All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 123 - Paradise Cinema

During World War II, Sicily was destroyed as if it were a mess. Many people’s lives are in trouble and they want to come to the United States. Sicily is the birthplace of the Mafia. The men here are very familiar with gang rules and dare to fight and observe discipline. The best fresh blood of the Lyon family.

Shen Long considered more than just making a movie to make money. Today, the main members of the family are all left by the godfather. He also needs his own power. If he can pull a group of people from Sicily, he will become himself. The backbone of the future.

“It won’t be the way you think. I’ll call you in a few days. You’ll come to see the script and talk about it.” Shen Long has begun to think about copying that movie.

After sending away Johnny and Nino, Shen Long stayed in the room and went through all the movies related to Sicily he had seen in his mind. The “Godfather” series is definitely not good, “The Beautiful Legend of Sicily” ? This does not seem appropriate. The godfather is very conservative in the relationship between men and women, and the US military in this movie is not so positive. Now in the Cold War, do n’t cause yourself unnecessary trouble because of a movie.

Luc-Besson’s “Blue Sea and Blue Sky”? This movie shows the beautiful blue sea and blue sky of Sicily, but the story is a bit literary, and there are many underwater shots. I do n’t know if it can be shot in this era. The shooting is difficult, the investment is high, and the return is not high. Obviously not Suitable.

“Postman” tells the story of Chilean poet Neruda in Sicily, but Neruda went to Sicily more than ten years later, and he is still a member of Parliament in Chile.

The rest are some movies that reflect the Sicilian Mafia, or Shen Long specifically watched for this task, which is not as suitable as “The Godfather”.

After thinking about it, there is only one “Paradise Cinema” left. This movie is the same as “The Sicilian Legend”, the work of the Italian director Giuseppe Tonadore. The story takes place in Sicily. In the small village.

Duoduo is a quirky kid, and Efido is a projectionist at the “Paradise Theatre”, because the film’s needle-punching leads to them building up the feeling of being a teacher and a friend; the projectionist plays a leading role In his childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and even old age, he has led the growth of Duoduo; after his death, he left Duoduo with a box of film to reconnect the memories and emotions that Duoduo lost for thirty years.

The story is warm and touching. There should be many people who like to watch it, and its artistic value is also very high. It has won many awards such as Oscar foreign language films. If it can be filmed, it is very likely to achieve fame and fortune.

It’s just that the background of the story needs to be slightly modified. The story in the original work has a long time span, from a lot of childhood to his success, from about forties and fifties to the nineties, but now it is 1945.

Maybe you can move the time a little bit forward, and the protagonist ’s identity is changed from an old director to a Hollywood actor, just like Johnny; the establishment of American film dominance in Europe is after World War I. You can put the story background in At this time, correspondingly, the classic shots appearing in the movie should also be selected from classic works of the 1920s and 1920s.

However, was there a cinema in the small village of Sicily then? Or you need to move the story from the small village to the small town.

Shen Long spent several days to recall and modify this story. After a week, the first draft was finally written. He called Johnny, called him to the hotel, and showed him the story.

This is not a completed script, but only a story. Johnny looked at it with a manuscript, and slowly he was immersed in this story.

He watched it again and again, and did n’t wake up until the third time, and excitedly said to Shen Long, “This is really a good story. I feel like I ’m in a lot of stories, and the godfather is like a projectionist. Elfido, provide me with guidance in life and take care of me growing up! “

Hey, it sounds a bit like this. Shen Long did n’t think so much when copying this story. Now when I hear Johnny say it, I think it ’s like this. He grew up under the care of his godfather; Efedo did not allow Duoduo to stay in the village as a projectionist, let him go to big cities, and the godfather did not let Johnny mix family matters, let him go to Hollywood to develop.

During the growth of Toto, Efedo used his rich life experience to provide guidance for him, and the godfather also provided help for Johnny ’s growth again and again; Toto finally became a big director, and Johnny became a big Celebrity.

“Just like it, the story is probably like this, more details still need you to find someone to fill in.” For example, how to choose those films that appear in the movie, how to cut those classic shots cut out, historical research, custom research Wait ~ ~ is very meticulous and time-consuming work, Shen Long does not have this energy.

“No problem, with this story, I can find a few screenwriters who are familiar with Sicily to write a good script!” These are small questions, and Johnny can easily get it done, “Yes, who wrote this story? of?”

Shen Long shrugged, “You can put your name on it, maybe you will get an Oscar for the best original screenplay award.” The film won the best screenplay award in the UK in that year and was placed in the forty. Hollywood, many years ago, can definitely hang these current screenwriters.

“Fredo, wouldn’t you tell me it was written by you?” Johnny’s eyes widened, and from the typewriter on the table and the scrap paper, he vaguely guessed the truth.

“I do n’t need this reputation, but you. If you can win this award, it ’s a good thing for our film studio; you do n’t have to worry too much about the future, maybe I can provide you with a script in the future. “If you go on like this, maybe in this world, in the future, the eight Hollywood companies will have one more company controlled by the Corleone family.

“Oh, Fredo, you are definitely more suitable than me to be the boss of this movie studio.” Johnny gratefully didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t be too excited, look back and think about how to make this movie well, this is our company’s first work, absolutely can not fail!” Shen Long patted his shoulder, “Yes, wait until the time When you go to Sicily for framing, remember to call me, and I also want to go back to Corleone village. “

After finishing the script, Shen Long again asked about his recent work progress, “How is the studio going?”

“Most of them went well and encountered a little problem.” Johnny frowned again.

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