All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 46 - Do you want to go to school?

Shaanxi now has coal mines. In 1955, Tongchuan Mining Bureau was established on the basis of the original Tongguan coal mine. It has a number of coal mines under its jurisdiction, including the Yakou Coal Mine prototype Yakou Coal Mine where Sun Shaoping is located in “Ordinary World”. Lu Yao ’s younger brother worked as a worker in the 4th mining area of ​​Yakou Coal Mine. Because of this relationship, Lu Yao came here to collect wind while writing “Ordinary World”.

There are large coal mines in the jurisdiction, and there are naturally relevant departments in charge of managing coal mines in the province. The county leaders took them to rest in the guest house for a day, and began to report.

After the county leader finished the report, it was the turn of the discoverer to speak. Bai Mingchuan had been sitting on this leg and shivered, so this responsibility fell on the educated youths. However, Jiang Shaoan, who had originally planned to speak, was also nervous. Don’t dare to go up, so Shen Long came to speak.

Shen Long hadn’t dealt with provincial senior officials before, but his mentality was stable, and he read it after receiving the manuscript from Jiang Shaoan. Standard Mandarin, fluent speech, and relatively professional vocabulary attracted leaders not to Nod.

“… According to the distribution range of the coal block and the Jurassic plant fossils with obvious characteristics in the coal block, we can infer that there is a high probability of large coal fields hidden in the area, and it is worth sending an exploration team to conduct a special survey … The report is completed, Thank you for your leadership. “Shen Long said for ten minutes, and Shen Long bowed.

“This … Comrade Li Kuiyong, please wait.” The responsible leader did not immediately let Shen Long go down. “I have a few questions to ask you, where did you learn about the relationship between coal and plant fossils?”

“I came from a worker’s family. I have been determined to contribute to industrial undertakings since I was young, so when I was in Beijing, I often went back to the library to check various industrial-related books. These are all seen from the books.” Shen Long is a serious book Nonsense, if Zhong Yuemin heard this, it would be ironic immediately. When you were studying, you patronized and went to the library? I bother!

“Good thing, our children of workers should have this kind of consciousness.” The leader is also a worker. I heard this very much, and I think of the few children who only fight in the family. Shen Long became more pleasing to the eyes.

“From the perspective of amateurs, you have done a good job of this report.” These are old seniors who have worked in the coal industry for more than ten years or even decades. If professionals write such reports It is necessary to be drooling all over the face, but Shen Long is a layman. They are naturally tolerant and praised two sentences.

“This report was not made by me alone. Comrade Hu Jianjun helped to draw the surrounding map and plant fossil patterns. Comrade Jiang Shaoan helped to write the manuscript. I couldn’t write such a good article with my writing. Comrade Liu Ying was because of his family. The reason is that they have a better understanding of coal mine matters and provided a lot of reference knowledge … Bai Zhishu took the villagers of Baidian Village to provide many conveniences for collecting specimens and drawing maps … “Shen Long did not take credit, and gave a lot of credit. All gave up to others.

Hu Jianjun, Liu Ying and others bowed their heads embarrassedly. Bai Mingchuan didn’t expect to show his face in front of such a high leader, and his big mouth with a few teeth was missing and he didn’t know the southeast and northwest.

“It’s all good comrades. With the materials you provide, the exploration team can save a lot of effort.” Leaders once again praised that now the country attaches so much importance to the energy industry, if they can find a large coal mine, it will have great benefits for them. Thanks to these educated youths, or when will the exploration team find it slowly, when will it be found?

In addition, coal mines also require knowledgeable talents. These outstanding young people let them see their ambitions and ca n’t help tempting them. “Would you like to work in a coal mine? We can try to recommend you to Tongchuan Coal Mine Technical College if you want. Read the book and come to work directly after reading. “

Several leaders have thought about it. Hu Jianjun ’s paintings can be responsible for publicity work. Jiang Shaoan can write and write speeches for the secretary as the leader. Shen Long ’s ability is more comprehensive, and he can even be trained as a key reserve cadre …

Reading? Go to school and be a worker? Upon hearing the good news, Hu Jianjun, Jiang Shaoan, Liu Ying, and others were directly ashamed. They did not expect such a good thing to fall on them.

Hu Jianjun swallowed a spit and looked at Shen Long together with several others. To be honest, Shen Long took care of them, or else they had this opportunity there? So everything is naturally dominated by Shen Long.

“Don’t rush to answer first, this is a big deal, you can go back and discuss with your family, oh, Comrade Li Kuiyong’s family is in Beijing? After a while, I will let you take you to the telegraph.” The leader looked at them with a smile. Several young people became his men. During this period, there were few opportunities to recruit workers. He did not believe that these dolls would refuse.

Free telegrams don’t send white and white ~ ~ Shen Long made some things for Li Kuiyuan to study hard, they didn’t mention a word about their work, and the people who accompanied him were confused.

“Oh, I am the eldest son of the family, I have the final say in the family affairs, these do not need to discuss with them.” Shen Long also explained it specifically, returned to the guest house, several educated youths were discussing the geothermal heat in the room.

“I have inquired. The Coal Mine Technical College has a short training class. It can work in the first half of the year, and even if he has worked in school, he will go to work in the coal mine directly after graduation. How can I spend 30 yuan a month!” Jiang Shao’an opened flowers, and he and Liu Ying could go, so that they could get married when they reached graduation age.

Hu Jianjun smoked cigarettes one by one. He was considered to have the opportunity to study in the state unit. Sun Xiaoxia, a child in Baidian Village, if he went to school, he would not be able to meet for a long time. On one side is love, which puts him in a dilemma.

Liu Ying is a girl with a keen mind. While happy, she also noticed the situation of Hu Jianjun, and said comfortingly, “Jianjun, don’t worry, it only takes half a year to go to school. Maybe half a year later, the coal mine in Baidian Village should be prepared. When you apply for work there, you will be able to be with Xiaoxia again. Xiaoxia is now a doctor in the village and will not be tired. “

Hu Jianjun is better, yeah, as long as he can wait for half a year to meet again, it is not really you in this era, because there are more couples who are separated by work.

After finishing Hu Jianjun, the big guy looked at Shen Long again, what would he do? He is much better than Hu Jianjun. When he arrives at the coal mine, he will definitely introduce leaders. Will he still go to Baidian Village?

“Look at me? I didn’t plan to go to school.” Shen Long laughed.

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