All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 41 - change

“Qinling, you should cook today!” Come back to rest for a while, it’s time to cook.

Qin Ling’s face was hard to see. She didn’t know how to cook, but she was afraid of fetching water. Baidian Village is an arid area. Since ancient times, it lacked water. The well has been deep. The rope for carrying water is 100 meters long. Qin Ling is so thin. The girl who wanted to lift the water was not easy. The first time she lifted the water, she was almost hit by the roller into the well. Since then, she shivered when she saw the roller.

“Come on, let me tell you, everyone in the village also sees the water well. Not only can you not get up, but also the danger of falling down. So I think we will do a division of labor, and let the boys do it in the future. Girls help boys to wash and sew up clothes as compensation, do you think this is appropriate? “Shen Long called the group and said.

“Agree, my clothes have been broken for several days.” Jiang Shaoan first raised his hand in favor.

“Socks and trousers can be your own.” The girls also expressed their support, and it is not only Qinling who is afraid of fetching water.

“I’m so poor, there are trousers there!” Hu Jianjun started to make a fuss, and it was so noisy. Qin Ling smiled gratefully at Shen Long, and the man’s carefulness moved her again.

After eating, several educated youths who love to study review their homework in the cave, and the rest shrink in the quilt to brag and chat. Shen Longti strolled to find Bai Mingchuan from what he bought from the county, “Baizhishu, I came back from the county Let me report it to you. “

It happened that the accountant in the village was also there, and the three had done it without much effort. Bai Mingchuan said with emotion, “We finally have another school in the village, thanks to the dolls from these cities.”

“We filled the village with so much trouble, what we should do.” Shen Long didn’t want to be like other educated youths, and returned to the city with nothing but “Xiao Fang” left.

“By the way, Bai Zhishu, Wang accountant, I ask, is it convenient for us to buy things in our village?” The accountant surnamed Wang, called Wang Mantang, and he happened to have a girl named Wang Shufen, but Shen Long asked, this Wang Shufen child I will be soy sauce, I think I will not be Li Kuiyong’s wife.

“It depends on what you buy, buy some oil, salt, kerosene and go twenty miles to the commune supply and marketing cooperative; if you want to buy other things, you have to go to the county.” Wang Mantang replied.

“That’s not too close. Going back and forth in the commune has spent most of the day, and you have to start your body early in the city, and you can get back after smearing.” Shen Long said, “One day, one day will be delayed.”

“Isn’t it! I ran out of kerosene when I went home. I borrowed it from Mingchuan and changed it after three days. Mingchuan didn’t dare to light the lights at night, for fear of running out of kerosene.” Wang Mantang sucked two dry smoke. Grumble.

“Secretary, I have an immature idea, you think it is not.” Shen Long said his own way, “Our village has a lot of people who go to communes and counties every month to buy things. Not only is it inconvenient for everyone, but also Affect the repair of water conservancy. “

“Well, this is the case. At least 20 or 30 of them were on leave last month. How much earthwork was dug?” Bai Mingchuan is very clear about these things. “Do you have a way to solve this problem?”

“I’m afraid that you have to come forward. When I bought something, I discussed with the leaders of the supply and marketing cooperatives. He said that if the village is willing to come forward, it can be used to buy some matches, oil, salt, kerosene and other common necessities in the village. Sales, and then find them once a month, and then return the next month’s things. “Shen Long said his own method, which is also the method he found in the memoirs of the educated youth.

“Can county supply and marketing cooperatives agree?” Bai Mingchuan, like most village cadres, is timid and has a hard time. When he encounters changes, he thinks of possible obstacles.

“I said good things to them for a long time, and they finally agreed. We are the village party branch and county supply and marketing cooperatives. As long as they do not increase the price, the original price will be sold to the villagers. This does not conflict with the current policy. “Shen Long said lightly, but in fact it took a lot of effort for young and old.

“This is a big event, and we must convene the party branch to expand the meeting and discuss it.” Bai Mingchuan smoked and smoked, but he didn’t make a decision easily.

“This should be done. In addition, the establishment of this sales agency also requires a special person to be responsible. It is best to read literacy and literacy for lesbians and give them credits. This will not affect the water conservancy; if there is no suitable person in the village, I can Help training. “Shen Long is not in a hurry. He has already figured out Bai Mingchuan’s temperament. There is great hope for this to be done.

“Your girl and the daughter-in-law of the Mingli family can recognize words, that is, they need to be taught to keep accounts.” Wang Mantang has now begun to consider the issue of candidates, “let them go to school, and then take turns on duty.” It’s much easier than going to the construction site. Who doesn’t want their children to be more comfortable?

Sure enough, that night, Bai Mingchuan and Wang Mantang came door to door to gather people from the party branch ~ ~ Plus Shen Long opened an expanded meeting, and finally decided to ask the county town in a few days.

Bai Mingchuan drove when he went, and there was only Shen Long in the car. When he came back, the car was full of matches, kerosene, oil, salt, vinegar, and soap, and other daily necessities. Not only did Shen Long get it from the hospital. After returning some standing medicine and a “barefoot doctor handbook”, this village not only has an additional sales point, but also added a medical point.

In the future, if the villagers want to buy something or see a minor illness, they do n’t have to go to the city. Sun Xiaoxia ’s parents are doctors. They know a little about something, and then look at this book. General minor illnesses can be solved, at least stronger than now. many.

“Kui Yong has done a great thing for Zandaian Village this time.” Men, women and children of Mancun are crowded at the door of the consignment point, looking at the goods inside, and thumbs up to praise Shen Long.

Sun Xiaoxia is also very grateful to him. She can get work points while staying at the medical point, and she can read and study in her free time. It is much better than shepherding and cooking. She also wrote a letter to go home and asked her parents to send more medical treatments. To better serve the folks.

“Don’t envy everyone, the chairman said, there is much to do in the vast countryside. It is just beginning now. As long as we are willing to work hard to think of ways, the days will be better every day.” Seeing other educated youths was somewhat lost, Shen Long comforted .

The weather is getting colder and colder. Work on the construction site is gradually stopped. The villagers are idle. Shen Long is unwilling to lie down in the winter. He called a few educated youths who were willing to go and came to the wild countryside.

“There is not much food for us in the village. I don’t think I can hold the spring wheat harvest. We have to prepare in advance to see if we can find some wild vegetables and dig a few voles holes …” This is the excuse Shen Long made. Actually he has another purpose.

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