All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 68 - Xiangbei is very strong

“Don’t be misled by the ranking of the national competition. In fact, Xiangbei is very strong.” Ma Bo emphasized this point again. “The five starters in Xiangbei definitely have the strength to win the championship.”

“Is that so exaggerated?” Shen Long was a bit ignorant. In his impression, Xiangbei’s strength is indeed good, but to say that he definitely has the strength of a national champion, it is a bit over. “They lost to Hainan and Lingnan in the county competition. , Xiangyang also played very difficult, the nationwide famous friends industry, Aihe Academy, Da Rong College, these teams are not bad, plus Hakata Business, Loan, who have not played, these two have not played. Seed team, there seems to be a lot of strength in the impression than Xiangbei, right? “

“This is the atmosphere deliberately created by Inoue. After all, if the opponent is too weak, how can it set off the strongness of Xiangbei?” Ma Bo raised his mouth and took a glass of beer and continued.

“Let ’s talk about the county competition first, not talking about the theater version. Those are not adaptations of Inoue ’s original comics. Before meeting Xiangyang, Xiangbei won all the way with ease, and then how long did Xiangbei ’s first five talents work together ? “

“When playing Xiangyang and Hainan, Sakuragi Flower Road did not have the ability to shoot at all, Rukawa Feng had not learned to pass the ball, oh, yes, Akagi was injured and played for a while while fighting against Hainan, if it was replaced with Shan Wang In the game against Xiangbei, they are absolutely qualified to win the Kanagawa Prefecture Championship. “

“Shan Wang is indeed the only team in” Slam Dunk “, but with Hainan as a reference, it can be seen that Xiangbei already has the strength of the national top four. After all, Hainan took the third place last year. He won the runner-up again in a year, but Xiangbei is on par with their strength. “

“In addition, the practice match between Xiangbei and Changcheng High School also proves this. Xiangbei lacks Sakuragi Flower Road and can still draw with Changcheng High School. You should know that Changcheng High School’s trump card is power forward Yuko Chai. If Sakuragi Flower Road It ’s better to defend him. Kakuda ’s defense of Zichai is short. Rukawa Feng and Mitsui are not suitable for playing inside. In this case, Xiangbei can still win Changcheng High School once, which is enough to prove the strength of Xiangbei. ”

“Looking at the strong teams you mentioned, Darong College can beat Feng Yu by a big score, and Xiangbei is only a small victory. It gives the impression that Darong College may be a lot stronger than Xiangbei, but this is more of a style suppression. Reason, Tsuchiya Jun deliberately slowed down the rhythm, making Feng Yu’s running tactics impossible to play. “

“Actually, Darong College has little advantage over Feng Yu. In the first half, Darong College led by eight points. In the second half, it adapted to the rhythm and played back and forth. The last one or two main players were sent off. Pulling the score away, and finally losing only 13 points; and these children in Xiangbei are more self-willed and insist on running with Feng Yubi. If you slow down the pace of battle and let Akagi go in one by one, you will get A victory of more than ten is not difficult. “

“Think about it, Feng Yu’s running and tactics have been practiced for several years, how long did Xiangbei practice? This can win, indicating that the strength of the top eight nations is like that.”

“Hakata Commerce and Roan haven’t played well and it’s difficult to judge. Next, let’s talk about Aiwa Academy and Mingpeng Industry. There is a description in the game comics between these two teams.”

“In the beginning, Aihe Academy did not resist Mori Chongkuan’s offense. He was beaten 17 to 37. After the stars left the field, the score expanded again. When he returned, it was 56 to 27. The stars returned to adapt. Mori Chongkuan’s style of play began to break out, and Mori Chongkuan came to the end. At the end of the game, the score had already reached 74-68, which was only eight points away. If the time is longer, who loses or wins is really hard to say. “

“This shows that the industrial strength of Aihe Academy and Mingpeng Industry will not be much worse. Hainan National Competition and Aihe Academy are one and a half districts. Finally, Hainan won the runner-up, which means they won Aihe Academy. Since Hainan can win them, Xiangbei also There will be no chance, and so on, it is also possible for Xiangbei to defeat famous friends industry. “

“Xiangbei is only tied with Changcheng High School. Mingpeng Industry has won 46 points from Changcheng High School. Even if there is one more cherry tree flower road that can shoot, Xiangbei can’t win Changcheng so much?” Shen Long still thinks Some were unacceptable, thinking about trying to take out the case of Mori Chongkuan hanging Yu Zichai.

“This is the reason for the restraint of the lineup.” Ma Bo shrugged. “Changcheng is a one-man team of Mikoko. Oh, and at most one more soup boat that can cast a three-pointer. Mori Shigekuku just happens to restrain Mikoko. Mikoko does not play a lot. There are many, but it can be seen that it is a very stupid person. This kind of person generally has a relatively hard head. It is estimated that he was mad at the opening of Sen Zhongkuan ’s cap. Ten wide blocks, if not, the score between the two teams is not so big, the blocks want to double, it is not an easy task in the game. “

“After talking about other teams, let ’s talk about Xiangbei, Akagi, and the top three centers in the country. Among the characters who have played, it is determined that only Ogawa is better than him. Sen Zhongkuan ’s talent is higher than him. It is technically difficult to say, Akagi Even if you ca n’t win Sen Chongkuan, you can limit it a bit. “

“Rukawa Feng, second only to Zebei Rongzhi’s scoring master, can’t necessarily win him just by scoring a fairy tale; Mitsui Shou, the best three-pointer in the country, and good at ball control, breakthrough, defense, and overall situation, if it is not a delay In two years, the trump card of Xiangbei will never be Rukawa Feng; Miyagi, who is shorter and has limited shooting ability, but the breakthrough and rapid advancement are definitely first-class, the organization ability is good, and the judgment of the ball is very accurate. Contributed to key steals repeatedly. “

“Looking at Sakuragi Flower Road in the end, although he has played basketball for a short time, his talent is the highest in the whole manga. In other comic works in the future, it is clearly pointed out that Sakuragi Flower Road will become a real basketball star in the future. But other players have no treatment; playing basketball has only a few months to develop top rebounding ability, assisted defense ability, as well as better single defense ability, and keen insight, which is quite terrible. “

“It can be said that Xiangbei has national-level star players in five positions. Looking at the entire comic, except for Shan Wang and Xiangbei, there is no third team that can do it; this is actually the case in high school basketball games. I have also taken high school teams. Except for a few teams with special basketball admissions, most of the other teams only rely on one or two star players to play. Xiangbei with five star players is definitely very strong. “

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