least 100,000 such cars in New York, which are not at all conspicuous. It is a good choice to hide his identity. Kleimansha let Poly go to Bauna When Sierra revenge, he drove a stolen car of the same type.

Entered the car, the driver started the car to send him back to Corleone’s home in Long Beach, the whole journey remained silent.

Shen Long just came out of the car, the person guarding the door informed him that his godfather was waiting in the study, and wanted to come to his bodyguard and told the godfather that he had been taken away by the FBI.

“Is Edgar Hoover?” The old godfather asked, and after receiving a positive answer, he handed Shen Long a glass of wine, “That’s a bad guy, but it seems that you have a good chat?”

“Yes, I gave him some useful news, he gave me a number, let me continue to search for news for him.” Shen Long took the glass and sat down, slowly talking to the godfather about the conversation.

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